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Baggins!  by Grey Wonderer 112 Review(s)
GamgeeFestReviewed Chapter: 6 on 1/9/2006
Oh, dear! Old shoe! But this had to be my favorite:
Pippin looked at him for a moment and then he said, “Did you know that when you shout your face gets really red and your eyes pop out?”
LOL! Pippin is such a dear. I never thought it possible, but I actually felt just the teensiest bit sorry for Otho. No one deserves to have Lobelia mad at them.

Author Reply: Lobelia is one dangerous hobbit and I am very sure that Otho often wishes that she were someone else's problem. This time though, poor Otho had to deal with Lobelia and Pippin! I'd say Bilbo was very lucky to be up that tree, wouldn't you? LOL Thanks for the review!

PIppinfan1988Reviewed Chapter: 5 on 9/22/2005
LOL, that *was* a great use for punch! What a sweet moment between Bilbo and Frodo. Through your pair, I can readily see how the infamous duo got on so well together. But the whole thing about the fire was too funny. :-) LOL, for an *extremely* brief moment, I thought Saradoc was grabbing the punch bowl to run out of the Hall with! (as in, hobbits saving food and drink from disaster) LOL, I'm thinking, forget the punch, you goose, grab the *beer barrel*!!

Good work, G.W.!


Author Reply: LOL Saradoc was probably glad when Bilbo and Frodo began celebrating at Bag End instead of Brandy Hall. Fewer fires. I seem to keep trying to burn Brandy Hall down in one way or another, don't I? (Pip's smoking lessons and now this.) Glad you liked it!

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 5 on 9/22/2005
“And that pop-n-jay Tobias Tunnely. Nice enough fellow I suppose but all he wants to do is to tell me about how talented he is. He’s started teaching carpentry and I think he is trying to scare up some business.”

“Carpentry?” Frodo asked.

Now, that started the carpentry-lessons? Well, someday Mr. Tunnely will regret, that he involved the Bagginses (and their relations) in his business ;-)

That was a wonderful story, G.W.
Bilbo and Frodo have so much in common. They even fled into the same room!
And thanks to Lobelia, they can celebrate their birthday now the way they like it - in private!

It's really a shame there is no punch left ;-)

Author Reply: Bilbo will have to learn to smoke in rooms with windows or outside. Between his smoking and Lobelia's shreiking they caused quite a stir. I sort of decided to put Mister Tunnelly into this one to connect things up a bit. I am glad that you enjoyed this one and thanks for reading!

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 5 on 9/22/2005
This was wonderful. I love your Bilbo--he's so delightfully wicked, in a good way. And setting it the year prior to his adoption of Frodo makes sense--it could very well be that this is what gave him the impetus to finally have Frodo at Bag End to live.

Only Lobelia could take a casual and low mention of the word "fire" and turn it into a 3-alarm catastrophe with one loud shriek, LOL!

Saradoc trying to put the fire out with the punch was priceless.

And I loved the ending--a nice quiet family celebration, without a lot of hangers-on.

Author Reply: Thank you. For some odd reason someone in most of my stories winds up getting wet. LOL And I finally got to put Lobelia to good use in this one. Glad you enjoyed it.

SlightlyTookishReviewed Chapter: 5 on 9/22/2005
Great work once again, GW. I really enjoyed this one, from the Bilbo and Frodo bonding to the very wet finale :)

Author Reply: I'm glad you liked it. I wanted to write a birthday fiction for the day. Thanks for the review!

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 5 on 9/22/2005
What an adorable birthday story!

“To tell you the truth, I actually enjoyed it,” Frodo smiled. “Bilbo and I had a lovely talk and there is still plenty of food left and cake too. Now that the guests are gone, we can get Merry from the nursery and celebrate with just the family.”

Happy Birthday, Frodo and Bilbo!


Author Reply: So glad you liked it. I wanted to post something for the birthday this year. I wish I'd had longer to work on it but I wound up writing it last night after work. LOL

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 5 on 9/22/2005
Ah, dear--the old bag managed somehow to get what needed done done--to get rid of no longer wanted guests the hard way! And it does seem Goodbody isn't much of a poet!

Lovely humor.

Author Reply: Finally, Lobelia was used to her best advantage and she didn't even know that she was improving the birthday party. LOL I guess there really is a purpose for everyone, isn't there? And yes, Goodbody could have used several 'ghost-writers' for his poems. I suspect that Mister Goodbody had a very small readership. Thanks for reading!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 4 on 9/22/2005
Poor Frodo! Drinks because he's embarrassed, then gets embarrassed because he's drunk. Gads!

Author Reply: It's a bit of a catch 22 isn't it. Thanks for reading!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 3 on 9/22/2005
The little turkey!

Author Reply: He thought he had it all figured out but he hadn't counted on Bilbo. Looks like Bilbo has dealt with little Tooks before and knows just how it's done.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 2 on 9/22/2005
If only Gandalf could have gone with him further, helped the fight further.

Author Reply: I've always wondered if that would have changed the outcome.

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