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Tangled Web  by daw the minstrel 30 Review(s)
LOTRFaithReviewed Chapter: 7 on 6/15/2004
lol.. I was reading along and suddenly I'm like oh! I know why Sauron left! :-) lol.. Great chapter~

Author Reply: Excellent!!! I'm so glad it came through. I was a little worried because I had to just suggest it because my characters don't KNOW what happened. Glad you enjoyed it, Faith.

KarriReviewed Chapter: 7 on 6/15/2004
Terrific chapter, Daw! Legolas's concern for Hobbit was very endearing. :-) He, Annael and Beliond make a good team.

Author Reply: Legolas is so sweet and so very, very wrong. I had laugh every time I wrote about "Hobbit" the Dwarf child.

Ms. WhatsitReviewed Chapter: 7 on 6/15/2004
And I forgot to comment on the brilliance of the connection you drew between Bilbo putting on the Ring and Sauron leaving Dol Goldur (I'm right about this, aren't I? Please say yes--it would make me feel clever :)). I don't think I've ever read about these events from this angle before. Very original!

Author Reply: Oh yes, you're right!!! I'm dancing around because I MADE IT UP! And it worked!

Ms. WhatsitReviewed Chapter: 7 on 6/15/2004
Oh, dear, daw, you had me laughing out loud when I read about Legolas worrying about "Hobbit" and hoping he got back to his "family!" That whole part was brilliant--comic, but still with some undercurrents of seriousness because of the spiders and because Legolas wants to make sure "Hobbit" is safe before attending to the spiders and to help out the Dwarves (insert long, fangirly sigh here!)

I loved Crisp!Business-like!Ithilden giving orders to Mithrandir and the Council members. I also loved poor Eilian worrying about Gelmir--he will be okay, yes? Elrond has his uses. And as for the "excitement of a different sort"...*snort* Yes, Eilian my dear, you deserve it. That was a wonderful last sentence--so very Eilianish.

Author Reply: I know. I laughed too and then felt guilty because Legolas is so earnest and sincere. He really is a good guy, especially since his father was just on his back about the spiders.

Ithilden is used to giving orders and not about to stop very easily. Eilian needs to get home! :-)

French PonyReviewed Chapter: 7 on 6/15/2004
Ah, Legolas, Annael and Beliond! So kind, so diligent, so concerned over the welfare of a child. . . and so very, very wrong! I can't wait to "see" their faces when Hobbit's identity becomes clear to them.

But first, the spiders! Man, Thranduil was not kidding when he snapped at Thorin for having roused the spiders. The Dwarves and Bilbo are really lucky that the Elves came through to save their tushies.

And Sauron is gone! Though not by the White Council's efforts, it would seem. Insert dramatic chord here. . . I bet Sauron sensed Bilbo using the Ring and made some weird connection between that and the assault on Dol Guldur. Not only was he not driven out, he's going to be one seriously pissed-off Dark Lord before this story is over.

I gotta say, if Gelmir has to get it, he chose the best time and place to do so. A short battle, with a happy ending (for now) and with one of Arda's greatest healers at his side ready to help. Eilian, of course, is ready to fall down and scream for a while, and who could blame him, but I'll bet Ithilden is also relieved about Gelmir. He's already sat through one brother losing a best friend, and I'm sure it's not an experience he particularly wants to repeat with Eilian.

And, to answer your observation. . . yes. I've been to some phenomenally weird weddings. I think the weirdest was the Aging Hippie Pentecostal Mennonite Wedding. But the Fainting Bride Wedding was exciting, too.

Author Reply: I felt kind of bad giggling every time I wrote about Legolas thinking that "Hobbit" was Bilbo's name. He's so very earnest about helping the "child." But I couldn't help it. I giggled.

In The Hobbit, Tokien says there were "hundred" of spiders after the Dwarves. That truly gave me the creeps. I can't even imagine hundreds of normal sized ones in one place. Ick! Ick! Ick!

I'm so pleased you drew the connection between Bilbo's use of the ring and Sauron's departure. Both of those events are canon, and they must have happened at about the same time, but I confess to making up the timing here. Sauron realizes that the ring has been found and withdraws to Mordor, where he's had a safe haven prepared for some time now (so says Tolkien).

ValkrieCrowReviewed Chapter: 7 on 6/15/2004
*Grins* I love Tracker!Annael.

Stupid orcs....*grumbles* Too bad they didn't have flamethrowers back then...or sporks.


Author Reply: Tracker!Annael is wonderful. I think that next to Legolas's brothers, he's my favorite OC. Him or Maltanaur.

Flamethrowers??!! WHAT have you been reading or watching, ValkrieCrow????


DuchessReviewed Chapter: 7 on 6/15/2004
LOVED it! Lots of action, more neat tie-ins with The Hobbit and oh CRAP I can't remember whether or not I'm supposed to know where Sauron went! *trying not to worry about that and failing*

What's happening next? I need more! LOL

Author Reply: LOL. Sauron goes to Mordor. But you KNEW that one. The next time Dol Guldur is occupied, it's by the Nazgul. Not a particularly pleasant exchange, I'd say.

The tie-ins with The Hobbit are a tremendous amount of fun to write. I keep combing through the pages of the book trying to figure out how all this looked to the Elves.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 7 on 6/15/2004
You are just so clever! It must have taken a forest to assemble all the bits and pieces. And it is just all so clever!

So the White Council didn't really expel Sauron - he was distracted by Hobbit's use of the One Ring. What they really did was keep him away from Hobbit - preventing him from gaining the One Ring. What a fantastic manipulation of minimal pieces of information.

I loved Legolas's care for poor little Hobbit, despite the residual pain of being lambasted by Thranduil in 'unreasonable monarch' mode.

So many spiders - and having gathered so quickly - very ominous. (Getting covered in spider's blood is seriously yukky.)

Interesting how these elves - so used to being under threat against increasingly dangerous and threatening forces of the dark - should be so thrown by the completely unexpected spanners in the works represented by the dwarves and their child Hobbit.

And Gelmir had better be all right. Just a fairly minor wound, OK? Elrond will be able to fix him up. If you have to get injured, he is probably a pretty good elf to have around.

Author Reply: Oh, thank you, Bodkin!!! I am so glad that you got it! I tried to make the connection between what "Hobbit" was doing and Sauron's disappearance as clear as I could, but after all I couldn't come out and SAY anything because my characters don't know.

Legolas is so earnest in his concern for Hobbit. LOL. It's really a pity to laugh at him.

Elrond's presence is a good thing for Gelmir, don't you think? Plenty of opportunity yet for OCs to die in this story. I have too many of them and I'm planning to clean house just a little.

Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 7 on 6/15/2004
Sauron is finally ousted from Dol Guldur! I expect the elves cannot believe it yet - and like Ithilden and Eilian, I wonder if Thranduil can sense it. Poor Gelmir, but if Elrond is there, I *know* he'll be all right - but I liked how worried Eilian was, and the way Ithilden reassured him.

Legolas being worried about Hobbit's safety was priceless! But of course when the dwarves are finally arrested, Bilbo disappears - what will the elves make of it when they can't find him again?


Author Reply: Never mind the elves. *I* almost can't believe Sauron is ousted. I keep looking at the Tale of Years to be sure I read it right.

Poor soft-hearted, earnest Legolas! He will have many worries about "Hobbit" in the days to come.

esamenReviewed Chapter: 7 on 6/15/2004
“At first, Sauron resisted us, just as we had anticipated. But then, suddenly, he seemed to stop. It was almost as if his attention were elsewhere rather than on us. And then he was simply gone.”

Wow . . . this one is leaving me breathless. What a fantastic tale you are weaving! Hobbit and Sauron . . . whew, this is getting hot! I can't wait to read the next chapter and see where you are taking this!

All your reading (and listening) to The Hobbit is certainly bearing fruit. It's so exciting to read a fic like this that is covering new territory -- new for me, anyway. I'll be waiting for the next chapter!


Author Reply: The story is a ton of fun to write because almost everything I'm doing is canon but I'm looking at it from an entirely different angle. *I* haven't seen anyone do this before either, so I'm hugging myself with totally shameless glee.

In this chapter, I'm hoping folks who have read The Hobbit will connect the two parts and know that "Hobbit" is Bilbo and that he put the One Ring on to become invisible to the spiders. THAT must have made Sauron spit out his soup. It's canon that Bilbo did that and canon that Sauron left Dol Guldur more or less of his own free will, but the connection is one I drew. :-)

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