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A New Reckoning  by Dreamflower 517 Review(s)
Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 5 on 4/25/2004
So glad Pippin and Sam worked things out. Poor Sam really does have a lot of worry to deal with and I think the talk made Pippin realize that. The fact that Pippin and Merry feel guilty about not being with Frodo on the quest and then at home in the Shire comes through very well without taking over the story. This is very good.

Author Reply: Yes, Pippin and Sam had to talk things out a bit. I know that these four are incredibly close, due to their experiences, but every now and then there has to be a bump in the road. I think that for Pippin and maybe even Merry, too, there is just the tiniest bit of jealousy that Sam was able to stick things out with Frodo, while they ended up getting separated. But Pip, being a Took, is a lot more emotional and less logical about it.

PervincaReviewed Chapter: 4 on 4/25/2004
Oh, Bergil's there! I love Bergil (though I probably would have been happier if Beregond had come as well). And Legolas and Gimli too - or so I assume. I hope the men have some sort of gift for Pippin as well, just so he can feel as embarrassed as poor Merry does!

Author Reply: I thought about Beregond coming, but remember, he's posted in Ithilien with Faramir now. Besides, having Bergil there without his dad gave me something different to play with.

Of course, Legolas and Gimli,who else? 8-)

Don't worry about Pip; as Merry said to him in another story "Can you imagine Aragorn being less generous than Eomer?"

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 3 on 4/24/2004
I loved Merry's reaction as Pippin was telling about the gifts he was to receive. So very like Merry and so like his Pippin to be proud of Merry.I also loved Saradoc feeling a bit flustered.

You are having fun aren't you? I am so glad because I am having fun reading.

Author Reply: Pippin and Merry are proud of one another though they often tease. I thought the idea of these big Men calling Saradoc "Lord" Brandybuck, and their obvious respect and reverence for his kin might embarass him just a bit. But of course, being the Master of Buckland, he'd try not to show it.

I'm glad you're having as much fun as I am!

GamgeeFestReviewed Chapter: 3 on 4/23/2004
Another story! How do you write these so fast? I'm in awe.

Wonderful so far. You really write the hobbits well. Perfectly actually. Can't wait for more.

Author Reply: I don't know. They are coming to me like a dam burst ever since I started the first one. I suppose it will slow down a little somewhere along the line. Also, I have a lot of time. I only work part time, and most of the rest of the time I have to be at the house taking care of my mother. Gives me plenty of time at the keyboard.

I'm glad you like the way I write the hobbits. I'm really very attached to them, and I hope I do them justice.

PervincaReviewed Chapter: 2 on 4/23/2004
Yay! Another story from you! I really liked that you had Merry suffering on the anniversary of the Pellanor Battle (not that I enjoy seeing Merry suffer, it was just a very good aspect of your story :P). I can't imagine that Frodo was the only one to experience old wounds being rekindled.

This looks to be an interesting story, and I'm looking forward to more.

(P.S. My parents tried your mushroom and bacon recipe from Missus Maggot's Mushrooms, and thoroughly enjoyed it :D)

Author Reply: I think that having been wounded by the Witch King, it would have had somewhat of the same effect as Frodo's wounding--something that would never quite go away, and would return to plague Merry on a regular basis.

I'm glad they liked the mushrooms! I'm going to have to fix myself another batch sometime soon!

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 2 on 4/23/2004
I love this so far. You description of how both Merry and Pippin looked when Merry's parents and Pearl entered their house was so moving and so sad. It felt completely right, though. I am also enjoying how well they read one another. Pippin knowing Merry wouldn't want his parents to see him in that state, Merry knowing how Pippin needed something to do in the wagon and so he suggests that he sing. I also believe that Merry's thoughts would have been with Frodo. You are off to another wonderful start. Can't wait to see which of the "big folk" have come to see Merry and Pippin.

Author Reply: Thank you for your kind encouragement.

I think that the month of Rethe was hard on all four of the hobbits. I'm glad you liked the way I described them.

I think I'm going to have fun with this one; it won't be as hard work as "Conspiracy" was, since I don't have as strict a framework to fit it in.

Bluegrass ElfReviewed Chapter: 1 on 4/22/2004
Please write more!

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