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Legolas's Begetting Day  by daw the minstrel 20 Review(s)
LOTRFaithReviewed Chapter: 5 on 7/30/2004
lol... I don't think I like Amelith very well either.. Though Eilian's little joke did go a little deeper than the elflings probably would guess, I think Legolas has a suspicion about it all:-) Cute elflings:-D

I can certainly understand Eilian's feeling about a new baby brother. I was fice when my parents anounced another child. I didn't worry too much about the attention, but I was worried about him getting into all my stuff:-D Then about two years later my even younger brother was born and then my sister (last but not least) arrived. And I must admit there are a few times when I see my little sister snuggling with a parent that I half wish that I was younger and could do the same... :-S

Author Reply: Legolas accepts Eilian the way he is, even when Eilian puzzles or annoys him. I think it's good for Eilian to have someone love him like Legolas does.

And maybe Eilian feels the way you describe when he sees Thranduil being gentle with the 'baby.' I have to say though that I was glad to be able to write good ada Thranduil here.

Rose SaredReviewed Chapter: 5 on 7/30/2004
This chapter was nice, Elian really did need to get a clue though, didn't he? No wonder he has so much trouble with his Dad, .
Those Orcs are a worry, more action to come? (sorta since it is in the past - eyes cross and Rose looks bewildered, again.)
Thanks for the update

Author Reply: Eilian acts first and thinks later and it drives his father crazy. I keep reminding myself that he's very young in this story -- 60 in the flashbacks and 80 in the "present." Tolkien says elves come of age at 50 but some don't reach their full adult form until they're 100. And I think he's slow to grow up in his personal life.

One more chapter, think. Orcs, baby, a few loose ends.

French PonyReviewed Chapter: 5 on 7/30/2004
Oooooooooo, Eilian's gonna catch it, Eilian's gonna catch it! Ooooooooooooooo!

Amelith really was astonishingly rude. But, come to think of it, so was Eilian. Having the elflings fetch another maiden's chemise right where Amelith could see! Perhaps he was getting tired of her and this was his roundabout way of getting her to break up with him?

Thranduil is a very wise ada when it comes to mischief and pets and days off from lessons. When I am a tante some day, I hope to be like Thranduil. I'm already a better babysitter than Eilian. My friend just wrote me a letter to tell me so. I want Thranduil to be my friend. He can help me babysit my friends' kids.

I liked reading about the care taken with the scrolls, especially on an early Friday evening right before services. It makes me think of Torah scrolls all dressed in their lovely rich embroidered robes with their pointers hooked on the ends. Do the scrolls that Legolas studies have pointers like that?

Author Reply: Amelith was bossy and rude, just as Legolas suspected. Eilian is just home on leave so I don't think there's been anything long term there. And in all truth, I do think it came back from the palace laundry. :-)

Thranduil was a very good ada to Legolas in this chapter. I'm not sure he's the best for Eilian, but he does well with Legolas here.

I'm thinking Legolas's scrolls are less fancy than Torah scrolls, but you never know!

Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 5 on 7/30/2004
Legolas is getting tactful - announcing their arrival like that! I liked Eilian's reaction when to hearing that Thranduil knew of the second clue. Poor Legolas - growing up in a male-dominated family, he doesn't know what a 'chemise' is, but his friends do. It came back with the laundry? I believe you, Eilian!

So Thranduil doesn't like Amelith either? He's got good instincts, that Elven King! I like his voice that sounded nice but probably wasn't. Run, Amelith!

Eilian is jealous of his soon-to-be baby brother? Judging from this chapter, that didn't last long.

I'll miss the next few updates as I'll be on holiday, but I look forward to catching up!


Author Reply: Legolas just doesn't want to see any more smoochy stuff. Ick. I thought that a modern day kid of 8 or so would know what women's underwear looked like even if he had no mother. But Legolas is not exposed to TV or ads, so I didn't think he would. You don't believe the laundry story? :-)

Amelith needed to go. I was glad to see the back of her.

Have a nice time on vacation, Jay. I think this story has just one more chapter, but we'll see.

Reviewed Chapter: 5 on 7/30/2004
I don't think I'd want to be Eilian right now. Between using the crown, having a chemise, making promises he can't keep (something Thranduil hates) and then getting Thranduil dragged into enforcing the promises (something the king hates even more)--he's in a lot of trouble. And I'm sure the mice will get blamed on him somehow too.

Poor Eilian. Its a good point how loosing his mother would affect him the most of all the family. He wouldn't loose her to Legolas, he'd loose her in a worse way he couldn't yet predict. How sad. He turned out really well for somebody that went through so much.

As usual, I love it. I gues the next chap will wrap it up. Give us a hint what you'll do next. It makes waiting even worse but better somehow too.

Author Reply: Oh wow, you picked out every single bad thing Eilian did. I hope Thranduil overlooks at least some of them. Fortunately he doesn't know about the wine. Yet.

I think that when Lorellin died, she did leave Eilian really alone. I'm so glad to know that Celuwen comes along because Eilian and Thranduil love one another but have a whole lot of trouble understanding one another.

I think one more chapter. I don't know yet what I'll do next. Unfortunately school starts on August 23 so I have to prep my classes some.

DotReviewed Chapter: 5 on 7/30/2004
Ah yay! I’m so glad I decided to check SoA before turning off my computer for the night.

This was such a great chapter. It seems Legolas really doesn’t want to witness any more canoodling if he’s taken to shouting outside the door first! The scene reminds me of when Eilian calls out to Legolas, knowing that he and Miriwen are in the woods together and arrives to find them just as casually sitting a few inches apart (that did happen, didn't it?!!). Maybe he did learn from Eilian after all!

I had to laugh when poor Eilian realises that Thranduil has discovered Legolas with the crown. He must have known then that things were just not going to end well for him.

Ah, so Turgon has no problem telling a little lie?! It’s interesting that even Annael and Legolas will keep quiet about the truth if the price is right. Of course, it also shows that Turgon is actually the only one of them who has realised that these incidents with the mice could land them in trouble. I suppose he’s been in trouble enough times to recognise it ;-)

I knew it was a map they were to look for! Silly elflings. I wasn’t expecting a chemise, though… Yet another thing that Legolas doesn’t know because there are no females in his house. At least his friends didn’t make him feel bad for not knowing. LOL at “Any lady wearing this undertunic would get cold”!! How do you come up with these things?!

“She turned to look at Eilian, and this time she was not smiling at all.” Uh-oh. I admit I’d expect him to do a bit more explaining about that one too.

It was absolutely hilarious the way Thranduil just looks at the chemise and then at Eilian. What a picture that must have made, especially as Turgon and Legolas were so proud of their accomplishment. If I were Thranduil, I’d just have walked back out and closed the door again.

I can’t believe Thranduil was soft-hearted enough to give in about the lessons. And he’s saved Eilian from disappointing his little brother.

There’s Blue-y! I would SO hate to have been Amelith. I cringed when Thranduil did his polite-but-menacing thing. Still, good riddance as far as I’m concerned. Oh, and I love the way Thranduil calls her “our guest”!

Actually, I just love everything about Thranduil in this chapter. He wasn’t at all fazed by the presence of the mouse. And he dealt with it in such a Wood-Elfy way! I really like the way he made Legolas think about how the mouse would be feeling and the three young friends are obviously generous enough not to want to see the mouse unhappy. I wonder what Thranduil thought when Legolas chose the spot near the roses to set Blue-y free?

What a lovely thought, Thranduil telling a story to the three of them!

I’m glad we got back to Eilian and Maltanaur. At least Maltanaur seems a little better. Better enough to think more clearly than Eilian anyway. I was afraid Eilian would have tried to make a run for it with Maltanaur in his arms. I like the way Maltanaur can read Eilian so easily. It seems Eilian himself hadn’t even realised the true source of his worry. This appears to be the first time he’s really thought about the baby, rather than just his mother. I feel sorry for him. It must be quite lonely at times for him to see his father and Ithilden so clearly on the same wave length and even at his age it would be difficult to think that he wouldn’t have his mother’s unrivalled affection. I know he thinks it’s childish – and obviously there’s no way his mother would be like that – but really it’s as an adult that arguments with his father would be more serious and he’d need to know that he’d at least have his mother there for him. Crikey, I’ve only just realised how completely frantic Maltanaur must have been about Eilian when Lorellin died. *sigh* I hope you get these two home soon!

More please! It’s a Bank Holiday weekend here and I'll need some entertainment… :-)

Author Reply: That thing with Legolas and Miriwen did happen, yes! It was in "One Year in Mirkwood," I think. It all blends together.

Those are acute observations about Turgon: he recognizes trouble and he's willing to lie a little. The others let themselves be pushed around. I think Turgon has leadership ability, which is one of the things that scares Thranduil.

I thought Legolas might have trouble recognizing a chemise, what with no nana and no TV or ads either. And it turns out this one was not intended for winter wear apparently! ;-)

Thranduil was indeed a very good ada, especially for Legolas. We'll see how he does with Eilian, who in contrast to his innocent little brother, probably should have known better. One of the nice things about the idea of Thranduil reading them a story is that Legolas more or less expects it, so you know Thranduil has done it before. He is good to the baby.

Eilian is an adult in that flashback but barely so. He'd be 60. Elves come of age at 50 but some of them don't reach their adult form until they're 100. And I do think he felt shut out by Thranduil and Ithilden. Sigh.

Is a Bank Holiday a three-day weekend? I think there's only one more chapter in this and I have about 1000 words written already.

sofiaReviewed Chapter: 5 on 7/30/2004
good chapter. That is some last treasure. Poor Eilian. He's in trouble. :(

Author Reply: Eilian probably is in trouble. Thranduil has lots of fatherly stuff to do tonight between the little guys and Eilian. Glad you liked the chapter.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 5 on 7/30/2004
Thranduil is just such a wonderful adar to Legolas. (He's a little more edgy with Eilian - who is such a Wood Elf, my poor Sindar love - what a line, such a tragedy for the family that Lorellin died.)

Adorable little Legolas, making a point of announcing the elflings so Eilian can unhand his bimbo. Typical Turgon to know all about chemises - and Legolas was so funny thinking that Nimloth would have disposed of anything of his that was worn so thin!

Amelith getting all moody because of the chemise and having the audacity to tell Legolas what he should be allowed to do - I will be surprised if Thranduil will let her in the palace again. Not just a bimbo, but a braindead bimbo too. I wonder how long it will take her to realise that she just committed romantic suicide.

Good for Thranduil agreeing to organise the day by the waterfall for his little Legolas and his friends, (although I suspect Eilian is in for a bit of trouble). And didn't he do well when Blue-y interrupted - played on Legolas's sense of fair play and kindness to get him to agree to free him. And Annael is JUST ADORABLE.

Great Maltanaur and Eilian interaction behind the waterfall - and Eilian admitting he was worried that Legolas's arrival would upset his relationship with his naneth. It's not easy being a middle child.

The only problem with finding this to read tonight, is that I won't find it there in the morning. Oh well, I'll just have to read it again.

Author Reply: I do think Lorellin's death was a tragedy. I think all of them would have been happier people if she had lived, although I also think they manage to repair their lives for the most part.

Legolas really has no desire to see any of that smoochy stuff again. Ick. Give Eilian warning so he can cut it out.

When I was writing about the chemise, I thought about what a difference it makes that there's no advertising or TV or anything, so with no women in his household, Legolas is unlikely to see much women's underwear.

Thranduil as a very good Ada in this chapter. At least, he was good for Legolas. Less so for Eilian probably, but then Eilian is old enough to know better.

KarriReviewed Chapter: 5 on 7/30/2004
Woo hoo! Go, Blue-y! That's a good mouse, chasing the evil Amelith away. Thranduil dealt with the mouse problem quite adeptly. (That's a good ada, too. ;-))

Author Reply: Thranduil was a very good Ada to Legolas in this chapter. He was concerned and gentle. He's a little less understanding with Eilian, but then I suppose he figured Eilian should have known better whereas he thought Legolas was acting in innocence. And yes. Go, Blue-y! (Sounds like my alma mater, U of Mich)

tigerlily713Reviewed Chapter: 5 on 7/30/2004
Well done! This chapter flowed very well. Unfortunately, it was over before I knew it! I eagerly await more!

Author Reply: Thank you, Lily. I think there's just one more chapter now. As always, I'm eager to complete the story and see it all done, but then I'll be sorry. :-)

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