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The Unquenchable Light  by Virtuella 7 Review(s)
LeithianReviewed Chapter: 9 on 10/15/2024
Thanks for another interesting chapter Virtuella. Jarin has begun to grow on me; I really like her boldness. But I do hope she doesn't come to any harm for spying on the conversation.
I have a question: does Sauron not realise that there are servants of Manwe in the form of dragons in this part of Middle Earth? He may not pay much attention to the people of Kûz but surely some spy must have mentioned the presence of dragons.
Take care

LeithianReviewed Chapter: 7 on 9/21/2024
Yayy! Another chapter.

[“Feed them lettuce and peas. It’s better for them anyway,” said Pallando. It wasn’t quite clear whether he meant the ducks or the Kûzeen.

“My mother feeds me pea soup all the time,” said the rower. “I’m not sure it’s done me much good.”]
Ha. I'm sure I agree with the rower.

Sauron's grim messenger flouts the Archseraph's order to remain as a spy in Kuz. And Miriel is meeting with him as Jarin recognizes her from the palace. I'm so intrigued. Is she going to be a double agent? Or will she remain loyal to her people? I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

The Elves and dwarves that live near Kuz have no contact with the High Elves and the Dwarves from Erebor, etc. That's certainly interesting. I wonder how they came to be sundered from their people.

I have a question for you: do the dragons in your story belong to the same species or kind as Smaug, Glaurang, Ancalagon, and other fire drakes and snow drakes in Tolkien's legendarium? Because, in-universe I think that Glaurang i.e the Great Worm of Angband was the first dragon, created/corrupted by Morgoth, and he was also considered as the father of all dragons (sorry I don't remember the exact quoations or sources right now). So what is your take on the dragons?

Take care.

Author Reply: No my dragons are maiar spirits. Like the eagles, they are servants of Manwe. I have definitely written about that somewhere, but possibly in chapters I haven't posted yet.

[The Elves and dwarves that live near Kuz have no contact with the High Elves and the Dwarves from Erebor, etc. That's certainly interesting. I wonder how they came to be sundered from their people.] Geographical distance. If you think in real world terms, for Western Europeans of the Dark Ages, "the East" would be Russia, Turkey, maybe Persia at a push. Japan would be outside their knowledge of the world.

Thanks for commenting!

Leithian Reviewed Chapter: 6 on 9/16/2024
Oh God, this chapter is so beautiful. I loved the exhibition... I wished I was there.
So the Seraph has given his answer and now they are enjoying the calm before the storm. BTW is the grim messenger a Nazgul? His behaviour was certainly amusing for someone supposed to be terrifying.
Thanks for posting this chapter. And if I may venture to suggest an idea for the essays what about an essay on the conflict between the East and the West in Tolkien's works? Especially the importance of the West. The source of evil is usually East but may also be north (Angband, Utumno) but the source of good is always West. I didn't express this as well as I wished to... but I always wondered if Tolkien meant it as a reflection of the world around him.

Author Reply: Glad you liked it. The ambassador is no nazgul, just a thoroughly unpleasant man. ;-)

[And if I may venture to suggest an idea for the essays what about an essay on the conflict between the East and the West in Tolkien's works?]
That would certainly be an interesting topic. I'll think about it.

LeithianReviewed Chapter: 3 on 8/29/2024
Hi Virtuella. How are you?
The new chapters are really interesting. However I'm confused about Krâ. Is it also a country you invented for the story or is it a name of an actual country in the language of the Kûz?
I was also reading your essays and I wondered if you had any plans to post more chapters in that vein discussing LOTR themes. I found them very thought provoking and engaging.
Goodnight and take care.

Author Reply: Hi, Leithian, the Kra are what in LOTR canon is known as the Easterlings. They live to the West of the Sea of Calma, while the Kuzeen live in the South and East. You can check this out on the maps that I linked in the prologue.

I am glad you like my essays. I am not adverse to writing more in the same vein, though there is no particular topic that springs to my mind at this time. Maybe you have a suggestion?

Leithian Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 8/16/2024
Hi Virtuella.
This story about a far off land in the East of Middle Earth is so interesting. It is so difficult to find stories set during the War of the Ring from the point of view of the Eastern people.
I love your take on the story that the Blue Wizards encouraged the resistance against Sauron in the East. And it is so nice to see Entwives playing their part in this fight.
If you don't mind may I ask if you based the culture of Kutz on Indian culture? The presence of the peacocks as well as the vegetarian culture reminded me of India.
Thanks for reading this and I hope you update soon.

Author Reply: Hello, thanks for your comments. The way I imagine Kuz is a blend of the four major Eastern cultures - India, China, Japan and Persia.

I have more chapters ready, just waiting for them to come back from proofreading.

EllynnReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 7/21/2024
It's fantastic to read the new story of yours! You have been absent much too long!

As always, your writing is great <3 I love this world you created, and I love it that you included Alatar and the entwives. What a great surprise!

P.s. Any chance for a map of those distant lands? And of the city? It would be easier to follow the story, at least for me ;)

Author Reply: Glad you like it!
I do have maps, but am not sure how I can share them on this site (or any of the other archives, really.) Happy to email them to you.

demeter dReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 7/16/2024
Oh Virtuella! It is so lovely to see that you are still with us! I have enjoyed reading what you have written about Lord of the Rings since those first stories in 2008. I have read other stories which intimated that the two Blue Wizards likely worked among the peoples of the Eastern lands to inspire them to resist evil, just as Mithrander did in the West. And it is lovely to see that the Entwives are listened to and respected in their chosen new land. I remember reading that Sauron's ambassadors tried to propose an alliance with the Dwarves of Erebor, and were also met with refusal. Now, I hope the ambassador's retribution is not too harsh! I will be watching!

Author Reply: Thank you, it is nice that people still remember me! I have been busy with other things and other hobbies (textiles, painting), but am ready to have another outing in Middle-earth. I hope you'll enjoy the story as it unfolds. :)

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