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Elf, Interrupted: Book Two: Glorfindel's Quest  by Fiondil 9 Review(s)
MikoNoNyteReviewed Chapter: 999999 on 12/31/2013
Wow, Fiondil! This just moved along and suddenly it was done. I felt it was a bit fast, moving on to Elrond as quickly as it did, But! that's just me. I really felt a part of the disappointment when the story was concluded. Yes! I know there are more stories dealing with Glorfindel and Findarato! It was both fulfilling as a well-written story and sad at the separating conclusion. As much as we can see how Glorfindel wants this mission to Middle-earth, yet he has a long, long time to be away from friends and family. I know he will inevitably be feeling the loneliness. It a makes for a striking contrast between the happy-go-lucky seeming Noldo and the bound and determined to win at any costs warrior he must have been and will no doubt be again.

Once again, I am in love with your HoME references. I'm up to Volume 6 and pausing to do a Silmarillion Guild read-a-long this year. *big grin* But what I really like of your work is the Medieval research. It is like reading an expanded Malory or Chaucer with all the flavours and textures. Only thing missing is the music and I just pop in the iTunes for that. I really love it when an Author not only does their research but they do it right.

I thank you once more, Fiondil, for such a well-written and well-thought out opus.

Author Reply: I don't know, MikoNoNyte. 140-odd chapters before we even meet Elrond. I don't call that quick. I think you were so caught up with the story that it just seemed as if the end came too quickly. In which case, I did my job. LOL! And coming to the end of a good story is always sad because you want it to go on and on forever. That's why God invented sequels. *grin*

Anyway, I'm glad you are making your way through HoME. It's fascinating reading to see a genius at work and to see how Middle-earth came to be. And as a journalist friend of mine would say, "research, research, research". That is the key to any good writing, doing the necessary background research to make sure you have all your facts and figures straight because there's always someone somewhere out there who can spot the errors because you didn't do the proper research beforehand.

Thanks for taking the time to drop me a note. I'm glad you enjoyed this story. Happy New Year!

ekaterinReviewed Chapter: 999999 on 6/10/2012
This is an amazing story. Thank you for writing it and all your other stories.

Author Reply: I'm glad you enjoyed this, ekaterin. Thanks for letting me know. I appreciate it.

AyalaReviewed Chapter: 999999 on 11/8/2010
I have no words to describe how your story is so interesting and good
You have a fertile imagination and also you put here a smart story
i thank you of sharing with us wonderful your story
hope you will write more stories like that just now with a woman elf hero

Author Reply: Thank you, Ayala for letting me know how much you enjoyed this story. At the moment I have no plans to write any stories featuring female elf heroines, but you never know what the Muse might come up with. Being a guy myself, I prefer writing about male elf heroes (there are more of them anyway *grin*).

AiwenReviewed Chapter: 999999 on 9/4/2010
And so it ends. The vast saga has finally drawn to a close. Nicely done. That was an enormous number of plot threads to wrap up, but wrap them up nicely you have. Thank you for writing - I really enjoyed that.

Author Reply: Hi Aiwen. I am glad you enjoyed this epic so much and that you found the ending to your satisfaction. Thank you so much for taking the time to read and review. I appreciate it more than words can adequately express.

rickReviewed Chapter: 999999 on 8/24/2010
Wow! I can hardly believe it's done. What a great story, beginning to end (and including EI1). What happens next? whatever you write, I'll read it!

I'm glad the list helped; I feel like I got a NY Times headline .

Author Reply: Hi Rick,

Yes, it's finally done. I'm glad you enjoyed the story so much. As for what happens next, as promised, I will begin posting my Darkening story beginnng next week. This week I am posting two Loom stories. One is already up and the other will be up on Friday.

Thanks again for all your help and for reading and reviewing, Rick. I reall appreciate it.

walkerskyeReviewed Chapter: 999999 on 8/20/2010
I have thoroughly enjoyed both Glorfindel stories. what will I read now that they are done? will you write (please?) the tales of the second age leading up to the death of Gil-Galad? That's a huge hole in the tales. and, forgive my greediness, it should be a good, long tale. again, many thanks.

Author Reply: Hello walkerskye. Thank you so much for letting me know how much you have enjoyed my stories about Glorfindel. I appreciate you taking the time to do so. I do not know if I will write tales about the second age in Middle-earth leading up to Gil-galad's death, but you never know what the Muse will inspire one to write. In the meantime, there is my Darkening tale to look forward to and while it won't be quite as long as Elf, Interrupted, it'll be long enough, I promise.

SerindeReviewed Chapter: 999999 on 8/20/2010
So it is officialy finished. It will be missed.

Author Reply: Officially finished, Serinde, but now you have the pleasure of going back to the beginning and reading it all over again without having to wait for updates. *grin* I'm sure a lot of people will be doing that. I have been doing it myself. It's quite interesting to see what one has forgotten about the story that one first started reading four years ago.

6336Reviewed Chapter: 999999 on 8/20/2010
Wow! All I can think of is how did you keep track of them all!? That is a total of 259 charecters, including Valar, Maia and other beings. How did you come up with names for them all? I know, I know lots and lots of research!
Froday Morning Huggs,

Author Reply: Many of the characters (canon and original) are also found in the first book of "Elf, Interrupted", so I just copy/pasted that list into a new list and made necessary changes and added new characters to it as I went along in the story. As for the names.... well, as you guessed, lots and lots of research. *grin* It's part of the fun (for me) of creating new characters, giving them apppropriate and linguistically correct names. I deplore people who give characters names that 'sound' and 'look' Elvish but are completely made up. And sometimes, I just steal the names from minor characters taken from the Histories or from the Appendices to LOTR. It's a lot simpler. *grin*

SunnyReviewed Chapter: 999999 on 8/20/2010
There it was: the notice giving the status of this story as Complete. *sniffles, dabs at eyes*
At least now I can put the whole story on my Bebook (once I have converted it to the format I want, that is.) And I am pondering whether I should use the picture of the blue Morpho butterfly I used for "cover picture" on EI1 or go looking for something else.

Author Reply: Yes, it's official. I am presently re-editing the entire story (both books)and I should be done by the Labor Day weekend, which, here in the States, is the first weekend of September, so you should wait until after 6 September to put the whole story on your Bebook. And I think the butterfly is very appropriate as a 'cover picture' for this story. *grin*

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