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Good Neighbors  by daw the minstrel 24 Review(s)
The KarenatorReviewed Chapter: 6 on 11/16/2004
“As always, I look forward to serving with you, Captain.” Speaks volumes, doesn't it? I could almost hear his that I think was nearly imperceptible to anyone but Eilian. Oh, Maltanaur. There will be no shenanigans with him along. At least it will make it harder for Eilian. But I have to admit, Maltanaur will have his hands full.

Another interesting statement by Maltanaur was when he referred to himself as 'this one's keeper'. The nickname used by the three Thranduilions is not lost on this bodyguard. I wonder what the twins think about Thranduil's sons having bodyguards? Apparently they do not.

Mithrandir must seem nearly like a fairy tale person to Legolas. I see that his only vague memory of Gandalf is after Lorellin's death when he was glued to his adar's shoes. That must stir some kind of emotional response in him...but perhaps he has other things on his mind at the moment. And he was feeling a little queasy when the subject of men and the cost of having them in their lives was brought up.

Poor Rodda. Just how many apples did the child eat anyway? I'm sure he's been traumatized by whatever has happened to him and such a memory could make him have such a physical reaction. Still, I couldn't help but wonder if the kid is getting sick and not just from post traumatic stress. He's human after all and susceptible to the big bad germs of the world. Now that would be a problem. Time to confess. Of course, Amdir could be the little bug that causes the pox on the terrible trio's knotty heads.

BTW, the sword training was interesting. Well done.


Author Reply: I love Maltanaur. He makes me laugh, and he's such a good match for Eilian. He's obviously fond of him, but he's not putting up with a thing. The twins are considerably older, of course, and grew up in a much safer time and place. Also they had one another (for good or for bad) and were under Glorfindel's command. I suspect they didn't need a keeper as much as Eilian does.

I liked writing that little shoe memory for Legolas. He is pretty distracted right now, though, as you say. I thought Mithrandir might look rather like a man to him, and he'd have to figure out what the wizard was like.

Poor Rodda, indeed. I felt bad for him. He's very alone in an alien place. The kids are kind but he needs an adult to love and care for him.

Glad you liked the sword stuff. Bless the internet!

rikkiReviewed Chapter: 6 on 11/16/2004
Oh my, bringing home strays can lead to trouble. I have hid my fair share of kittens, baby chicks and even a baby rabbit before my Mother found them. And the trio is courting disaster with Amdir if he thinks that his big brother is hiding something from him. The truth may out sooner than later. I feel sorry for Rodda, an orphan alone in the woods. And he's got to be feeling a culture shock being sheltered by a trio of elflings, fed apples and bread, hidden in an abandoned house. Perhaps, when the whole rescue comes out in the open, Mithrandir can come up with a home for Rodda. I don't see him going back to Esgaroth since he ran away from there to begin with. I do laugh thinking what Thranduil is going to have to think up to do with Legolas when all this comes out. He has restricted him to his room, had him working in the healing halls, there is not much left but confining him to the dungeons until he comes of age. I sure that there are many parents who wish they had dungeons sometimes to contain their erring children.

I wonder what the twins think about Maltanaur. They don't seem to have ever had any guardians beyond Glorfindel who was more of their trainer than keeper. And it sounds like Maltanaur is not impressed with the guests from Imraldis. Even though Eilian was rolling his eyes when Maltanaur was talking to the twins, I don't think he would consider going on this hunt without his keeper. Eilian also presents a more family oriented elf - would Elledan or Elrohir show as much affection to Arwen as Eilian does to Legolas? Maybe Eilian and Maltanaur can control some of the rage that the twins have against the orcs. Nothing like Thranduil having to write Elrond that the twins were injured during their visit.

Author Reply: The elflings do treat Rodda a bit like a stray dog they found! Your description of the "culture shock" gave me the shivers. Poor lonely kid. Legolas isn't exactly being bad here. This isn't in a class with sneaking out at night in my parental handbook. But he is courting trouble.

We don't really know much about the twins. Tolkien tells us so little. Nilmandra shows them as very affectionate to their little sister, and they could have been. They're not their normal selves right now, and may never be again. :-(

And no, no, no. Writing such a letter to Elrond would be bad!

NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 6 on 11/16/2004
Poor Rodda - apples on a empty stomach is probably not the best, poor thing. He needs hot soup and bread, and someone to take care of him.

Well, with Maltanaur with Triple E, I wonder if the keeper will feel overwhelmed by overzealous orc killers, or if he will be a good calming influence on everyone?

Author Reply: I need hot soup and bread. That sounds so good.

Maltanaur is guarding his charge carefully right now, making sure those bad Rivendell boys don't lead him astray. :-) You know what Elladan in particular can be like!

ManderlyReviewed Chapter: 6 on 11/16/2004
What exactly is Rodda hiding? Something obviously traumatic to make him sick like that. I certainly hope he isn't the one who's been shooting at the elves on the river. The elflings have so far succeeded in hiding Rodda, but I wonder how long the charade can be kept up. I am cringing already for Thranduil's inevitable lecture (to put it mildly) when he finds out what these three have been up to. Legolas might find himself cleaning up vomit once again as punishment.

I had to laugh at Eilian's advice to Legolas about looking cool when plotting something. Speaking from experience, I suppose, deep, deep experience. Somehow I don't think Legolas will ever reach his brother's level of expertise in this.

Well, you have given us another chapter and my mind is still swimming with endless possibilities of where you will be taking us. Looking forward to more.

Author Reply: The elflings are acting from the goodness of their hearts (well, that and the fact that this is exciting!) but they are probably going to be in trouble, depending on how all this comes out.

Eilian is not only experienced at getting into trouble himself; he's also amused by most of what Legolas gets up to. Of course, he doesn't know the half of it here.

I sat down tonight and spent a fair amount of time trying to work out the time line for unravelling all the threads, trying to make sure I don't miss any. I hope I get them all. I always feel as if I spend chapters and chapters setting things up and then "bang!" My story's over.

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