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Back to the Valley  by Thundera Tiger 16 Review(s)
Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 1 on 10/24/2004
Very good. I wonder who the poor elf was, and how he was captured? I wondered if he had been captured with Celebrķan, but not if he was in Imladris when Bilbo returned with Gandalf.


Author Reply: Enter the oh-so-convenient plot device of making the elf forget everything. ;) Seriously, though, my own omnisicent authorial story involves an expedition with the Rangers around the southern boundaries of the Misty Mountains that went horribly wrong and resulted in several deaths and one or two prisoners. It would have taken place sometime after Bilbo and Gandalf passed through on the return journey, but not too long after because it's my impression that this elf has been a prisoner for a while. At least fifty or sixty years. *shrugs* That's just my theory, but as our unnamed elf has forgotten, I guess we'll never know for sure.

mistry89Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 10/24/2004
It is an effective device, I believe, and I think that the inanity of the song/ doggerel/thing reinforces the horrible situation of the poor elf.

I'm not one for demanding updates, but that elf is just left hanging there ....

Author Reply: If you're asking for an update on this particular story, I'm sorry to say that there's no more. That's it. It's one of those bittersweet endings where it's good for a while but you know it won't last. If you're talking about another story...ah, you'll have to be a bit more specific. I've got a few elves hanging in a few more stories.

Anyway, thanks for the review and I'm glad you liked the contrast of song and setting!

LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 1 on 10/24/2004
Vivid pictures, strong emotions, defiant hope in the middle of hopelessness. I will never read those parts (the two times the song is song) of The Hobbit again in quite the same way.


Author Reply: Glad you liked it! I'm not going to think of the song the same way again, either, so I suppose I'll have very good company!

Elena TirielReviewed Chapter: 1 on 10/24/2004
Ah, very creative, Thundera! I will no longer cringe from inanity when I read that song.

I will cringe from associating it with heinous torture.

- Barbara

Author Reply: ... Which one is better, do you suppose? The inanity or the torture? I think I actually prefer the torture... But at least now you have variety in your cringing! That has to count for something.

docmonReviewed Chapter: 1 on 10/23/2004
ooh, cool and creepy this one! i'm certainly glad this elf remembers that song, for his sake.

Careful, though - I think this might prove fodder for future plot bunnies - uh, is that ...Nuzgul? It's giving me a few of my own, and I've never written LotR fic! *g*

ok, now, back to writing your longer stories! *eg*


Author Reply: Heh heh... Well, if I've foisted plot bunnies upon you, I shall count myself fortunate. Better you than me. Here, take all the Nuzgul you want!

*wanders back to "longer" stories*

French PonyReviewed Chapter: 1 on 10/23/2004
Certainly not the stupidest song Tolkien ever wrote, but what an earworm it is! And now there's a real use for it at last. The ethnomusicologist in me (who is currently taking a course in music and media with current emphasis on inane Indopop music) sighs happily.

Have you ever seen Woody Allen's Bananas? I'm thinking specifically of the scene where the government has captured one of the rebels and they torture him by chaining him to a chair and forcing him to listen to light operetta. I'm thinking that the Imladris elves could do quite a number on any orcs or Nazgul who came within their clutches, even if Vilya was at the cleaner's that day. . .

Author Reply: Congratulations! I believe you're the first person to ever use the word "ethnomusicologist" in a review. Glad I could satisfy this aspect of your character!

I haven't seen "Bananas," but your reference made me think of "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" and the Vogon poetry torture. So now I wonder whether or not really inane elven songs could do the same thing. Just how many Tralalalalallies would you to turn back a Balrog? Maybe we should ask Glorfindel...

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