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Elf, Interrupted: Book Two: Glorfindel's Quest  by Fiondil 7 Review(s)
KittyReviewed Chapter: 121 on 5/24/2010
Drafty old monstrosity? *raises eyebrow* I take it Lindarion has some bad memories in connection with that house? Seems to be another teaser for the Darkening story?

Glad Finrod brought the elflings along. I know I have said it before, but I love them, and particularly Vorondil, Veryandur and Eruanna.

Manwë's speech about candles and the dark was summing up the situation quite well, wasn't it? And the bit about him and dancing left me snickering. Really love that sort of bickering; it makes the Valar so much more ... human, for lack of a better word.

Double wedding? Now that would be a nice idea. Only a pity we can't have Glorfindel thrown into the mix, too. Would be nice to marry these three gwedyr off together.

Author Reply: Drafty old monstrosity? *raises eyebrow* I take it Lindarion has some bad memories in connection with that house? Seems to be another teaser for the Darkening story?

You may be correct, Kitty, but you'll have to wait to find out. *grin*

While most of those at the Ball had no idea what the conversation between Manwë and Ingwë was about, the fact that they could see a teasing between them and the easy way in which Ingwë approachhed the Elder King, was an object lesson for them all. And you're right, Kitty, about this sort of thing making the Valar so much more human, or perhaps humane would be a better word.

As for having a double wedding.... I doubt it would happen. Finrod and Amarië have waited so long for their special day, I don't think anyone would want to detract from it. And having Glorfindel married would be unfair to his wife once he goes back to Middle-earth.

TariReviewed Chapter: 121 on 5/14/2010
That was quite a ball; filled with a growth in understanding due to wisdom spoken by Manwë and even a little romance. Can't wait to see what happens next.

Author Reply: Glad you liked it, Tari. There was a little bit of everything in it, wasn't there? Words of wisdom, romance and laughter. I'm sure everyone had a grand time of it.

6336Reviewed Chapter: 121 on 5/12/2010
Loved the opening ceremony, very simple and elegant, yet reminding every one of why they are there and a warning to keep an open mind.
Bit surprised that Manwe did not automatically lead the first Pavane, he who danced before the throne of Illuvitar in the time before time. This is the first time the Valae have hosted a ball so there were bound to be a few hiccups, maybe they should have consulted with Axantur, Arafinwe's Head of Protocol!
Liked how Finrod went into big brother mode when he went after Sador and Alassiel, ah, the first pangs of true lust, err, love!
Wonder why Lindarionis so disturbed by staying in the Royal Townhouse, what happened to him there?

Author Reply: And here's another that I missed the first time round, Lynda. *sigh* I think Manwë was curious to see what the Elves would do when he didn't quite follow protocol. He does have a sly streak to him and every once in a while it shines through. And, of course, by now you know the answer to your question about Lindarion. Sorry for taking so long to respond. I really don't know how I managed to miss these reviews.

MJReviewed Chapter: 121 on 5/10/2010
Just out of curiosity, did Ulmo dance with Nienna?

Good read, so far, though I wonder sometimes if the title should mention Glorfindel so specifically, since the story is as much about Finrod and the other Reborn (if one goes into a page count comparison). Just a thought...

Author Reply: Hi MJ. Yes, Ulmo would have partnered with Nienna since they were the only Valar who were going stag. *grin*

While it is true that Glorfindel isn't always in the picture, "Elf, Interrupted" as a whole begins and ends with Glorfindel and his quest is a microcosm of the quests of the other Reborn to find acceptance and a purpose in their new lives. And frankly, I think it's a little too late to change the title now, don't you? *grin*

Thanks for reviewing, though, MJ. I appreciate you taking the time and letting me know that you are still enjoying the story.

SunnyReviewed Chapter: 121 on 5/10/2010
How come nobody in the royal families like to stay at the royal townhouse? It can hardly be haunted – Namo would never tolerate that – and the elves wouldn’t want to build an ugly building. Can it be some sort of bad associations from earlier times?

When I read this chapter, I was reminded of one of Shiva’s alternate identities, Nataraja, or the Lord of the Dance. Which of course has nothing to do with this story...

Author Reply: I think it's just Lindarion who's not too keen to stay at the townhouse, but just why hasn't been revealed to me. Perhaps something happened there in the past that was upsetting and the memory of it still haunts the ellon.

Well, of course, there is more than one "Lord of the Dance", Sunny, and I didn't have Shiva in mind when I wrote this chapter. *grin* I was thinking more of the archetypal manifestation of "Dance" in all its aspects which the Valar embodied. I think in many ways they are the Archetypes from which all other forms are derived, so in that case they are less 'angels' in the traditional sense of the word, though they are ultimately 'messengers' of the divine in a broader sense than is usually associated with the purpose of angels in theological circles.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 121 on 5/10/2010
A most delightful ball, I must say. Wish I could have been there! And love the message of the initial ceremony, one all present will need to keep in mind as the council progresses.

Author Reply: Thanks, Larner. I'm glad you enjoyed this chapter. I think the message of the initial ceremony is one that is applicable in our own world where too often people are despised and dismissed because they are different in some way and therefore considered by others to be less rather than more.

UTfrogReviewed Chapter: 121 on 5/10/2010
Lovely chapter. Wish I could have attended such a beautiful party and seen the "Dance." Great imagery throughout.

Thank you.

Author Reply: Thanks, UTfrog, for letting me know how much you liked the imagery, especially of the 'Dance'. I really appreciate it.

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