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Elf, Interrupted: Book Two: Glorfindel's Quest  by Fiondil 7 Review(s)
KittyReviewed Chapter: 115 on 4/23/2010
The elflings seem to be on a good way; that Sorondil wants to become a Loriennildo is telling. While I doubt his parents will be pleased, at least at first, I think it's great. And it's sweet how worried they are for Vorondil.

Very sensible of Irmo to warn them that they could run into the older Vorondil. Somehow I am convinced they will stumble over each other, the way things are happening to them lately. It will be a trying time for Aldundil, no doubt – knowing his brother is back while worrying for his son, and with his wife away ...

Author Reply: I'm sure Sorondil's parents will raise objections at first, but eventually they'll come around. Being Vanyar they are in the habit of obeying the Valar and if Lord Irmo wants Sorondil as a Lóriennildo, then that's that.

Aldundil is certainly being pulled several different ways emotionally. Knowing his brother is in Lórien cannot help him but we'll see how it goes.

TariReviewed Chapter: 115 on 4/20/2010
Can't you just picture Finrod picking flowers with the elflings? What a hoot. It shows he is not too proud to tackle menial jobs. And then there is poor Aldundil having to deal with two Vorondil's. That's enough to make anyone's head turn in circles.

Author Reply: If he can wash dishes, he can pick flowers. *LOL* But it is nice to know that he doesn't think doing so is beneath him. Aldundil and his parents all have a lot of readjusting to do now that Vorondil, Sr. has been reborn.

SunnyReviewed Chapter: 115 on 4/19/2010
"The only time we look down on them is when we’re hiding in a tree and they’re trying to find us." A perfect rendering of elflingish! ;-)

It shall be interesting to see if Vorondil sr meets his relatives while in Lórien

Author Reply: Hi, Sunny. Yeah, I thought so too. *grin* As for Vorondil Sr meeting his relatives in Lórien.... hmmm....

rickReviewed Chapter: 115 on 4/19/2010
Hi, Fiondil,
I think this whole story is going splendidly. You do have quite a few threads wot weave back together eventually; it's interesting to watch each one develop. You've been taking weaving lessons from Vaire, right? :)
Keep up the good work!

Author Reply: Hi, Rick. There are quite a few threads to this story, more than I originally anticipated, and I hope I can weave them all back togeter, or at least most of them. As in real life, not all threads get woven back; there are always a few loose threads in everyone's life and that's as true of these characters as it is true for you and me. I'm glad you think this story is going splenidly. Thanks for letting me know. I greatl appreciate it.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 115 on 4/19/2010
Definitely a subject of concern, having brother returned and having married his betrothed! Now, maybe there are TWO Vorondils who might appreciate flowers!

Author Reply: You're right about that, Larner, though I suspect it will be some time before the Reborn Vorondil will even remember about Calalindalë. And flowers are always appreciated, whatever the occasion. *grin*

6336Reviewed Chapter: 115 on 4/19/2010
Hm, so now that reborn cat is out of the bag, so to speak!
Seems a little odd that, all of a sudden, most of Lorien is now open to the re-born, could bring about some interesting developements!
In ways I hope that Vorondil snr, does not meet up with his family, it will be very hard for them to not acknowlede him as being related.
Well the elflings are happier which means Finrod is happier.
Just how much longer will Melian have to wait for Elu? I know, I know all times are soon to the Mair and Valar!

Author Reply: That's right, Lynda. The Reborn cat is definitely out of the bag. *LOL*

I'm sure that Irmo has his reasons for opening up Lórien a bit more to the Reborn and everyone else. As to what happens with Vorondil, Sr... we will just have to wait and see.

I'm not sure just when Elu gets released from Mandos. Sometime in the next millennium of the Second Age I imagine,probably after Glorfindel has already left for Middle-earth, so he is unaware of it.

ellieReviewed Chapter: 115 on 4/19/2010
Finrod really is wonderful looking after the elflings and caring about their thiughts and concerns. I'm glad he was there to help with Aldundil finding out that his brother was released, I think it is best for the brother to not hasve to worry about having to marry Cal-whatever her name is. I feel sorry for Aldundil for having to be married to her.

Author Reply: Hi, Ellie. I'm glad you like Finrod here. He really does care for the elflings, probably more than he expected. I think he will make a great atto someday. His solicitude towards Aldundil I think also shows what a caring liegelord he is to his vassals. They're more than just another sword or spear carrier, they are people about whom he cares and wants only the very best. Wouldn't it be nice if some of our own leaders (political and religious) were like that?

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