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Sacrifice Under Shadow  by daw the minstrel 36 Review(s)
ANAReviewed Chapter: 7 on 2/29/2004
Ahh! What a wonderful ending to a wonderful story! I can easily identify with Thranduil's sense of loss - I too miss the young blond elfling. He has grown up so quickly, it seems. And Eilian is right, Legolas is quite bossy. I have to laugh at the way he was barking at everybody in sight, from Eilian to Maltanaur to (God forbid), Beliond. Go, Legolas! You tell them! What a no-nonsense way to assert his standing as a warrior to be reckoned. No more sending this young warrior to safety at the first sign of danger. He has certainly earned the right to plunge into the midst of any dire situation.

It was very clever the way you set up the parallel stories of Eilian's youth and recklessness and Legolas' maturing into the clear-headed and rather formidable warrior that he was by the end of the story. The role reversal was complete.

Thank you for another great story. You have mentioned that you miss writing about a young Legolas. I certainly have missed reading about a young Legolas too.

Author Reply: I think I need to write about the elfling again. He's so sweet. Who knew he would turn intot a warrior who would kick the butts of everyone around him when sufficiently roused?

I did enjoy creating role reversal in this story, right down to Eilian comforting Ithilden. No one is an adult all the time. We all need someone to comfort us.

Thank you for your kind words, ANA.

Dragon-of-the-NorthReviewed Chapter: 7 on 2/29/2004
A glorious last chapter for this story - I really enjoyed it. :-) Legolas has really grown up now (LOL - but you somehow can't resist to give your elven princes an outward voice of reason, can you? Somehow, I would love to see Maltanaur and Beliond getting themselves into the most stupid sort of trouble and having to be rescued from it by their respective charges... But then, that would not make anybody very happy, would it? ;-)) - I loved that he did not back down when Maltanaur tried to tell him what to do... And the last snippet of Eilian's story was also especially poignant and wonderful - Eilian promising to change and to try to be good at least! That was really something... And Ithilden losing it completely and weeping in despair! Painful to read, but convincing! I loved his reflections on mortality - for an elf, that must be hard to understand indeed, as not *every* elf has to die... Hm, but Siondel's family seems to be especially unlucky when it comes to survival, somehow... Poor things. :-(
The bit about Celuwen's letter nicely lightened the mood a bit... And I loved Thranduil in this chapter. It is always good to see him being a father, and it his bittersweet thoughts about Legolas finally having grown up were believable and fitting.
Awesome job once again - I am looking forward to the next story! :-)

Author Reply: Now there's would be a rich comedic scene: Beliond and Maltanaur somewhere in stupid trouble and trying to get out before their charges learn of it. The charges, in the meantime, trying to figure out what could have happened. Surely they didn't...? But could they really have...? I love it!

Given that Eilian had just been thinking proudly of how he hadn't cried, I thought that Ithilden's tears would really shock him. And you are so right about Siondel's family. It turned out that I had already given him a dead father in "Tide of Times." The knife that Annael got at his coming of age came from his grandfather, who I said was one of the first of Thranduil's warriors to die when the shadow returned. So there he was, all ready for me to bump off. What could I do??

I am so glad you liked the story.

Tapetum LucidumReviewed Chapter: 7 on 2/29/2004
I enjoyed the band of elves trying to figure out Legolas' puzzle. He is a clever elfling indeed. I figured whoever found the puddle of orcs would be quite worried. Good thing Beliond didn't come along. He would have had a heart attack.

Legolas' continued care of his older brother is very sweet. He does absolutely everything in his power to keep him as safe and comfortable as possible. Carrying the water skins and giving away his cloak were nice touches. It must have felt weird to wade through the snow like mere mortals. It was another good detail.

Eilian's flashback did tell a lot about his character. Having never seen the effects of the Shadow it was completely foreign to him until it touched someone he knew. It must have been quite a slap in the face. His reaction to Siondel's father's death was very strong and your use of his vision fading in and out was a good way to emphsize just what a shock it was. His musings over his love of his Naneth was very touching - especially knowing he would not have her for long and Legolas would certainly not have her in his life long enough. It was very bittersweet. The scene with he and Ithilden in the garden was very emotional as well. We never see Ithilden cry - he is always strong and stoic. It hurt Legolas as much to hear it as it did Eilian to tell it.

The sound of the bird whistle must have been the best thing that Legolas had heard in a long time. It was endearing that he wouldn't turn over the care of his brother to another - even Maltanaur. He kept hovering until he collapsed completely. Now that is dedication. Thranduil's musings over the changes in his sons was a good way to end the tale. I am glad Ithilden is FINALLY going to promote Legolas. I have been feeling bad for him for a while. Eilian moved up the ranks much more quickly. Now, what did Celuwen's letter say? You left us hanging on that one. It must have been good news.
Great story!

Author Reply: I thought the Elven scouts were very clever even to be able to tell Legolas from Eilian by their trail.

I thought that the death of an elf must have been truly shocking to one who grew up in a time of peace. How could he ever have imagined that? And while he was feeling so grown up for not crying, I thought it would be a real shock to have Ithilden in tears. No wonder the ground shifted beneath him.

Legolas said it: Celuwen's letter was *personal*! You wouldn't want to intrude, would you??? :-0

nanethReviewed Chapter: 7 on 2/29/2004
What a wonderful ending to a wonderful story! Just as Thranduil does, I often look at my children and wonder when they grew up and what happened to those sweet little girls I remember. Gosh, you do have me rambling on!

I loved all of your characterizations in this chapter. Thranduil was the perfect father, Maltanuar was so worried and in charge, Legolas was a wonderful caretaker until he finally collapsed as he so readily deserved, Eilian grew up so nicely, and Beliond was Beliond. This chapter was just about perfect...O.K., it *was* perfect.

Except, what was in the letter????????

Can't wait to find out what happens to Legolas while Eilian is home. And Legolas is to become a lieutenant soon. Wow, that should be lots of fun!

Author Reply: Thank you, naneth. I felt as if I was coordinating a complex dance in this last chapter, with all the characters having to show themselves in relation to the others. And the letter, as Legolas said, was personal. ;-)

NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 7 on 2/29/2004
A good end. I love Maltanur's reference to the 'clever elfling', for Legolas really did think creatively and act bravely. And I really like the scene with the keepers - it shows the care with which the keepers see their charges - enough to thrash them soundly for letting themselves get into such a situation!

And Eilian is home in Adar's care, and I am glad to see him have the hope of a good letter from Celuwen. I am just sure she had sent a package with it, but you know how things get lost in the mail. :D


Author Reply: Legolas did prove his worth in this story, I think, at least to Eilian. I can see the two of them making a formidable team against just about any foe of the realm.

Still not listening.

Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 7 on 2/29/2004
The End? So soon? Oh well, I hope you will be writing again before too long. What a great chapter this was. I loved the portrayals of all three brothers - Ithilden, who is clearly not as stong and invincible as Legolas - and we - thought. I liked the image of him getting drunk and crying on Eilian's shoulder. Eilian, who seems to have grown up a little at that moment - the scene with his parents afterwards was great. And Legolas, of course, who proved to all just how good he has become.

And now Legolas is alone in the south, far from the protection of his family - and Thranduil worries. A wonderful ending. Thank you, Daw.


Author Reply: Thank you, Jay. It was that moment with Ithilden that made me happiest with this chapter. In it, I could see the relationship of all three brothers flowing up the age scale instead of down. And I think this is the adult Legolas I have been working toward for a long time now. I'm glad to know he's appreciated.

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