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Aspects of Aragorn  by Inzilbeth 12 Review(s)
Silivren TinuReviewed Chapter: 16 on 11/24/2009
I do not know if your descriptions have steadily become more and more beautiful during the course of this story, or if I'm only now beginning to realize just how beautiful they are, but your descriptions in this chapter were once again just as breathtaking as the view Aragorn had from the top of Elostirion. The Undying Lands must have been a sight almost to beautiful to endure, especially for a mortal. I have to confess that I had all but forgotten about the existence of this specific Palantir and I never thought about the possibility that Aragorn might have used it. I really loved your Cirdan - both his wisdom and his kindness were something Aragorn sorely needed.

Author Reply: Thank you so much! I'm thrilled you enjoyed the description here [I confess, I do think I got better once I got the hang of this writing lark!]. This isn't a scene I've ever seen done in fan fic before so I don't imagine many consider the possibility either. It was great fun to try and write Cirdan so I'm very glad you liked him.

MirachReviewed Chapter: 16 on 9/7/2009
This chapter was strangely comforting. It feels right to me that Aragorn would be the only Man in his Age to see the Western Realms. And that foreboding about the Palantír , how true it is! Círdan is a rarely seen character, but I like the kind therapeutist that you made from him =)

CairistionaReviewed Chapter: 16 on 1/20/2009
This is a fascinating chapter ... Cirdan is another of those sketched-only characters and I like what you've done with him. His compassionate wisdom is exactly what Aragorn needed at this time in his life, especially as he's horrified by the full extent of what Arwen is giving up for him. How could Aragorn *not* be upset by seeing that? I'm very glad Cirdan was there to help him sort through it all and put things in perspective.

Author Reply: Thank you so much for your review. Cirdan is such a huge and important figure in the whole history of Middle-earth, it's crazy really that we know so little about him. I very muched liked the idea of Aragorn recieving help from unexpected quarters now and then.
I'm so glad you enjoyed it.

ElflingimpReviewed Chapter: 16 on 12/24/2008
Is this the wrong chapter? I believe I read this before but it's still excellent! Merry Christmas Hugs The Imp

Author Reply: Yes, I've added a prologue just to totally confuse everyone. I'm glad you enjoyed this chapter a second time but I am sorry you ended up in the wrong place. And a very merry Christmas to you too. *hugs*!

meckinockReviewed Chapter: 16 on 12/22/2008
Like others have commented, this is an entirely original event, but, I think, an entirely logical one. You've really brought home what a seemingly insurmountable challenge Aragorn would see before him at this point in his life, and how many questions would appear unanswered - first and foremost being; if he dies without fulfilling Elrond's marital precondition, what happens to Arwen? It makes sense that he would crave reassurance that her fate is not tied to Middle-earth if he fails to achieve his presumed destiny. It must have been heart-rending for him to catch a glimpse of the future that could have been hers.

Author Reply: I imagine those first few years after Elrond made his condition might well have been the worse for Aragorn. After a while, he would have realised that nothing was going to happen any time soon and eventually become resigned to a long wait, but at first he was probably quite desperate about how to pull this off.
I'm so glad you found this a realistic scenario. It was certainly a very interesting one to explore.
Many thanks for your review.

CeleritasReviewed Chapter: 16 on 12/17/2008
I couldn't help but grin when I saw the initial quote here as I was able to guess what the story would be about.

Congratulations; I've never seen a fic done on this specific topic and it makes SO much sense for him to have had previous experience with the Palantir and the motivation you gave him for looking into it fit so well too!

Here, have a cookie. *passes*

Author Reply: Lol! Well done you for guessing right! I feel I should offer you a cookie too!No, I've never seen this done either which makes working out the details all the more interesting as there's nothing to distract you from Tolkien's text.

And I'm so glad you liked my reasoning here; it does make sense, doesn't it?
Thank you so much, Celeritas, for your review.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 16 on 12/16/2008
I believe he did rightly, testing himself and the control he had with a "safe" palantir. And until the time is ripe all he can do is to work on reinforcing those relationships his people have with the peoples about him and strengthen his own as he can.

Author Reply: It's easy with the benefit of hindsight to see the road Aragorn needed to take to reach his destiny but it must have been anything but clear to him in all those long years of stuggling on.
Thank you, Larner, for your review.

Raksha The DemonReviewed Chapter: 16 on 12/16/2008
A fascinating chapter; one doesn't see Aragorn/Cirdan interaction very often (I can't remember it at all in fanfic); and you describe it quite well. Good palantir action; it makes sense that Aragorn would feel some remorse at some point for his love denying Arwen the ease and comfort of a near-immortal life in paradise.

Author Reply: No I've never seen this interaction either. Poor Aragorn, there was so much for him to feel guilty over where Arwen was concerned.
Than you so much for your review.

RSReviewed Chapter: 16 on 12/16/2008
You've managed to bring Cirdan to life and made him a very likable person (I never pictured an elf with a long white beard, though). Aragorn's experience with the Palantir is so vivid that the reader is actually experiencing it.
As usual you always manage to make my heart go pitter patter when it comes to Aragorn's thoughts/and or concerns on Arwen. Gosh how I love this story!

I love the "whoop" by Cirdan at the end.

Author Reply: Oh I'm so delighted to know how much you're enjoying this story RS. I doubt Arwen was ever far from Aragorn's thoughts so she does tend to pop up quite often! Yes, Cirdan is an oddity with his beard and the fact that he even looked old by the end of the Third Age.
Thank you so much for your kind review.

EstelcontarReviewed Chapter: 16 on 12/16/2008
I had never thought of Aragorn using the Elostirion Palantír, but I liked what you did with the idea. It is a good foreshadowing of his confrontation with Sauron in TTT, and very plausible. Aragorn's foreboding about his future need to use the palantír is such a nice touch too.

Aragorn must have felt some guilt about severing Arwen from Elrond, maybe forever. After all, if in Tolkien's legendarium Men were assured of participating of the Second Music of The Ainur, the ultimate faith of the Elves was left doubtful, though I, like Tolkien Elves did, firmly believe that at the breaking of Arda Eru would not keep the two branches of his children asunder.

Your Cirdan is a very sympathetic and wise character as proved by his “Then perhaps you might consider the possibility that she believes you are worth the sacrifices she has to make. Life in Tol Eressëa may not be so tranquil if one’s heart remains in Middle-earth. Perhaps you should have as much faith in yourself as she obviously does, Dúnadan. I very much doubt your lady has made her choice lightly.” That puts it in a nutshell, doesn’t it?

Furthermore, the part in which he tells Aragorn he'll not turn Arwen away if she wishes to sail feels just right. It reassures Aragorn, lightens the mood, and makes for a lovely ending, as does Aragorn's final thoughts.

Author Reply: Thank you so much for your thoughtful review. I too hope that Iluvatar's children don't remain sundered beyond the end of Arda. That would be too tragic, but that still makes for a very long separation. I'm sure guilt and doubt must have touched Aragorn in those years of waiting and hopefully there were those around that could bring him some comfort.
I'm so pleased you enjoyed this chapter.

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