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For Eyes to See That Can  by Rowan 27 Review(s)
Pebbles66Reviewed Chapter: 5 on 1/3/2005
I am loving this series! I really like seeing how other people view Frodo, and the loyalty and love he inspires in them. Please write more soon!

Author Reply: Thank you! This may actually be the last update until at least late March, since I will be going out of the country for a couple of months. But you never know, I might get inspired and squeeze in another one before then.

esamenReviewed Chapter: 5 on 1/3/2005
"I still have one good arm, Meriadoc," Frodo interrupts dryly, from the other side of Pippin.

Oh, this is beautiful. I love it. What talent you have!

I've gone back to reading the books lately, and Tolkien's Frodo is still the best. He has a wonderful, dry, ironic wit. Tolkien wrote him as such a normal, real person, not a strange, superhero fanfic-type character. I think that you write him very well, as more of a real person, which makes him even more truly heroic.

Anyway, thanks for all your hard work! I hope you write more soon! I'll be watching down the road for you!


Author Reply: Thanks for your kindness and taking the time to review. Yes, I've often thought that book-Frodo (who this is firmly based on despite having movie-Frodo's looks) is a vastly underappreciated character. And I'm so glad that somebody else thinks that his "realness" makes him all the more heroic. So often I hear, "Oh, Sam's the real hero" or "Legolas is the coolest" or whatever.

But enough of that. Hopefully I can squeeze in another chapter before leaving the country for a couple of months. Legolas or Boromir next, I'm thinking.


Connie B.Reviewed Chapter: 5 on 1/3/2005
Cool! You updated. I especially liked the part about Frodo surviving out of stubborness, just to spite the Black Riders.


Connie B.

Author Reply: Thank *you*! We'll see if I can do another before leaving.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 5 on 1/3/2005
Oh, excellent! How wonderful it is, and building on the previous story of Gandalf and Frodo!
I love Aragorn's forthright pragmaticism, and his honesty. He will not lie to Frodo, even to spare him, but he will (true to his Elven name of "Hope") put the best possible interpretation on it.
And Merry's observations delight me, as well--you've done a brilliant job with this!

Author Reply: Thank you so much. That means a lot. (And I've been wanting for a long time to put those words in Merry's mouth.)

ArielReviewed Chapter: 4 on 9/10/2004
These were very nicely done - a pleasant read from someone who knows her canon well (I prefer canon fic). I liked the study from Gandalf best - IMHO, that is the one you capture the most closely to book - though you may also have simply improved over time. Nicely done pieces. Bravo!

Connie B.Reviewed Chapter: 4 on 9/10/2004
Nice. I liked the foreshadowing. Bilbo falling out of a tree and into Gandalf's lap was a nice touch.


Connie B.

esamenReviewed Chapter: 4 on 9/9/2004
A moment or an eternity later, I came back with a start and a gasp. Such a melody this one had! Bright with hope, heavy with sorrow. Unfinished, yes; its completion would be built on his choices. But a deeper or a more complex and bittersweet song, I had not heard even in the presence of the eldest Elves; at least, judging from the notes that I heard, and they were just the beginning.

Oh, this just takes my breath away. Everything here -- your vision of Gandalf, of Frodo, of Bilbo -- is just fantastic. Rowan, you can really write. Thanks so, so much for sharing your vision!

I'm going to have to run over and see if you've written anything else! This is my favorite kind of fic reading -- Frodo centric, beautifully written, and full of love. Thanks again!

YavannaReviewed Chapter: 4 on 9/9/2004
Rowan, I'm enjoying very much your story. I think you are offering us some really tender, colourful and interesting insigths about our favourite character. I hope you have in mind a lot more chapters.

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 4 on 9/9/2004
Another marvelous chapter!

"I can cope with being bored, Uncle. I've sat through some of your birthday speeches."
I suppressed my laughter by busying myself hunting for my pipe. This was a quick one.

What a wonderful explanation of why Gandalf chose Bilbo for Thorin's expedition! And how fascinating to see Frodo through these wise, ancient eyes and thoughts.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 3 on 6/21/2004
Wonderful! I love any story in which Lotho gets cut down to size! The interaction between Frodo and Sam, and the bit about how people will say "There goes Mr. Frodo and his Sam" was lovely. By the way, terrific tribute to Dragonsinger also. Menolly would appreciate it.

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