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The Falcon: The Adventures of Peregrin Took  by Tom Fairbairn 44 Review(s)
hobbit_lassReviewed Chapter: 3 on 6/8/2004
What a interesting twist!

I find myself liking the pirate. Another great chapter, and I enjoyed how Pippin was going to act like he didn't know the King in order to avoid being ransomed.

Can't wait to see what happens next.

hobbit_lassReviewed Chapter: 2 on 6/8/2004
Another great chapter!

I liked the swordplay between Pippin and Faramir, but I loved the fight between Pip and Eowyn. She would have never given anything but her very best to a fight, and I liked how you portrayed that!

It's cool that he's got passage on a ship and I can't wait to see what adventures occur!

I also really liked the explanation of his new sword and the inscription.

Author Reply: Thank you so much! While I was writing it, Eowyn just "walked into" that chapter and it became the pivotal scene. You're right: she'd never give quarter to anyone.

hobbit_lassReviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/8/2004
Oh, I love it!

I've never read anything quite like this, but so far I'm really enjoying it! I liked how both Merry and Sam supported him in his adventure in their own ways, and the pain Pippin felt when he saw Sam's Frodo just about broke my heart!

Going on to read the next chapter, Can't wait!

purrlinReviewed Chapter: 12 on 6/8/2004
OK so Grey Wonderer isn't the only one enamoured with your work!

I am impressed!

I feel we're at the crossroads where all the characters to date will finally be bought together.

I love the idea of Maglor being around.... I'm desperate to know how your Captain of the pirate ship will fit in. What has happened to Davy and where will our beloved Pippin end up?

So many many tales left open ended...

I just feel there are so many chapters to come....what is Merry doing? and what about Aragorn? or Legolas or any other ot the more highly thought of elves for that matter? does not someone feel the continued action of Maglor?

I await your next chapters with baited not fail me, and leave me to torment unimaginable.

You do have a way of telling a story that makes one breathless....

Thank you!

purrlin :)

(I don't think I have ever considered Pippin such an heroic (and sexual) character! long live Hobbits!)

Author Reply: Re: your last comment -- LOL! Isn't he though? Well, I like to say, he's forty-one (human late twenties/early thirties) and this is swashbuckling adventure. He needs to be dashing and romantic. :-) Besides, Billy Boyd could pull it off. ;-)

Thank you for your review and hold on to your hat!

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 11 on 6/8/2004
So Pippin and Leah are together and now Pippin has confessed to Er. I hope it brings him so peace because he truly needs Gandalf at this moment. All of this ties in so well with the canon and yet it becomes something completely new. Can't wait for more.

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 10 on 6/8/2004
Pippin is so very cheeky in this. Loved him in the market place hiding under his turbin while they bought the sword. I find myself wondering who the singer was. An elf, maybe? I am reading on because this is too good to stop. So glad they have Tempest back. It will be interesting to see which of them will keep her.

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 9 on 6/7/2004
I still love this! So, I had the wrong wizard, very like Merry and Pippin in the movie. Looks to me like Pippin is in for a very interesting time now. I am looking forward to seeing if he manages to win over Leah with that charm of his. I held my breath through the part about the box. Can't wait for more!

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 8 on 6/7/2004
I like Poclis's people and Pippin's encounter with the little girl. I also enjoyed what he said to the idol as it lay on the ground, (Who's in pieces now, Mr. Peeper? ) Very funny and very like Pippin. It is also very in character for him to go off after those men without getting help and to wind up being captured. I have a guess about the blue army and find myself thinking that there must be a connection to a certain evil, formerly white, wizard? Pippin is certainly having a very interesting adventure! I am enjoying this story so much, I was wondering if you would mind if I posted a link to it on my Live Journal? I think several of my friends would really enjoy reading this. Let me know.

Author Reply: Please do post it! By the way, I'm on LiveJournal as writerj.

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 7 on 6/6/2004
Appears that there is far more to Pippin's dreams than one might expect. At least he'll have some warning. Is his sight a result of his encounter with the Palantir or is it something Tookish? I am glad that those on the ship are still alive and that Pippin's pony still lives. Enjoyed Merry's part of the dream. Still defending Pippin.

Author Reply: I consider Pippin's sight to be something latent in his blood (that fairy bride!) that is awakened by the Palantir (and unfortunately his contact with Sauron in particular.) Other factors also affect it.

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 6 on 6/6/2004
Just finished reading another wonderful chapter of this. Every time I think you've included all of the adventure that anyone can squeeze into one story, you surprise and delight me with more. I loved Pippin and Poclis watching the animals with Pippin standing on Poclis's shoulders. I love how Pippin wondered when Poclis had turned into Merry and when he said that being called a Brandybuck was an insult. LOL Also loved how Pippin thought of Sam when he found the rope. That was a very nice connection to his former travels. I find myself wondering if I've seen the last of the pirate ship and Davy and all of the crew or if a reunion looms in the future of this wonderful story. The killing of the lion was very exciting also. I almost believe that you have slain one before. (almost)

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