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Sons of Fellowship  by Conquistadora 433 Review(s)
calenoreReviewed Chapter: 6 on 1/5/2004
It's a good thing Celeborn has patience to coax the problems out of Legolas; I fear that I'd be so frustrated and concerned that I'd want to beat it out of him with a stick... a small stick, but a stick nonetheless ;). Eagerly awaiting an update!

Author Reply:
I'll tell Legolas that, so he'll be ready to duck. :)

renReviewed Chapter: 5 on 1/4/2004
Elvish politics! And more hints of some upset beneath the surface. This story gets more interesting with every chapter - brava, and thank you!

Author Reply:
Ah, but thank *you*. What would a story be without a readership!

LamielReviewed Chapter: 5 on 1/3/2004
Oh, this is wonderful. I'm delighted to see a thoughtful and considered exploration of Legolas' feelings about the long fight and desperate survival of Lasgalen, which remained "Great" only through tremendous sacrifice by her people. No Ring, no help from the other Elven realms, to say nothing of Men or Dwarves, and they triumphed. Not only that, but they'll continue to survive the passing of the Rings. Interesting twist, having Glorfindel recognize the folly of too great a dependence on the Rings, and regret the Noldor choice.

Lovely, lovely chapter. Hooray for Good Thranduil, and interesting idea about Legolas and Arwen. I'm eagerly anticipating more.


Author Reply:
Okay, I'm back now; been sick for a day or two.

Right. :) No Ring, no help, just one heck of a stubborn king who wasn't going to have it said of him that he ran and left all the north open to Whatever-It-Was down south. ;) Dale and Erebor owe a lot to him.

This whole thing is manifesting itself slowly but distinctly. This could end up being the longest thing I've written. So far we're still plodding our way through one chapter of RotK! :)

NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 5 on 1/2/2004
As the devoted scribe to Glorfindel, I am looking forward to these future words! I liked this scene between Legolas and Glorfindel, and think in some ways they seem to be much alike.

Author Reply:
I hope it comes across alright, since Glorfindel is mostly new territory for me!

calenoreReviewed Chapter: 5 on 1/2/2004
I'm glad that Legolas shows that he's got his own worries and weaknesses in this chapter... hopefully Glorfindel will help him. Is it the Sea-Longing that's making Legolas snappish, or is it being away from home, or something entirely different?

Author Reply:
Some people don't think Legolas has worries and weaknesses, but that's just because he won't talk about them! This particular bout is a delux combo of several different things, but I think Glorfindel will be able to wade through it all if he just waits a bit. Ever had one of those days when every little thing seems to bother you? :)

renReviewed Chapter: 4 on 1/2/2004
Yours is the most wonderfully *Elvish* Legolas I have seen in a long time - wonderful! This is also one of those rare stories that has me checking every day for updates, despite what all commonsense and writerly compassion tells me. *g* Thank you!

Author Reply:
Hooray, it worked! I've been striving for elvenesse, so I'm just thrilled you like it. :)
I'd love to keep daily updates going for you, but where has all the time gone?! Rest assured, though, not a day goes by when some progress is not made on it. Just sit tight, and I'll see what I can do! :)

White WolfReviewed Chapter: 4 on 1/1/2004
As each group kept passing in front of Legolas, I kept wanting him to get in line. I was beginning to think he wasn't going to move until everyone else was out of sight! I was glad, though, that he ended up riding with the twins.

I'm looking forward to Thranduil's reaction, when Legolas shows up with Gimili.

You continue to do good work with this story.

Author Reply:
Several others may have thought that, too!
A new chapter just asserted itself next that I hadn't planned on, so I'm off to go work on that. :)

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 4 on 12/31/2003
Oh I do look forward to the meeting between Gimli and Thranduil. I think there is a distinct possibility that all may not go as well as Legolas anticipates.

Author Reply:
I intend to craft that scene with utmost discretion. It will take a lot of thinking about, but I have several chapters until then. It could be interesting, but it all hangs on just how Thranduil is feeling that day. ;)

White WolfReviewed Chapter: 3 on 12/31/2003
I loved this chapter. You said you have an affinity doing conversations, and it really shows. As I said before, I get such a feeling of calm, when I read your chapters. There is no hustle and bustle about them.

Legolas and Gimli are so good together. I also loved Legolas getting ready in his princely raiment. I wish we could have seen him with his hair down in the movies. (I haven't had the chance to see ROTK yet, *grumbles*, but I doubt that his hair gets loose then, either.)

Author Reply:
Oh, good. After all, Tolkien described this whole sequence as "without haste and at peace."

No; afraid not. However, he does get a new and well-deserved touch in his very last scene. ;) Hope you don't have to wait too much longer!

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 2 on 12/31/2003
I particularly liked Legolas's thoughts about Thranduil and the ways in which he has served him and shaped his actions over the years. I also liked Eomer's reactions to learning who Legolas was.

Author Reply:
Any and all of Thranduil's progeny have a big job on their hands when it comes to taking care of him. ;)
And Eomer has seen a lot of strange things over the past months. :)

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