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Aspects of Aragorn  by Inzilbeth 14 Review(s)
Silivren TinuReviewed Chapter: 13 on 11/24/2009
I think Aragorn's humbleness and midesty are two of the traits I like most about him. *g* He must have looked so stunning in those garments! Accepting that Arwen needed to bind herself to a mortal can't have been easy for Galadriel, but I believe she of all people would have had the wisdom and foresight necessary to understand that Aragorn really needed the hope and strength only Arwen's love would be able to give him. This was a beautiful chapter! :)

Author Reply: Thank you so much, Almut. I couldn't agree with you more, both about Aragorn and Galadriel. In one way it was a huge sacrifice that she made, and yet, in another, she knew the days of the Eldar were coming to an end and, through Aragorn and Arwen, they would at least leave something of their legacy in Middle-earth.

MirachReviewed Chapter: 13 on 9/6/2009
Galadriel the match-maker, but always having the broader picture in mind… I have the feeling that after she realized that this is the thing that she should do, she enjoyed it, despite the consequences.

Author Reply: I would like to think so too! If she did have to lose her grand daughter to the Gift, then she couldn't have lost her to a better man.

meckinockReviewed Chapter: 13 on 12/14/2008
This chapter really dug down into one of the most interesting questions for me in all of Tolkien - why did Galadriel decide to play matchmaker as she did, even at such great cost to herself, Elrond, Celebrian, and ultimately Arwen? You set it up in the early part of the chapter, showing Aragorn's deep mental weariness, his fear that despite his homesickness for Rivendell he had changed so much that he would no longer feel at home there, and the crushing loneliness at the life he was destined to lead. This is what Galadriel sees, this is what convinces her that he cannot endure the hard years ahead alone. Beautifully done. Their interation was very believable - he is understandably in awe of her and yet she's so very compassionate and approachable to him that it's possible for them to relate to each other in a warm and personal way.

Author Reply: Oh I'm so glad you see this situation the same way. I think this was a real crisis point for Aragorn and Galadriel saw exactly what he needed to carry on in his difficult life. Galadriel's selflessness is one of those many easily overlooked asides in the book that is nonetheless fascinating to delve into. I loved writing the two of them together. How does anyone converse naturally with someone like Galadriel?

Thank you so much for all your kind words, I'm so pleased you enjoyed it.

grumpyReviewed Chapter: 13 on 12/7/2008
Hi there, it has taken me awhile but I have finally caught up on your story, Just wanted to say how much I have enjoyed it. I always thought it was neat that Galadriel played matchmaker, or just gave a helping hand to the two of them.

Author Reply: Hi grumpy, I'm delighted to know you're enjoying this story and thank you so much for your review. Yes, Galadriel knew what she was doing, didn't she?

FadesintothewestReviewed Chapter: 13 on 12/2/2008
I have been waiting for your take on this part. I have always loved the tale of Aragorn and Arwen, but there is also such sadness in it. I imagine that the death of Aragorn will be a difficult chapter to write, that is if you are planning to write it, I hope!

Aragorn is as he should be in your story, just as I imagine him! I love it when authors grasp the essence of a character which you have done! The weaving of your narrative with the glimpses into Aragorn's life provided by Tolkien is wonderful!

Galadriel, just as a grandmother should be, pushing things along, smoothing the road.

Author Reply: I can't tell how much pleasure it gave me to receive your review. I too love The Tale of Aragorn and Arwen. It is my favourite part of the book and still moves me to tears. As a writer, it is hugely important to me to at least attempt to protect, in as far as any fan fic writer can, the integrity of Tolkien's characters, so you can imagine how thrilled I was by your kind words.

Thank you so much for your review and I'm so pleased to know you're enjoying the story. [Yes, Aragorn's death is already written!]

eilujReviewed Chapter: 13 on 11/26/2008
Nice way of mentioning Finrod's ring. I wonder how many times in the last seven thousand years Galadriel has seen it?

I like how you've handled the three elf warriors, and the logic they use in deciding what to do with this unexpected and unprecedented visitor.

"The Elves spoke softly among themselves" -- Even if they were speaking Silvan, shouldn't Aragorn understand at least some of it? Perhaps most of it? Yes, Frodo had difficulties with Silvan, but he wasn't raised in Imladris. [And what language had the elves initially used to address Aragorn? How did they react to his fluency in Sindarin, assuming he replied in Sindarin?]

I also like what you've done with Galadriel's reasoning.

"Clad" is the past participle of the verb "to clothe."

Write on!

Author Reply: Thank you so much for reviewing, I'm glad you enjoyed Galadriel's reasoning; there was a lot to sort out there.

Gosh, language details! Well, I don't think Aragorn is actually able to hear what the warriors are saying at that point. Perhaps I should have made that more clear. As I didn't state a language used by either Aragorn or the warriors, I'm going to claim it to be Westron which is always my default option LOL. I'm also assuming that at least one of the warriors can speak it as we know there were a few who could. I'm not entirely convinced though that Aragorn would have known much Silvan at this point in his life. If there were Silvan Elves in Imladris they would most likely have arrived there either after the war with Sauron when Imladris was first built or after the Last Alliance. Their numbers would probably have been few and I imagine that by the end of the Third Age all the Elves in Imladris spoke Sindarin. Neither do I think it likely, as he's been in Rohan and Gondor for so long, that he's spent any significant time in Mirkwood which is the only other place he could have learned to speak Slvan.

I'm glad you liked the bit about the ring. To be honest, I was half expecting to be pulled up on that as it might be thought to be stretching credibility that an Elf who had actually seen it before and knew what it was should be a warden on the border of Lothlorien!

Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 13 on 11/26/2008
I like it very much that you,like me,believe Arwen was impressed when she first met Aragorn. A lovely chapter.I just wish i could see Galadriel combing Aragorn's hair!

Author Reply: Yes, those hints about her laughter being heard less often I'm sure tell a tale. I'm so glad you enjoyed this chapter and I quite agree about Aragorn's hair!
Many thanks for your review.

jgmscccReviewed Chapter: 13 on 11/26/2008
These are really great expansions, but I enjoyed this last one so much that I had to comment.
I found that I imagined Galadriel doing and thinking the same things as you.
Thanks for putting these on paper.

Author Reply: I'm delighted you enjoyed this chapter and thank you so much for letting me know. It's a relief when others agree with my interpretations of events as I do try to stick with the most likely and plausible scenerios.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 13 on 11/25/2008
Ah, this is so much as I also have seen it, with Galadriel recognizing the need for Aragorn to know hope in his own heart.

I love seeing him for the first time dressed as he was born to be! So mighty a man he was!

Author Reply: I'm so pleased you thought so. When I read your Galdriel and Celeborn story the other week, I hoped you would.
Arwen didn't stand a chance really, did she? LOL
Thank you for your review.

ElflingimpReviewed Chapter: 13 on 11/25/2008
Ahhh! That was beautiful! I am floating on cloud nine after reading this! Hugs The Imp

Author Reply: Your reviews always make my day! *hugs* back.

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