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My Dear Bandobras  by Le Rouret 246 Review(s)
LamielReviewed Chapter: 43 on 9/15/2004
"Fortunately Legolas is quite capable of dressing himself..." Yes, and it must be a relief to him to have that duty for himself again. I wouldn't wonder if planning this wedding isn't a chance for him to turn the tables on Kaimelas a bit.

Ah, poor Legolas. Where is Bandobras when you need him?

Aislynn CrowdaughterReviewed Chapter: 41 on 9/14/2004
"when I questioned Legolas asking why he was brought so low he only shook his head, his eyes downcast, saying he could not disclose his thoughts to me – and would not; his mind is closed to my eye, and it seems to me as though he sits alone in a dark room bereft of all hope; he has shut me out, my Husband, so that I am confounded and know not how to comfort him.....There is more to this, my Husband, than the deaths of two Elves, no matter one was his erstwhile betrothed; but what it might be I am ignorant of it."

Hmmm... seems to me Nardanes unrequited love was not as unrequited as she thought. Or is it remorse that he first - at the start, before he even met Laustaire - thought to feing interest for her so he would be spared another attempt to foist a maid at him? But I got the impression that after he met the brat he was indeed smitten with her for some time! So I rather think it is Nardanes death, and he realized to late that he was more intersted inher than in the brat.

However, I sincerely hope you will not go so far as to kill off Legolas in this! This would, in my view, be a bit of an over-reaction. But I do hope that Bandorbas arrives well, and safe, and *soon*!


ElenoraReviewed Chapter: 42 on 9/14/2004
This is simply killing me!! Legolas's mother's letter was particularly heart-wrenching, especially when she was describing Legolas with the children and then afterward, when he allowed his true emotions to slip through....SAD!!! You've managed to convey in Legolas's letter to Cirien a lack of emotion from Legolas, as if he's numb and simply going through the motions of conversing and corresponding with people, although a bit of his old humor and lightheartedness showed through upon the retelling of Galas's little joke. That was like a bit of sunshine breaking through a stormy sky.

I'm very glad Bandobras is on his way - oh how Legolas needs him now! I am really looking forward to the relating of that reunion!! YEAH!


LamielReviewed Chapter: 42 on 9/14/2004
Ah, I know why Legolas hasn't heard from Bandy recently - doubtless he's on his way to Ithilien even now, with Gimli at his side. I'm so glad to see that Legolas has some free time now; he needed it so badly! And all without any romantic interest cluttering up the court too. Once Gimli and Bandobras arrive everything will be all right again. Oh, and I see that you did manage to slip a little sea longing in here as well. Nice touch.

LOTR loverReviewed Chapter: 42 on 9/14/2004
Why do I have the feeling that this is simply a lull in the storm?

Isn't boar hunting a very dangerous sport?

Yes, spring is coming and everyone's labor is bearing fruit, but I have a bad feeling about this....

Ms. WhatsitReviewed Chapter: 41 on 9/13/2004
I was afraid it was coming to this. And now I'm more worried than ever about Bandy. I would not be surprised if Thranduil ditched Mirkwood and came running to Ithilien to take care of Legolas.

LackwitReviewed Chapter: 41 on 9/13/2004
Bodkin- "mood-altering drugs"- bwahahaha!

I am surprised at just how hard Legolas is taking this. Does it have anything to do with Nardane's unrequited love for him, that maybe she might brood on for eternity in the halls of Mandos? Or was it actually unrequited?

Very interesting developments. That little brat sure had a major impact! Looking forward to Thranduil's comments.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 41 on 9/13/2004
Take Note Queen - you cannot make people do what goes against the grain without repercussions.

Poor Legolas sounds in dire straits. Not only does he need Bandobras - he needs a course of mood-altering drugs. And more children to play with. And it sounds as if he needs his adar, too.

LamielReviewed Chapter: 41 on 9/13/2004
Now this is getting serious. Surely, surely Legolas won't fade over this, however he may blame himself. He's stronger than that. Oh, but I will be glad when Bandobras arrives.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 40 on 9/12/2004
Legolas does sound depressed. I think he needs Bandobras rather badly at this point. And since he realises it was a desire for fatherhood that made him want to marry, the presence of the children who adore him might not be the consolation it usually is.

What was to stop Kalamiril taking those letters from Nardane that showed how badly things were going and showing them to Cirdan, who might then have been able to step in before it was too late?

And it does all come back to Laustaire being an undisciplined adolescent who was clearly far too young and immature to be married.

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