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An Unexpected Adventure  by KathyG 18 Review(s)
LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 7 on 2/20/2025
One of my happy memories of Panda is watching her sleep, in the last month of her life, when the cancer was making things more difficult for her and the pain was beginning to manifest – seeing her nose twitch, her paws twitching, and then, suddenly, her tail began to wag. At first, it was tentative... and then she wagged wildly for a few seconds. It was a very good dream.

...and here is the answer to my earlier question about pockets! (Good for you, Kevin! Bilbo would approve the handkerchief, I'm sure.)

Interesting food comparisons. My mom used to claim that the boxes had more nutrition than the cereal inside them when it came to boxed cereal. She and my dad believed in oatmeal or farina or, alternatively, eggs for breakfast.

noble on the inside, Lady Jennifer. And that is where it counts the most And Boromir is a noble Man... Is this a matter of "takes one to know one"?

LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 6 on 2/19/2025
I love how gentle Mairen is with little Kaylee. Somehow, she personifies the Elves' delight in children.

Since Tolkien made up this place, Haha! While their ideas about looking up the Two Trees and Tolkien's other works once they have access to the Internet again make a lot of sense, it seems that one of the pillars holding up this story is that JRRT didn't make it all up, LOL! (But that he had either divinely provided insight into the far past, or found some obscure written record, perhaps. I guess another explanation would be that in our world, JRRT made it all up, but there's an alternate (or do I mean "parallel"?) universe where everything happened that he wrote about.)

PSWReviewed Chapter: 7 on 2/18/2025
So much to think about and get figured out, and things have barely begun!

LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 5 on 2/18/2025
Hmmm. Do elves empty the pockets of clothes before laundering them? Or do their clothes not have pockets? (Do they tie pockets on, instead, if they need one?)

And now I'm reminded (very dimly) of some book I read or TV show I saw where someone took pictures in another world, but when they got back to their own world and time, all the pictures were blank. I wonder what would happen if Jennifer took pictures on her iPhone?

And there's the pebble again! Red herring, or...?

I find myself wishing this might be a Eucatastrophy where Boromir survives... His thoughts about Faramir are interesting, and I find myself wondering if Faramir's suitability in this case (in Boromir's thoughts) is because he's a southern Ranger, while Boromir is a warrior.

This struck me funny: It was thought best not to put the Dwarves next to the Prince of Mirkwood. And I love the hobbits' culinary analysis of what they're eating. My mom, an excellent cook, used to do the same thing. The feast sounds amazing! I'm glad the children were encouraged to try a few bites of everything. Otherwise, they might miss out on something delicious that only looks unfamiliar.

It was interesting to see the Hall of Fire through the children's eyes.

LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 4 on 2/18/2025
(At least, I thought I'd read something in the chapter about Jennifer's watch stopping at 4:44, but now I can't find it. Maybe I imagined it. Anyhow, another thought I had was that the stopped watch indicates that no time is passing back home in Oregon, so their parents haven't even missed them yet.)

LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 4 on 2/18/2025
It must be sort of like looking like a picture that's out of focus. You can recognize familiar shapes, but some of the other details remain fuzzy and difficult to discern.

Y'know, when she picked up the flat pebble in the first place, I wondered if it might have something to do with the magic that transported them... The animal felt like a Warg to me, too, at the time. *shiver* But Glorfindel is on the job! And there's the quote I was thinking of, the one about evil things not coming into the Valley!

Interesting that both sides came to the same conclusion, that some divine influence is at work. It makes me think of what JRRT said:
The road must be trod, but it will be very hard. And neither strength nor wisdom will carry us far upon it. The quest may be attempted by the weak with as much hope as the strong. Yet such is oft the course of deeds that move the wheels of the world: small hands do them because they must while the eyes of the great are elsewhere.

In the first film, Galadriel says something similar to Frodo: Even the smallest person can change the course of the future.

The difference in seasons and time of day is interesting, as is the time on Jennifer's watch. So it stopped at 4:44? I recently learned of the concept of "angel numbers"; the explanation I found for "444" is this: The angel number 444 is a message of support, guidance, and love from angels. It can appear when you're working on a goal, facing challenges, or making big decisions.

PSWReviewed Chapter: 6 on 2/17/2025
Yet another day gone without any direction for them - I’m sure it’s difficult to know what to do next or how to accept the time going by. But it *would* be good to know there’s an angel about!

PSWReviewed Chapter: 5 on 2/16/2025
I’m so glad you put the menu down at the bottom! When they were eating the pie, I was thinking of a recipe i just found on a historical web site - an apple, pear, raisin, and fig pie. It sounded delightful! I have not even heard of quince … had to look that up. I love coming across such recipes, particularly because so many of them are made without all the sugar found in just about everything (in America, anyway).

I’m glad the younger kids tried everything - as they discovered, some things are not so bad if you just give them a chance. (Says I, who like just about everything… ;-)

I enjoyed the brief glance from Boromir’s POV - seems everyone is making their appearance!

Author Reply: Yeah, really! Joey and Kaylee, in particular, are picky eaters, so they need much encouragement to try out the new foods. Glad you like the menu!

Yep, everyone will be showing up! K.G.

LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 3 on 2/15/2025
Good thing Jennifer's a reader! (And I should think the girls, at least, will feel as if they're playing dress-up and delight in the experience. I know everyone in our family did, whether male or female, when we were re-enacting the 1800s at our local historical site.)

Haha, I could hear that theme song in my head when I read the lyrics! A three-hour tour! A three-hour tour!

Gandalf was equally cautious in Boz4pm's stories, as I recall. Probably wise of him to take that attitude.

O-ho, Kevin watched Snow White last night, did he? Just wait until he gets a load of Middle-earth Dwarves... But this is heart-clenching: None of the characters had ever made it home.

Aha. So Joey is a year younger than Bergil. At least, subjectively speaking. (I think I mean "subjectively", anyhow.)

The upcoming discussion with Gandalf and Elrond promises to be quite interesting. I will save it for tomorrow and am looking forward to reading further then.

Author Reply: Yeah, regarding dressing up, no kidding, huh? =) Of course, you always knew that you'd be putting your regular clothes back on when the re-enactment was over.

LOL! I know what you mean about "Gilligan's Island."

Maybe if the producers had given the TV show a proper ending, the characters would have! Or else made a movie about their finally making it back home, as was done as a sequel to the "Gilligan's Island" series.

Yep, Kevin did! The whole family watched Snow White the night before the camping trip.

Glad you're enjoying the repost of our story!

PSWReviewed Chapter: 4 on 2/15/2025
No winged monkey or wicked witches, but I suspect the Nazgul and Sauron would make short work of those… :-P

I have a feeling that Kaylee’s rock will be coming in handy - we shall see! And in the meantime, everyone just has to hang out and wait to learn what is their piece of the puzzle.

Author Reply: LOL! I suspect you're right. =) Of course, to a five-year-old who's grown up on The Wizard of Oz, the Wicked Witch of the West would be the epitome of evil!

As you continue reading the repost of our story, you'll discover in what way Kaylee's rock comes in handy.

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