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Spring Awakenings  by daw the minstrel 28 Review(s)
Tapetum LucidumReviewed Chapter: 10 on 4/13/2004
Well,you answered two of my previous questions - Where is Beliond? and Did they put another guard on the food? When will these elves start listening to me?

Your scene with Legolas and Tuilin taking care of the cold, wet kids was very sweet. Our favorite warrior is a little domestic after all. He seems to be a natural with young ones. His wandering thoughts concerning the chemise was very amusing. He must have a lot of self restraint not to take a quick glimpse behind him. I think the children would have told on him so it was best that he didn't. He was good to let Rodien hold his sword. I didn't realize how many little hints you dropped about the village not being her permanent home until I re-read it.

I can only imagine the Prince's rage upon finding the men trying to steal food from hungry children. I would not want to be in their shoes - you have shown me Legolas' temper before and it is not something I want to encounter. I was glad that he first assumed they were innocent but they proved themselves evil. It was a nice touch not having him jump to conclusions as Tinar did. Eilian would have been proud of how he handled them. It reminds me of when Eilian "rescued" Legolas and Turgon from the men during their little forest excursion - they must have felt about the same way. Save the meat first! Excellent idea.

Beliond's arrival was actually a little bit late but I am sure Legolas was still glad to see him. He proved his experience once more by treating his Lord with the respect he deserved and Tinar with the disdain he had earned. I loved his dressing down of the obnoxious elf. I think Annael and Legolas did as well. He also wisely stayed out of the conversation between Tuilinn and her Lord. What a wise elf.

The negotiations between Crydus and Legolas were very well handled. They got a promise without setting up any official trade contract. Very clever - Thranduil should be quiet pleased, especially if Beliond and Galivion were happy with the outcome. Beliond keeps cracking me up - snorting at the diplomacy and looking for men that diverted him from his charge. It was cool to see Legolas giving him an order "I need you here, Beliond," it was a good change of pace.

Anyr is indeed a woodelf. Little seems to concern him. I was sad for Legolas that he didn't get to say goodbye to Tuilinn. I guess it was the best way to break things off cleanly without killing her. I hope they meet again. I guess the last chapter is going to be the big bang at the castle. Looking forward to it!

Author Reply: I think Elves like children and I could just imagine this cold, frightened little boy, and how he needed contact from someone strong who had already saved him and now was going to assure him he was all right. And I thought the natural unselfconsciousness of children about their bodies made a nice contrast to the slight sexual tension Legolas was experiencing. Thranduil raised his boys to be gentlemen! Of course, he didn't peek!

And I had a good time writing about competent Legolas in this story. He really is good at what he does and handled himself well in new situations too. I reminded myself that Beliond had had a child of his own and would know what they can eat easily and what not. He is surprisingly sympathetic to Legolas's feelings too, maybe for the same reason, and he'll follow orders in public (when appropriate) but he's not taking any backtalk in private!

I'm not sure I can finish this in one chaper. I think it might take more. There's the whole family to work into this and Celuwen has a life to work out. But this story is certainly nearing its last couple of chapters, sad to say. I hate it when they end.

White WolfReviewed Chapter: 10 on 4/13/2004
I'm glad that Legolas caught the thieves. They can thank their lucky stars he didn't furn them over to Thranduil.

No surprise that Beliond showed up. I've gotten to like him a lot. I hope he has a bigger part in one of your upcoming stories. I can imagine his chagrin (and Thranduil's for that matter) at him not being able to be with Legolas during the Fellowship years later.

Legolas was sure surprised that Tuilinn didn't live in the settlement. So was I. Will she be making any further appearances in later stories?

Author Reply: I don't know yet if Tuilinn will ever reappear. I have her on ice if I need her!

I suspect that the thieves were thanking every power they could think of that Legolas didn't turn them over to Thranduil. That would be VERY unpleasant (as Eilian is about to find out).

merReviewed Chapter: 10 on 4/13/2004
As I was getting to the end of the chapter, I was wondering if I was going to see ********** signifying change in location and something to this effect: Elian and Celuwen stepped out of their quarters into the main hall. Elian turned his head from facing her and found himself looking straight into the eyes of Thranduil. TBC. Well, I would have been startled by that and I liked instead how you ended with things resolved in Legolas's (and Anyr's) world.
("...back to watching the sky." That was great!!!)

Author Reply: This chapter was extra long (by my standards anyway) because I was trying to tidy up things in the settlement and get Legolas on his way home. Tonight I'll start drafting the Eilian stuff. I have some notes, but with everyone in the family needing to react, this may take me a while.

LKKReviewed Chapter: 10 on 4/13/2004
Ai! Poor Legolas! Dutifully setting aside his desire to be with the maiden, reminding himself that he can see her later, only to have her disappear once later arrives! And she didn't even leave a glass slipper behind. :(

I didn't suspect that Tuilinn wasn't from Anyr's village at all. But when I reread the chapter, I saw the clues I had missed before. I'm glad you included the clues because I hate it when an author springs something like that completely out of the blue with no warning at all. You didn't spring it out of the blue. You gave me the warnings. I just didn't see them. My fault. :)

Even Beliond thought Legolas did a fine job in his diplomatic duty. Whoo-hoo! Beliond can be harder to impress than Thranduil. I'm convinced now that the King will be very proud of his son's actions, once he recovers from the bad news about the unauthorized trading. And once the King gets over the heart attack he'll get when an additional person shows up at his breakfast table, that is!

Author Reply: Excellent! I thought pretty much everyone would miss the clues on the first pass. Granted she says she is "staying" on the flet and she has surprisingly few clothes with her and she's only been caring for the children since the flood, and so on. But I didn't think you'd notice those until afterwards. So it worked!

I think you're right that Thranduil will be proud of Legolas. This mission was kind of a test of Legolas in a responsible adult position and he did very well.

KristyReviewed Chapter: 10 on 4/13/2004
Oh poor Legolas! I hope we'll see some more of Tuilinn. I really like her. I was really proud of Legolas resisting temptation on the flet! So honorable! He has really done a great job for his father. I hope his homecoming (and what's left of his leave) won't be ruined by animosity between Elian and the king.

Wonderful job as always.

Author Reply: When I read your review, I thought about the fact that Legolas has undoubtedly been made uncomfortable and unhappy by animosity between Thranduil and Eilian for most of his life. He loves them both and the tension must really be hard sometimes. I haven't decided if we'll see more of Tuilinn or not. She's out there if I need her!

JebbReviewed Chapter: 10 on 4/13/2004
Sorry sent an empty post it must be something to do with having a dyslexic keyboard unless its me? No it couldn't be!
Anyway this was lovely the interaction with the children and Legolas is so good no peeking when he muat have been very tempted
And Beliond arrives just in the nick of time to deliver a kick to Tinar who needs to learn some respect and to give support to Legolas it was typical of the elf that he knew exactly how to deal with Lord Legolas in public and then set his charge down with a cuff when they were alone. How hard it must be to be the son of the king and then Tuilinn disappears really that young elf has no luck!
Good that he can get home to a little peace and quiet before he goes back south what am I saying!! I await Thranduil's reaction am already wearing tin hat and sheltering under my desk in anticipation of storm warnings

Author Reply: Thranduil raised all his sons to be gentlement, so Legolas doesn't peek, but as you say, he was tempted! One of the great things about Beliond as a character is that I can have him say all the blunt things to people like Tinar that other characters are too polite to say. I liked your description of him alone with Legolas: "Set him down with a cuff" -- yes, indeed!

And now he goes home, knowing pretty much nothing about Tuilinn and unaware that Eilian will undoubtedly have stirred up a hornets' nest.

DotReviewed Chapter: 10 on 4/13/2004
Wow, quite a lot happened in this chapter!

I loved seeing Legolas helping to look after the children. He's so natural with them, considering that his nephew is practically the only child he would ever really have dealt with. He'd make such a good Ada...

Very funny the way Legolas tries valiantly not to look at Tuilinn's items of clothing and not to turn around as she dresses. It reminds me of when he visited Miriwen when she was in bed and he was all embarrassed about her underwear lying around. It's really quite sweet to see this side to the warrior!

Tuilinn doesn't seem too happy at Rodien being introduced to weapons - or being reminded about his future responsibilities for that matter.

The part with the thieves was brilliantly done. I have to say, though, I felt quite bad because I could completely see how they could take advantage of the situation to make some money and por Legolas was totally bewildered that anyone could think of such a thing... What a wonderful image when Legolas appears, bow in hand.I love the way the two men are absolutely horrified at the thought of having to face Thranduil! I wonder if Thranduil has any idea of the reputation he has. Still, maybe he'd be quite proud of it;)

Yikes, I nearly fell off my seat when the men suddenly sprang into action and tossed the dagger at Legolas. He was very creative in the way he managed to, um, attach the thieves to the tree, wasn't he??

Woo-hoo, Beliond! And he manages to put Tinar in his place in a matter of seconds! It's strange seeing him treat Legolas as his lord but it's good too that he'll show such respect in front of others. “Watch your mouth” Ah, that's a bit more familiar...

"For that matter, what was the king thinking in sending you on this mission without me?” Oh, go on, Beliond, ask the king exactly what he was thinking! Oh dear, I really have to stop getting so excited at the thought of poor Thranduil's temper...

"The king regulates any trade in which his people engage, of course, but such matters of mutual assistance are usually none of his concern except as they merit his benevolent approval.” Legolas seems to really be getting the hang of diplomacy at last! I'd say he could almost enjoy it if he didn't keep getting distracted by floods and maidens. I'm so glad that they were not only able to work something out in the end but that it was to Galivion's satisfaction. And Beliond's! Did you ever think people would be so fond of Beliond?!

Hmmn, Anyr seems to have escaped from the real world again. Ah well, at least he's happy. And Tuilinn isn't from the settlement? Ah, you're so mean! What's he supposed to do now?? It's probably for the best, though - there's no way Thranduil is going to want to hear about any more sons becoming attached to maidens from settlements... Still, I feel bad for Legolas, who'll probably be getting pitying looks not just from Beliond but Galivion and maybe Annael too.

Anyway, lunch is over and I have to go and open the library and give the public back their internet... You go and work on the next chapter. Go on!:)

Author Reply: My theory is that elves like children, and Legolas shows that here. He is so sweet with them.

About the thieves selling food for money: As I was writing that, I was thinking about the movie Fargo. In that, there are two deeply despicable characters who create mayhem all over the place. Near the movie's end, one of them kills the other and then stuffs the body in a chipper/spreader. This small town lady sheriff (who is hugely pregnant) has been chasing them and at that point she captures the bad guy. She's driving him in and she marvels at how they did all the bad things they did and she asks why? For money? She just can't take it in. I thought elves might be like that.

I enjoyed writing about capable, kick-ass Legolas. He was heroic and I loved it. He got a little carried away and then regretted it, but he was so good! My beta wanted Beliond in this chapter partly so he could see Legolas be all lordly. He may have gotten a new respect for his charge too. But he's still not taking any lip! I am actually amazed at all the Beliond lovers.

I'm on my own lunch hour at the moment. I'll work on the next chapter tonight. ;-)

Ms. WhatsitReviewed Chapter: 10 on 4/13/2004

Am jealous of Tuilinn. She got to dry off in Legolas’s arms! Ah, well, she’s a nice elleth. I like her.

Legolas “mothering” the children was adorable! Awwww… and he even “mothers” Tuilinn as well, telling her to put on dry clothes…though me being dirty-minded I half suspected it was because her wet clothes were clinging to her and distracting him!

Very much enjoyed Legolas’s smackdown of the thieves. Awesome. And Beliond! I LOVE Beliond. He’s hysterical, and I love reading about his interactions with Legolas—“Nana” indeed! You have those two in a great relationship—Beliond doling out lots of mothering and sneaking in little bits of praise and confidence-boosters as well, which Legolas seems to appreciate very much.

I do love Annael as well—stressing the “my lord” in front of Tinar. Annael is a saint, or close to it, it seems.

I also like the moral dilemma you put Legolas in with regards to the treatment of the Men. I like how he was ashamed of his roughness and decided *not* to be vindictive and drag them to face Thranduil. The value placed on compassion is, I think, one of the things that attracted me to Tolkien’s work in the first place.

I rather like the relationship between Crydus and Anyr as well—the practical man and the supremely Elvish Elf are very good foils for each other.

“ Legolas felt an almost overwhelming desire to seize Anyr by the throat. Beliond dropped onto the branch next to them. “Come, my lord,” he said gently. “We need to get ready to go home. Galivion will be waiting for us.” He touched Legolas’s arm lightly. “There is nothing you can do here,” he said softly.
Even in his fury, Legolas noticed that Beliond had addressed him as ‘my lord,’ something he very rarely did. He is reminding you of who you are, he told himself in despair, and you would do well to remember it too. “

Aww. Beliond rocks my world. I hope you write more of him! I wonder if we’ll see Tuilinn again? I’m not necessarily averse to some well-written Legolas romance, especially if it means more Elf lust! Though I’m not sure about him ever having a wife. It seems that he and Gimli have settled into “Confirmed Old Bachelor” modes by the end of RotK and are so close to each other that a woman would just feel out of the loop with either of them. But that’s neither here nor there when it comes to your fics.
I’m seriously enjoying this, in case you can’t tell by the length of this review! I think this may be my favorite story of yours yet.

Author Reply: I liked writing about Legolas and the kids. Actually, I like writing about elves and children in general. I think they like kids and you can see that when they interact.

My beta asked me to put Beliond in this chapter, mostly because she missed him I think! And then I had fun just letting him rip loose and be himself. He is fond of Legolas and Legolas knows it. He can see what Legolas is feeling and sympathizes. (As I was writing this, it just occurred to me that friendship with Beliond prepared Legolas for friendship with Gimli! How horrified he would be to know that.)

I think Annael is as close as any of my characters are to perfect. He's just such a good friend. I'm sure he has his moments too, but Legolas is lucky to have him. Legolas's decision to treat the men better than they deserved was one I valued too. It was good for him to make that decision; he's growing into who he becomes.

erunyauveReviewed Chapter: 10 on 4/12/2004
At least Legolas' leave was not all work and no pleasure, even if he now has a missing maiden with which to contend. But his father should be pleased with the way he handled matters between the men and elves.

It was good to see Beliond again - I missed him! I can imagine his little chat with Galivion, and I agree with Legolas - it would be quite amusing to see him confront Thranduil.

And Tinar just never learns, does he? I'd like to be a fly on the wall when Ithilden gets hold of him.

Author Reply: I think Thranduil should be pleased with Legolas's handling of matters at the settlement. Any remaining problems will look trivial compared to what's going on in Thranduil's family.

I suspect Beliond would be one of those people who look much better when they live somewhere else than when they live with you (in contrast to Tinar, who always looks awful!).

websteransReviewed Chapter: 10 on 4/12/2004
And we still haven't seen Thrainduil's reaction to the elopement...

Author Reply: That's next! I'll start drafting when I get home from work tonight. Unfortunately it's a very bad time of the year at work. I'm looking forward to writing this. I have quite a few notes but I expect it still will be tricky because there's so many characters involved.

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