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Aspects of Aragorn  by Inzilbeth 14 Review(s)
EstelcontarReviewed Chapter: 13 on 11/25/2008
Ever since I first read LOTR I've wondered why Galadriel so favoured Aragorn and Arwen's love, and long ago I came to the same conclusion you did in your story. Being such a wise-hearted Lady she must have known how good, just and generous Aragorn was, but she also must have known what kind of lonely life he led, and how utterly essential Arwen's love would be for him if he were to succeed.

So, I can't tell you how glad I am to see this point of view so well portrayed as it is in your very perceptive story.

I loved the ending and Aragorn's surprised "I look like a king!". Trust Galadriel to be the one to show him his potential.

Author Reply: Thank you so much, estelcontar, I'm very glad we see Galadriel's motives the same way. She's such a wise and compassionate lady, and I think it's sometimes forgotten that she also made a huge sacrifice herself by setting up this union.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 13 on 11/25/2008
I like the way you explain why Aragorn goes to Lothlorien and also why Galadriel chooses to help him with Arwen. You do such a nice job of setting up his need to regain his optimism.

Author Reply: Thank you, daw, I must admit it was quite a job to get all those motives and explanations to come out in a readable order.

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 13 on 11/25/2008
At his core was a loneliness that was slowly crushing his heart and his hope.

How heartbreaking, and it must surely have been this that Galadriel sensed. Your story is so logical and plausible, I'm sure everything happened in exactly this way.

Author Reply: Thank you, shirebound, and thank you too for highlighting the line that I hope sums up Galadriel's motivation.

CeleritasReviewed Chapter: 13 on 11/25/2008
Excellent setup; I hope you have the next scene planned as well because I'm an unrepentant shipper and was just a mite disappointed when the tale cut off where it did. ^_^

The moment when Aragorn spoke his true name was a wonderful moment; just that must have helped the years fall from his shoulders. I really got a good feel for how much the past decades had changed him.

For him there was no ring of power to aid him; he was just a man and whatever strength he possessed, he needed to find from within himself.

Yes! A wonderful, true statement without becoming The Attack of the Humanists.

Ah, that conniving Galadriel. I love reading all of the different takes as to how much she saw at this point and how much she actually did to cement the Aragorn and Arwen's devotion and why she did so.

Looking forward to what you've got next week!

Author Reply: Oh gosh, I'm always so worried when anyone says they're looking forward to next week as I'm so afraid I'll disappoint! Yes, it was mean of me to cut at that point but I'm so glad you enjoyed the 'hero' moments. They're always my favourites, though it was an interesting exercise to unravel all Galadriel's motives.

Thank you so much for your review and I'm glad you enjoyed it.

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