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This and That  by Lindelea 237 Review(s)
Pearl TookReviewed Chapter: 18 on 7/24/2006
Bravo! Bravo!! Bravisimo!!!

This was a wonderful story :) I love Mari and Merry's initial discomfort with, well, everthing it seemed, to then just doing what needed to be done and laughing over it all.

The anxiety and horror you painted for the family and the searchers was also spot on!


Author Reply: Thank you! It was so nice to write a story that was more comfort and comedy than angst!

ElemmírëReviewed Chapter: 18 on 7/24/2006
I really enjoyed this sweet, humorous, tale of the misadventures of Mari & Merry. Their characters were so wonderful to read; I especially enjoyed Marigold's practicality and throwing some propriety to the wind.

I just love how Merry was rolled up The Hill in a wheelbarrow at the end! LOL!!

P.S. You've also inspired me with a chapter title for an upcoming series of mine.

Author Reply: A chapter title for an upcoming series? But now you have me curious! Are you going to let me know when I can read it?


Pearl TookReviewed Chapter: 17 on 7/23/2006
These were both wonderful :) Well done indeed!

Author Reply: Thank you!

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 18 on 7/23/2006
This is lovely and so sweet. If this is a product of a heatwave then long may it continue. Oh, oh, only joking........ really I am hating every minute of it!

Author Reply: Oh, I hate heatwaves too. Now we're back to "normal" summer temperatures. Normally a little too warm for my blood, but twenty degrees cooler than the unbearable heat we had a little while ago, so who am I to complain?

Actually, I have a little more writing time than I had before, and hope to continue at least until the school year gears up again. Will keep pegging away just so long as the Muse keeps whispering.

(And so long as people keep giving me feedback, so that I don't have the feeling I'm just talking to myself. You know what they say about people who talk to themselves! Amazing how motivating such a thing can be. I thank you, once more, for yours.)

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 18 on 7/22/2006
What fun to see this here, all in one piece! It was delightful to read it bit by bit on LJ, but it flows much better as one long story!

It so makes me grin! Merry is just so lovely in it, and so is little Marigold!

Author Reply: Yes, and now that it's finished I can start working on *your* belated birthday present, and then Bodkin's, and gotta squeeze Dana's (which promises to be delightful, if there's anything in the grin that comes over my face all unknowing whenever I think of it) in somewhere.


harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 17 on 7/9/2006
It is taking me a while to catch up with the reviews that I missed doing last week but here I am at last. I feel like a child with late homework but this is too good not to review! But now I have got to go back and re-read Flames. What a chore! :)

Author Reply: That's ok, it is taking me a while to catch up with *answering* reviews!

Re-read Flames, what fun! (I love it when something prompts me to re-visit an old tale, mine or someone else's.)

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 17 on 7/7/2006
Some higher power must have been on Pippin's side (the author?) to keep him alive long enough for Sam to provide the remedy. It must have made Faramir a very mature lad for his age - he spent most of his childhood expecting to lose his father.

Author Reply: Author, Muse, or arbitrary-ness of a timeline, perhaps?

No, wait, it would have to be JRRT, for he's the one who said Pippin had to survive until whatever year it was he went to Gondor for the last time, and a while after. But he didn't say much about what happened in those intervening years...

demeter dReviewed Chapter: 4 on 7/7/2006
I see by the posting dates of the other reviews that this beautiful piece has been out for over a year. I am so glad that I finally found it. I knew who this was when the first soldier called him "Captain", even before Pippin named him. In life, his every thought was for his city, and Gondor, and his family. Even after a moment of weakness, he died defending two others whom he had added to tha list of those he loved. From Pippin describing him as a kind friend in the books, I have come to believe that Merry and Pippin became like the sons that he had never had.The detail of Pippin becoming more or less substantial to Boromir as he flickered in and out of life was wonderfully done. It is reminiscent of the descriptions of Frodo and Sam's sojourns in the shadowy world one enters when wearing The One Ring. I read once a story where a little girl made friends with the ghost of another girl who had once lived in her house but died in an accident. When she became a teenager, the modern day girl found a way to go back in time to her friend and prevent the accident. In the past, the modern girl appearred like a ghost to her friend.i like the whole notion of " just what is real?".
It is always good to read stories where Boromir and Denethor find themselves again "on the other side." Tolkien wrote them both as noble men who had been briefly overcome by the Darkness that they fought, although Boromir was able to fight back before his end. A very nice touch, that Denethor, who was a stickler for rules, would have pardoned Beregond in gratitude for saving his son. I would have liked to think so, too. Now there is another story I will have to go back and find, as right now I can not remember who wrote it.
It shows Aragorn passing through the Paths of the Dead, with the dead following behind him. Only, one of the ghosts is an old companion. Boromir rides beside him and tells him he will be with him in the fight to free his beloved city. Your piece reminded me of that one.
Whew, I hope that this was not inappropriately long. But I very much enjoyed this story.!

Author Reply: Not too long at all, but I fear I'm terribly belated in my reply. There was a time last year, I think, when I wasn't getting reviews in my email. I just now ran across this one.

Very insightful--I'm glad you caught that detail of Pippin becoming more "solid" to Boromir when he was closer to death. The story of the two girls sounds familiar, though I can't quite place it.

The story you mentioned about the Paths of the Dead sounds fascinating--did you ever find it?


demeter dReviewed Chapter: 6 on 7/6/2006
Just received "A Breath..." and am catching up on a few of your older ones which I had not gotten to, yet. This is heart-tugging. it could indeed be any of the friends, especially Sam. I, too, enjoy the happy-ending AUs. But Tolkien's sad endings give me a hope that our own bitter-sweet lives are not entirely without light and hope. Nicely done!

demeter dReviewed Chapter: 16 on 7/6/2006
Quietly sweet. The good professor called Elrond wise, strong, and "kind as summer." His home had become a refuge against the very darkness which had taken her from it. I am sure that her memory helped keep him strong for that fight. A nice moment, here. Sam was the one of the Hobbits who looked out for the feelings of others.Perhaps he has a bit of insight, now, that Elrond needs help and encouragement, too. Very nice!

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