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Relapse  by Periantari 30 Review(s)
shireboundReviewed Chapter: 12 on 8/28/2024
a hobbit or two or three peeked into the room

You know how much I love that! :)

Author Reply: yes i know! I love Faramir and hobbits interaction and that was my favorite parts of writing this fic. :)

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 11 on 8/28/2024
Pippin truly is a prince, but a humble one. I love it when our hobbits gently tease their friend Strider.

Author Reply: Those are my favorite parts too-- more scenes coming with these interactions. I feel like Pippin and Merry relationship with Faramir is special and we can safely assume that there would be more letters and visits between them in the 4th Age.

LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 10 on 8/27/2024
In your review reply, you said: there will be more soon. :)

Oh goody! (bouncing in my chair with childlike enthusiasm)

I can hardly wait!

LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 10 on 8/17/2024
My dyslexia kicked in as I was reading "The Black Breath has a strong hold on you and we need to be clear about the dangers," and I read it as "...we need to be clear about the dragons"... making me wonder momentarily how dragons came into the story. I must need another cup of coffee; one cup is not hacking it today.

No-o-o-o-o-o-o! No matter what he tells you, don't leave him alone! Sneak back into the room after he falls asleep if you have to!

I can also see how Faramir might be hesitant to discuss dreams of his mother with Imrahil, for wasn't he her brother? I had to think about their relationship for a moment; my brain is foggy today.

Ah. Frodo is on the scene. And now the quotation at the start of the chapter makes perfect sense. Oh! The parallels between the two "uncles", Bilbo and Imrahil, are something I've never contemplated before. The parallels between Frodo and Faramir are also interesting. I love how they speak words of wisdom and comfort to one another. Even so, I'm glad I've had a glimpse of Frodo in the Undying Lands, fully healed, as it is so sad to see him so firmly convinced of his "failure".

That last line in the chapter sounds ominous, somehow... I hope to read more soon.

Author Reply: Imrahil is Finduilas' brother, yes.
I enjoyed Frodo and Faramir in here as well - there will be another chapter focusing on them. I do wonder how Faramir thought when Frodo had to depart from Middle-earth- must've been though on him too.
Thank you for your kind and detailed reviews- there will be more soon. :)

LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 9 on 8/17/2024
I love Pippin's hobbity solution to Faramir's ills, along with his high estimation of himself as a Knight of Gondor! (LOL)

(Alas, poor Frodo. Such sad memories, yet they are mingled with remembrance of love and care, as well.)

Hah, Merry's idea of collecting the Steward for a hobbit meal chimes well with Pippin's earlier comments about making sure Faramir ate normally that day. The younger cousins are definitely on the same page, as usual.

Oh no! The Black Breath strikes again! (I seem to remember that not many of those afflicted with the Black Breath survived, but I'm not sure if that's just an impression or if it's stated somewhere in the book.) At least Faramir is answering honestly when asked how he is, rather than trying to hide his ills.

I'm glad he has a wise and loving uncle. And King! But I'm wondering if he should be in the Houses of Healing since his condition is so obviously deteriorating and he appears to need constant monitoring at this point? I also wonder if Gandalf might be able to offer healing and courage, considering the Wizard's gifts (and his ring)?

Author Reply: I always thought that the Black Breath was an interesting illness to talk about. Merry, Frodo and Faramir were all afflicted in some way and i would think that they were not the same after that.
Thank you for liking my Pippin and Merry- there will be more of them. :) Thank you for liking Imrahil too- it is my first attempt at him and i feel like he is important in Faramir's healing since he is the closest living family left.
That is a good idea about more Gandalf- i didn't write him too much in here but it's an idea to include in rewrites.

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 10 on 7/18/2024
I love this conversation between Frodo and Faramir. *beams*

Author Reply: Thank you! me too- i enjoyed writing this dialogue too. There will be another one later in the story. :)

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 9 on 7/18/2024
“Poor Faramir,” said Merry. “We need him to see there are many who care about him

Yes indeed, Merry! Good thinking.

Author Reply: Merry is a wise hobbit.

LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 8 on 4/17/2024
Oh dear. From fire to water. But I think people are watching over him now?

Pippin probably feels responsible for Faramir since he was the one who followed Denethor, realised Faramir’s deadly peril, and ran for help.

Frodo and Sam are still recovering… would Pippin still be recovering too, since he got up for the first time only a day before Frodo and Sam?

Author Reply: I do not touch much on hobbit recovering or maybe just mention a more subdued Frodo in a coming chapter.
Pippin does feel responsible and we will have more of him in Merry helping Faramir. :)

LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 7 on 4/17/2024
Oh good. Athelas and a caring uncle. (I like Imrahil here. Very perceptive, empathetic, understanding and encouraging. I can see how he is a leader of Men.)

Author Reply: I was wondering how to write Imrahil since it's my first time. I'm glad my Imrahil works for you!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 8 on 4/17/2024
Another dream that needs to be changed. May he find succor before he gives himself to the wave.

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