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Spring Awakenings  by daw the minstrel 36 Review(s)
French PonyReviewed Chapter: 9 on 4/9/2004
Ah, the excreted waste product has impacted with the artificial cooling device! You wrote this chapter very well; I can tell because it sounds just like my own family, specifically my grandfather's attitude towards my father (except my parents didn't elope). Therefore, I wish now to tell Sólith something in all seriousness:

Dear Sólith. Get over yourself already. What's done is done, and there is nothing you can do about it. Patch up, make nice, and work hard to find something to like about Eilian. And do it now. There will be children from that union eventually, and you do not want to be feuding with their father when they arrive. Because you won't be able to fool your grandchildren, Sólith. They'll love you forever, but if you insist on insulting their father in their presence, they will end up having to choose sides. And, Sólith, they won't choose you. They won't stop loving you, but that'll just make it all the more awkward when they turn against you. You don't want that to happen, Sólith, really you don't. So kiss and make up with Eilian now, before it's too late. Follow your wife's lead. She knows what's best.

Thank you. End of talking to your characters, back to talking to you. I wonder if Thranduil can sense his sons' marital status through their bond. Can he sense Alfirin? If so, he's going to get quite the surprise when he wakes up in the morning.

Yeep! Gotta run! I'm going to see the family this weekend, and I gotta wash the dishes and skedaddle off to the airport. Catch you later!

Author Reply: What excellent advice! I may copy it and store it and trot it out at some point, if you don't mind. It sounds exactly like what Isiwen would say. She would NOT want Solith's bad temper keeping away either her daughter or any grandchildren.

I decided that what Thranduil can feel through the bond is his son's existence, his well being. But I don't think he can feel sensations or thoughts, especially not with Eilian. This is just my interpretation of course. I think parents and children have some need for privacy.

erunyauveReviewed Chapter: 9 on 4/9/2004
I can't imagine why the prospect of going with Eilian to greet her new father-in-law might frighten Celuwen. :) But it is certainly going to be a change for her - I can't help but wonder if life at the palace might not be a little boring for her. There are servants to do the tasks that have kept her busy at home, and it won't help that Eilian will be away quite often.

I loved the 'friendly' little scene between Solith and Eilian just before Eilian and Celuwen left, especially Eilian's promise to stay away from his in-laws as much as possible. Of course, dealing with a slightly homicidal father-in-law is nothing compared to facing his Adar.

Author Reply: Celuwen is going to have to work out a new life for herself, and I don't think it's going to be all sunshine. She's smart and she's strong, but even the smart and the strong can flounder a little in such an unfamiliar environment.

I like the phrase "slightly homicidal father-in-law"! It captures Solith exactly!

ElentariReviewed Chapter: 9 on 4/9/2004
This chapter was so bittersweet it was heaven. I am glad of this new perspective on Sólith, that nearly made me forget everything mean he's done. So yes, he's still a jerk. Now I am sure he's not completely heartless though.

Celuwen giggles! what did you think, Eilian, she'd have a philosophical debate on water temperature or the effects of nuzzling on her neck! she's an elf-woman, you adorable prat! She's not made of ice. You should know that by now...

Anxious to know what happened at the settlement. And also about Thranduil.

Author Reply: Solith loves his daughter, although I still wouldn't want him for a father-in-law. I sadly confess he's a little like my own father, God rest his soul. He was somewhat hard to live with, despite his love for us all.

I enjoyed writing about Celuwen's reactions to Eilian. I think he needs to feel loved and doesn't always. I think that's why he valued his little brother's adoration so highly.

LeraReviewed Chapter: 9 on 4/9/2004
Wow, ok, the next chapter had better be titled "Eilien's Adar" because I am dying for his reaction. Isiwen was a gift sent from heaven. Unfortunately for Eilien, Thranduil doesn't have a wife to balence him out. Lorrelin I wish you were here for Eilien's sake. But oh, gosh this next chapter will be one worth reading I am sure! Although it just occurred to me you still need to get Legolas off that flet, so...*biting fingernails*, I'll be happy with whoever we see in the next update!

As much as Solith irritates me, I was struck by his love for his daughter in this chapter. Usually I just think: ooh, he kept Eilien's letters from her, meanie! or whatever he's doing makes me mad, but in this chapter I actually felt a little sorry for him. In spite of his faults(and he's got a lot) he does deeply care about Celuwen.

I'd been wondering where Celuwen would live when the two of them got married, since Eilien would return to his patrol. I was a little shocked that he just announced she was coming back to the palace without consulting her first. It's an incredible thing, how married elves are connected to each other in their minds. Celuwen is definitely smart enough that she would have thought about how Thranduil would react. I don't think even Gandalf will be able to match the fireworks come morning. I believe Legolas will be quite happy to return to the peace and safety of the Southern Patrol!

Author Reply: I'm so sorry because I have to get Legolas off the flet before I go on to Thranduil. I have notes on it, if that's any comfort to you. Shall I hold them up to the screen?

Lorellin's presence would have made a huge difference to this whole debacle, I think. I suspect that she would have Solith wrapped around her little finger and that Celuwen and Eilian would have bonded long ago. And Thranduil's parenting style would have been balanced out a little, as you say. He loves his sons, but he tends to see his role as making them toe the line.

Eilian is being too bossy and Celuwen is *allowing* it, not buckling under to it. I see her as someone who knows her own mind and will act on it, but won't make trouble until she has to. She will be so good for Eilian! And when Thranduil finds out what's going on, Eilian will no longer be the one giving orders.

Ms. WhatsitReviewed Chapter: 9 on 4/8/2004
Eek! My review somehow ate the quotes I put in! The two weird blank spaces are supposed to contain 1) Eilian's thought about how they have eternity together, and 2) his amazement at being mentally connected to Celuwen.

Author Reply: Computers are possessed by the devil sometimes. :-)

Ms. WhatsitReviewed Chapter: 9 on 4/8/2004
That was a sweet chapter, with Solith behaving like Solith as usual. I rather like Isiwen.

I *love* how you explored what marriage means to an Elf.


And you know what? Elves literally do, and they *know* that they do, unlike humans. Barring Eilian getting killed, of course, which is always a possibility, but which you will never have the heart to do. Right? Right?

And this:


That's rather intense, though probably not unpleasant for Eilian. Maybe you'll write more about their early years of marriage?

It's wonderful how you stick to Laws and Customs and still make everything so interesting and passionate. I'm not a fan of those fics where the Elves run around sleeping with any and all animate objects, not by any means, but at the same time I always kind of thought that LACE made the Elves sound rather dull. Yours aren't at all, though. Although I did wonder in passing: if Elves are married the minute they have sex, how terrible would it be for Eilian if he and Celuwen had lost control before they knew they really loved each other? Or is it that Elves can't feel desire for each other until they are in love, since their minds control their bodies? I'm clearly thinking too much about Elf sex, so I'll stop now.

<<“Eilian did not push me into anything,” she said. “I made my choice. I chose Eilian because I could not do otherwise, and bonding with him has left my heart so much at peace that I could never regret what I have done. Can you not be happy for me, Adar?”>>

Repeat that verbatim to Thranduil, Celuwen, and maybe your new husband's life expectancy won't be so bleak. I do hope she's planning to write stern letters to Solith telling him *not* to make unnecessary trouble for Thranduil just out of spite!

<<“I am taking Celuwen home,” he said with determination. “We will leave today.” He could not imagine staying in this cottage for even a single night.>>

Eilian, darling, you might want to *ask* Celuwen about that first! She'll have her work cut out for her taming him, that's for sure.

This review is about ten pages long already, so I'll shut up and get back to waiting for the next update :).

Author Reply: I thought about Elven sexuality in some detail (for writing purposes only of course!!) when I wrote about Ithilden's wedding in a single-chapter fic called "Joinings." My theory is that Elves are hard-wired to feel sexual desire in proportion to their love. That is, young folks might like one another and do some kissing etc. but they're not going to feel lthe desire for intercourse unless they're in love. I don't see how LACE can work otherwise. Nilmandra says that Elves' minds control their bodies and that's how it works (the control of the mind is also what makes for the quick healing of elves after wounds). Other people are going to differ with me on this, thank goodness, because that's what makes for a variety of interesting stories.

Eilian is going to have to learn that Celuwen gets to decide things like where she will live. I made him a little bossy in this chapter, mostly because he's nervous and wants to get out of there. And Celuwen allows this kind of stuff to roll off her back when it suits her. She didn't want to either a) sleep with Eilian in her bedroom in the cottage or b) set up newlywed housekeeping in his campsite. And Thranduil has to be told. So she lets Eilian be in charge for now. It will be interesting when "for now" ends!

JocelynReviewed Chapter: 9 on 4/8/2004

I am so darn warm and fuzzy inside! You have no idea how much I needed this chapter to turn out just as it has! School is awful and my career planning is hitting one pot hole after another and I'm STRESSED! But now I'm happy!

I loved that last conversation with Solith. "Smile." HA! I've just got this big goofy grin on my face and I can hardly review coherently. What the heck. I'll try to give a little more productive review of the chapter when I've lost this goofy smile.

But I will say this...if you don't give us the next chappie with Thranduil's reactions, I will hunt you down and eat you!

Ahem. I shall return! (Runs off giggling)

Author Reply: I realize that you are a prospective attorney, Jocelyn, but you are going to have to refrain from inflicting harm on me if you want to know what happens because I still need to get Legolas off the flet in the settlement before Eilian and Celuwen waltz into the dining room for breakfast. :-)

And I understand grad school/law school stress. I used to get migraines that stopped the minute I finished my degree. Only on Saturdays though. That was the only day I had time to be sick. I swear I think some of it is just hazing.

NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 9 on 4/8/2004
The Eilian - Solith interaction was really done. Solith can be a jerk, and although he is insensitive to his daughter on this particular morning, it is clear that he loves her dearly. I love in particular his inviting Eilian to not visit, but to send Celuwen!

It is also clear that Eilian and Celuwen belong together - and they are so happy together this morning. I like Eilian's utter joy and delight at waking to find her in his bed and his mind!

I am *so* looking forward to morning in the palace :-)

Author Reply: I'm glad you liked the conversation between Eilian and Solith. I actually wrote that part of the chapter several months ago. I've been turning this story over in my mind for a while now, as you know.

You'll have to wait a while to see Thranduil in full rage I think. I need to get Legolas off that flet. We last saw him in the middle of the day on which Eilian and Celuwen travel home, and I have to get him home in time to interact with folks a little before his leave ends.

Here's my chart of the time line so far. I should put it at the start of the next chapter.

Day 1. Legolas arrive home in the evening
Day 2. Eilian sees healer and gets permission to ride. Rides with Legolas. Asks Thranduil for permission to become betrothed. Rain in the night. Flooding knocks down the food flet at the settlement
Day 3. Eilian leaves to visit Celuwen and arrives with rabbits. Thranduil gets request from settlement. Legolas helps to gather food from the palace storage.
Day 4. Legolas leaves. Arrives at settlement around noon. Eilian tells Celuwen about letters. Bonds in evening.
Day 5. Thieves steal food. River floods again. Eilian starts home. Legolas rescues Tuilinn. Stuff that happens in chapter 10.

meckinockReviewed Chapter: 9 on 4/8/2004
Can I add that the person whose reaction I am most interested in seeing is Ithilden??

Author Reply: I gotta tell you, I have been having a hard time pinning this down! I've thought about Ithilden and how he would react, but I think I'm going to have to eventually work it out in the concrete events of the chapter. I've also wondered how Celuwen and Alfirin would get along.

meckinockReviewed Chapter: 9 on 4/8/2004
I loved Eilian's amazed wonderment at waking to find that it wasn't a dream; he really does get to spend eternity with Celuwen. Their playfulness and easy banter reinforced the rightness of their decision; though naturally (some things never change) it fell to Celuwen to be the voice of reason and get them on the road before Solith could come looking for them. I was so glad that their understandable trepidation about their parents' reactions was not able to spoil their first hours as newlyweds. Their childlike bliss and delight will surely yield soon enough to the tensions of everyday life. Solith took it like an Elf, didn't he? Let's see how they fare with Thranduil....

Author Reply: These two have known one another since they were children. Actually when I started thinking about a romance for Eilian many months ago, it struck me that he's a flirt but he's also deeply loyal. If he had formed an attachment in childhood, that would have been it. And thus Celuwen was born! He has loved her in some way forever, with the love changing as they grew older. And she understands him, I think. They are enjoying themselves as much as they can under the circumstances. Yes, now comes Thranduil.

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