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Fire and Shadow  by daw the minstrel 20 Review(s)
LKKReviewed Chapter: 7 on 1/30/2004
First, let me apologize for not reviewing the last chapter. I could not review it. Not for lack of internet access or time or all the other everyday excuses we reviewers offer. I could not review it because the chapter left me without words to give you. And I still have none for that chapter.

For this one, I can breathe, think, and speak again. The healer was right; no mind-clouding medicine for Legolas. As painful as his memories are, he must learn how to handle them for they will be with him forever.

Thranduil's speech about wanting to take Legolas' pain away was very touching.

Ithilden's story ended sadly. A very painful, costly way to learn that in the battle against the Shadow, he who hesitates is lost. How ironic it is that even though Ithilden is trying to follow naneth's advice about taking time out for joy, Legolas cannot conceive of Ithilden telling him a story simply to amuse him. Ironic ... and amusing. LOL

Finally, I noticed that the one person we have yet to see in real time, beyond a brief cameo at the beginning, is Eilian. I assume now that Eilian has plans for our young hero (or is that "warrier about to be disciplined"?), he will finally speak with Legolas, yes?

Good chapter, daw!


Author Reply: LKK-- I am deeply appreciative of your reaction to chapter 6. It needed to be horrible to justify the build up to it, but when it came time to write and post it, I could hardly stand to do it.

And I think that Ithilden's experience must have been hard on a young warrior. The mission failed more or less, and someone died. The fact that it was someone he disliked might have made things even harder. Ithilden is the type to bend over backwards to be fair. And indeed, there is irony in Ithilden being the one to tell Legolas not to be too serious!

Legolas will return to his patrol in the next chapter so Eilian will turn up, but he's still a minor note in this story. I wanted to concentrate more on Ithilden for a change. But I'd like to do a younger Eilian story too.

caz - bazReviewed Chapter: 7 on 1/30/2004
hahaha! that sounds daunting "he has plans for you."

my shoulders better nothing seriously wrong with it just a swollen bruise cant wait to go hunting again, but i have to wait a couple of weeks till i break up for 1/2 term. oh well! if i'm lucky i'll get at least 4 more hunts in this season.

How many more chapters will there be?

i want to know what Eilian has instore for him.

Author Reply: There's one more chapter in which Legolas returns to his patrol.

I'm glad you're not badly hurt, Caz-baz. I'd hate to have you fall into the hands of the evil healers.

JebbReviewed Chapter: 7 on 1/30/2004
Ha! the perversity of healers!
But thank good ness for thoughtful and supportive Adar's and older brothers another chapter that makes me want to smile and then cry at the hardship they all face and Ithilden such a good son,brother and father what an elf!

Author Reply: Legolas has been lucky in his family. He lost his mother, but his father and brothers have loved him and looked after him with care. But what hard times they live in, you are so right. I'm glad you like the character of Ithilden as he emerges here. I find him harder to write about than Eilian is and one of the purposes of this story was exploring him a little more. (That and driving readers crazy for five chapers.)

kalileReviewed Chapter: 7 on 1/30/2004
Why do I get the feeling that the "plans" Eilian has for Legolas involve dish washing detail for a month for scaring him like that? It's nice to see Legolas and Ithilden interacting, it seems as though their relationship doesn't get as much attention as the one between Leggy and Eilian. I hope Beliond will pop his head in for your last chapter, if only to be reassured that he has not indeed been charbroiled. BTW, where's Annael?

Author Reply: I wanted show a little more about Ithilden in this story because I find that he's harder to write about than Eilian is. So we get the younger, less assured Ithilden and the interaction with Legolas. And it turns out Ithilden is a sweetie. A sweetie you wouldn't want to cross but a sweetie.

Beliond will be in the last chapter. In an earlier chapter, I mentioned that Legolas's "best friend" had gone as part of the guard for a horse buying party. I just couldn't add another character to the mix of people in Legolas's bedroom!

erunyauveReviewed Chapter: 7 on 1/30/2004
It seems to me that Ithilden was in a difficult position - once he'd spoken to Beliond, it might have seemed quarrelsome or disrespectful to criticize Beliond's new pairing. I couldn't help but think about Eilian arguing with his captain (I could swear it was Ithilden) about scouting, and how the same history repeated itself with Legolas. A little lesson in diplomacy, perhaps?

The Balrog is a bit of a mystery - I finally decided that none of the dwarves or elves who survived could have actually seen the thing, or they would have known what was lurking in Moria. Gandalf, at least, would have known, and he didn't know about it until he saw it.

I forgot to mention how much I enjoyed Beliond's part in the last chapter. Their keepers might be a pain at times, but they are also great mentors, and I think Thranduil's sons and grandson are sensible enough to realize that. I don't think we are ever too old to need a figurative smack upside the head from someone older and wiser.

Author Reply: Yes, Eilian did argue with Ithilden about scouting. He was more sensible himself, it would seem (no surprise there), but Legolas certainly did the same thing. The members of the House of Oropher are pretty consistent, it turns out.

I had to think about the Balrog too, and whether they would know. From the behavior of the Fellowship in Moria, they obviously didn't, but the Dwarves still fled. So what did they think was happening? Just some mysterious unknown monster?

I am afraid that I enjoyed writing about Beliond pushing Legolas around. I thought it showed how Legolas has come to trust him that he allowed it, and how Beliond has come to care about him that he did it.

KarriReviewed Chapter: 7 on 1/29/2004
Lovely father/son and brother bonding. I enjoyed reading it.

Author Reply: Thank you, Karri. I love writing about character interaction and family dynamics, so I was glad to have the chance in this chapter.

The KarenatorReviewed Chapter: 7 on 1/29/2004
Legolas is really struggling to come to grips with all that's happened. Thranduil is such a mother hen sometimes, but I would be suspect of any parent that didn't show such concern after their child was injured as gravely as Legolas was. I don't think our children ever get too old or grown up that a loving parent is not appreciated at such times. BUT, I wanted Thranduil to prop his leg up when he settled him by the fire! :>)

My favorite part was the discussion between Legolas and Ithilden where they talked about their naneth and how she would have liked for their lives to have been. Ithilden was very wise in his choices about Legolas and Sinnarn. I'm glad Legolas had the opportunity to ask why he had not been sent south. My 'most' favorite line was a simple one. When Ithilden asked Legolas if he had not considered that Ithilden could tell him a story just to amuse him, and Legolas said, "No", I got a kick out of that.

So Eilian has plans for Legolas....I suppose we will just have to wait and see. You know, of course, that we all have plans for Eilian, but we just can't catch that slippery elf!

Wonderful chapter, Daw. Things are looking up and the potholes in Minas Confusedus are repaired. Carry on, your scribbleness. :>)

Author Reply: Oh, leg propping. A good idea. Why didn't I think of that?

Glad you liked the interaction between Legolas and Ithilden. That conversation is one of the places where Nilmandra made a real difference. I had a much shorter version, and she pointed out that here was a chance to get at these characters a little more.

I too have plans for Eilian and he lives at my house. ;-)

nanethReviewed Chapter: 7 on 1/29/2004
Yes indeed, those healers can be perverse! But at least Legolas got to sit up for a change. That's got to help him feel better. I love the care the family shows to Legolas after an injury. They are a wonderfully sweet family! With quirks!!

LOL! Of course no member of the family just tells Legolas a story for the fun of it all. There must be a moral that fits the occasion. I'm glad Ithilden was able to reassure Legolas about his abilities as a warrior and that the reason that Legolas has not been assigned to the southern patrol is very simply because he is treasured by his family.

I can't wait to hear Eilian's plans for Legolas-that should be very interesting!

Author Reply: I think of Elven society as being organized around families, "houses" if you will, so I think families would have mostly tended to their own injured if they could. And one of the things I wanted to do in this story was open up the character of Ithilden just a little. He's been harder for me to write about than Eilian. But Eilian does indeed have plans! Next chapter.

JSReviewed Chapter: 7 on 1/29/2004
Ooh, ooh! What plans?!!!! LOL!

Another great chapter! :) After you said it might take a bit longer for this part I was worried how long. I was delighted to see this and the little Legolas fic pop up in today's updates. :)

And I must agree with the other reviews as well. A chance for Legolas to save one of his brothers would make a great story! I love your OCs! Great job! I eagerly await your next post. :)

Author Reply: The brother rescue will have to wait for another story, but it *is* a good idea. This story has just one more chapter and I think it will be short, but then I always think that. Eilian's plans will be revealed in it!

NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 7 on 1/29/2004
The beta is well pleased, well pleased indeed. This is wrapping up nicely, and with new little insights into the hearts of the primary characters of the tale. While the Dragon had an important part in his role as villian and destructor, your tales are not about the external conflicts faced by these elves - but the effect on them and those they love. How anyone reacts under pressure is the truest test of their character and you have given us mutli-dimensional characters that do good and do bad, have regrets and joy. :D

Author Reply: Thank you, Nilmandra. As always, the chapter was much better because you thought so carefully about where I had the opportunity to tell more of the story and tell it better. I am so glad that you are pleased with the results.

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