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A New Reckoning  by Dreamflower 517 Review(s)
Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 12 on 5/3/2004
This was so very well done. You took what happened with the troll and Pippin and put the story into the present for Pippin so well. I enjoyed the fact that Bergil was so proud of Pippin, but even more that he knew that Frodo was the real hero. Just wonderful as always.

Author Reply: Thank you. For the people of Gondor, who lived under the threat of Mordor for so long, there would not be any doubt as to who the real hero was. Bergil has a case of hero-worship for his friend Pippin, but Frodo the Ringbearer is on an even higher pedestal, whether he wishes to be or not.

GamgeeFestReviewed Chapter: 11 on 5/1/2004
Poor Legolas! It's so hard being pretty. He can't go anywhere without getting harassed. lol

It is interesting that the smaller the creature the more they can eat. I feel sorry for Bergil. He's going to be stuffed for at least a day, if he doesn't spew his guts that is. I'm sure the expression "I ate too much" isn't one they're used to hearing in the Shire.

I loved all the snippets of conversation during the dinner, as well as the brief mention that Frodo is still feeling the affects of his ordeal. Those little hints and signs become more evident as time passes, but for now Frodo's still trying to regain his life, though he knows he mostly likely will never be able to do so.

Wonderful job as always.

Author Reply: I couldn't resist giving Legolas a hard time. I could just imagine all those hobbit lasses gazing adoringly.

Poor Bergil. But don't worry, he's in Esmerelda's capable hands.

I'm glad you enjoyed the dinner conversations. I like to do things with little bits and pieces, so that you can imagine what went before and after.

According to JRRT, Frodo went downhill after each anniversary illness, in October and in March; each was worse than the last; but during his first year home, he still thought he might be able to recover.

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 11 on 5/1/2004
I think it was so very cute that Bergil had trouble eating enough to please the hobbits. I am glad he is included in your story as I have always liked him.

Author Reply: I always liked him, too. That's why he is included.8-) When he was playing host to Pippin in Minas Tirith he was on his home turf, and a bit more sure of himself. He's a very polite child--he'd have to be, being raised in the formal atmosphere of Minas Tirith, and with a father in the military, so to speak. And he is on an official mission, included among adults, which is also going to make him feel serious and grown up. But he is still just a little boy, and hobbits are just the people to help him realize this.

PervincaReviewed Chapter: 10 on 4/30/2004
Finally managed to catch up on all of the chapters I missed! (Lousy exams - I had so much study to do!). I was certainly not disappointed by Aragorn's payment to Pippin! I doubt that Merry will ever let him forget about it! And I dread to think what Paladin's reaction will be :P And the gift to Sam for Rosie - simply beautiful!

I really think you've written Bergil particularly well, especially considering the situation you've placed him in! I can just imagine the look on his face during that trip to the Hall!

Looking forward to the next chapter :D (as always :P)

Author Reply: I thought it was kind of a comment on the personalities of the two Kings, that Eomer notified Merry's family of his intent, while Aragorn went for the element of surprise. Of course, it was not *that* much of a surprise, considering how he feels about his hobbits.

I'm glad that you are liking Bergil. He's going to play even more of a role than I originally envisioned.

Chapter 11 is already up, but Chapter 12 is going in a whole 'nother direction than I thought it would. I may have to change the rating up a notch for it (description of a battle ). If my husband decides to paint the computer room this week it may be a while before I get it up. (Keeping my fingers crossed that he decides to wait another weekend.)

I thank you for your reviews. I really look forward to seeing how people like what I'm doing, as in this story unlike my previous ones, I'm kind of flying by the seat of my pants.

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 10 on 4/29/2004
I like this chapter. I am like Saradoc and I can feel the friendship. I loved listening to the ladies try to figure out comfortable arrangements for everyone. Now, I am worried about Saradoc and all that money.....

Author Reply: Since hobbits are such a peaceful people, they really are surprised by the strong feelings that can be forged by sharing danger and war. He is beginning to realize that "family" can apply to people who appear nowhere on the geneologies.

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 9 on 4/28/2004
I am enjoying your SAaradoc so very much. He is so proud of Merry and Pippin too and he shows it at all of the right moments. I also loved Pippin with Bergil. Can't wait to see what happnes when Paladin arrives. He is the hardest one to figure on this. I hope he and Pippin get to talk things through a bit more. Also, does this go as far as Sam's wedding? Wondering about Rose and the gift!

Author Reply: I'm glad you like Saradoc. I think of all the family who waited at home, he is the one to grasp most closely how important the Quest was; like Merry, his father is a thinker, observant, and able to draw the right conclusions to things most of the time. He also has a good handle on the politics of the Shire.

Pippin's going to have a good time with Bergil. He seldom has the chance to be the *older* one in a friendship.

Paladin? The Thain has a couple of surprises coming, doesn't he?

And yes, I do hope to go to Sam's wedding.

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 8 on 4/27/2004
Loved the gifts and Sam's was so perfect for he would not want to take a gift for himself, but he would take one for Rosie. Beautiful!

Author Reply: Well, you just *know* Aragorn and Arwen had to send a wedding gift. And of course they knew about the wedding--since *all* his hobbits had sent him letters at the end of When the King Comes Back 8-)

GamgeeFestReviewed Chapter: 8 on 4/27/2004
What a great chapter. I like all the presents - very appropriate and generous as would be expected. The necklace for Rosie was just amazing. She'll be speechless when she gets it. I can just imagine the wildfire of gossip that will be making the rounds of the taverns and inns!

It is too bad that people couldn't understand more what Frodo did for them. But it happens that way sometimes.

Keep up the good work.

Author Reply: I'm glad you like Rosie's necklace. I like giving presents to hobbits, have you noticed? 8-)

I like to think that there were at least a few in the Shire who eventually came to have an inkling of how important Frodo was. And for those who did not, it would not have been for lack of effort by Frodo's family and friends.

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 7 on 4/26/2004
I love how informal Pippin and Merry are when they arrive. So much fun to see that they are over-joyed to see their friends and being all hobbity instead of serious and formal. I also thought it was funny that Saradoc, who was slightly uncomfortable with the formality before when it concerned him, had to be the one to calm everyone down. Frodo and Sam were wonderful too!

Author Reply: I could not imagine that whatever their intentions before arriving, any dignity would remain at all on unexpectedly seeing their dear friends for the first time in months, especially for Pippin and Merry. Saradoc, of course, is the observer this time instead of the recipient--much easier.

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 6 on 4/25/2004
Paladin's reaction was so perfect. His worry was well-founded from past experience. I enjoyed the Frodo POV about his relationship with Merry too. Can't wait for more.

Author Reply: Oh, yes. It's going to be a long time before either Pippin's or Merry's parents stop taking alarm at "urgent messages".

I love exploring the cousin's relationships. I think in many ways Merry's role is the pivotal one, and his connection with Frodo is very deep.

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