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Time's Turnings  by daw the minstrel 23 Review(s)
White WolfReviewed Chapter: 4 on 1/21/2005
I just love it when some poor human has to face Thrandiil in one of his angry moods. He reminds ome of a venomous snake ready to strike. A red neck and narrowed eyes is not a good sign for the hapless person.

The minute Thranduil said for Eilian to take two guards with him, you know who I htought of. I'm hoping that's your plan. Besides spending more time with his brother, Legolas will get to be around more humans like he wants to do.

Author Reply: Thranduil would be scary as anything when he was angry. It's amazing that all of his sons faced that and even provoked it sometimes. But then, of course, they knew he loved them and the Men of Dale have no such assurance!

I think your plan for who should escort Eilian is an excellent one.

perellethReviewed Chapter: 4 on 1/21/2005
Yesss! nice surprise for a Friday!
Hohooo, I so much love it when Thranduil is angry... you manage to picture him in so different ways of enragement.. and then all are terrifying! I especially like that hint about the red tingeing his neck.. it's so graphic!!!! I can picture Ithilden mentally ticking off the symptoms "red neck, feral groan, flat answer.. and now... yes, throat!It's over! bring in another one, by the way Adar, this one was a new personal record! ;-) Now, speaking seriously, it is very worrying, and it can be either someone is trying to take profit of this, or is trying to isolate the woodland realm from their neighbours to have them in a difficult position...mmm is it about trade or dark things? I'm eager to see the result of it all...

I like te consistency of your characters, for I find myself able to understand their behaviours even when i've not yet read half of their (well, rather your)stories. Ithilden's story was lovely, so in character with this serious heir... I suppose being raised as an only child and with such responsibilities weighed on him,but then it was in his nature too and Thranduil must have been ecstatic at having an heir so like him!. Anyway, you've ben good to him giving him such a wonderful family of his own after all those years of being so serious and "proper" He may be starting to know a whole different world now!

I wonder what kind of heart atack might Thranduil have suffered, had Eilian been his eldest!!!! Poor one. I'm glad Thranduil gives him a chance, but then why cannot he simply accept how he is? Geee some people are never content with what they have... a good spirited son who smiles when you ask him to give up his leave...Eilian's sin is being happy, isn't it? He should pretend to be an overbusy, overconcerned and overresponsible CEO of his patrol, and maybe he would get away with a bit more praise than he gets from his Adar... ;-)

Mmm. anyway, I somehow have the feeling he's going to enjoy this mission and he may be thinking of enlisting a very special escort from the Eastern Patrol... and then, enraging his Adar again. Pity he seems to crave his father's recognition, for he seems not to know what to do how to win it!
I bet Dale is going to be an interesting place for the next weeks, with this two sons of Thranduil on "special assignment" with their two minders on tow!!
(Wow! I'm intruding!!!);-)

Author Reply: Isolating Thranduil and the Wood-elves from the Men and Dwarves who live near them must look like a tempting and useful project. The races approach one another with caution and some suspicion anyway, and dividing them would surely be an advantage to any enemy. But then, money is always a good motive too.

I felt bad for Ithilden as I was writing about him. He's so serious and responsible and he must have been lonely. He had his family, true, but Alfirin was right. He needed someone to appreciate him. You made me laugh, talking about how Thranduil would have reacted if Eilian had been the heir. Oh my goodness. I can't even imagine that. I suspect that Eilian is deeply grateful not only for Ithilden's existence, but even Sinnarn's, although Sinnarn is a long way from ready to assume any sort of rule yet. Valar willing, he'll never have to.

Eilian's sin is being a wood-elf, in a way. He's impulsive and adventurous, and he frightens the wits out of his father.

I think two sons of Thranduil and their minders would make twice as good a story about Dale!

The KarenatorReviewed Chapter: 4 on 1/21/2005
When I first saw Educ's name, I thought it was an abbreviation of education. Appropriate, I'd say. And, as it turns out, he got an education from the king! Thranduil is not one to be easily deceived or pushed into something he doesn't want. I'm really looking forward to seeing Eilian, the emissary, go on his trip. Gee, wonder who he'll take with him as his official escort? I can just see the little grin on his face when he requests two of the eastern patrol. And I can just see the look on Thranduil's face when he finds out that two of his sons are out in the big world. I remember a few stories back where you put Maltanuar and Beliond together for a short scene and it was great. I can't wait to see how both the handlers deal with their charges in the big city.

Well, Sinnarn is a bundle of hormones, isn't he? He's at such a odd-duck age: too old to be a child and too young to be an adult. Yep, I know all about those 'monster' ages. And at this age, you have this 'male' thing going on. Boys start to challenge other male authority figures. (I guess females have their equivalent too, but being the mother of males, I'm more familiar with their maturity rituals...and I, of course, was the picture-perfect daughter. Was that thunder, I heard?) Anyway, Sinnarn is trying his limits. Ithilden was quite calm when the mouth of Mirkwood clamped it shut and slammed the door instead. That's just another form of irritated retort. The non-verbal blast. I could feel Ithilden's weary shoulders drop when the tutor came up again. I joined him in sympathy.

A glimpse into Ithilden's childhood friends was nice. I didn't see Anin death's coming. I can only imagine what a blow that was to Ithilden. He lost not only his mother, but someone else that he had cared about and I imagine, respected. The saddest thing I think Ithilden said--beyond the death of his friend and his mother--was that he could no longer allow himself the luxury of close friendships with the warriors who served under him. I'm not sure I'd agree, and I think it would depend on the maturity of both warrior and commander, but I can understand why he felt that way. Ithilden's burdens of birth have always weighed heavily on him. Sometimes, I think a little too much. But that's his personality. Alfirin seems to be the only outsider he's let into his protective place. He really does need her to give him the unconditional love he craved, but couldn't quite bring himself to allow from others outside his family.

And when everything seems to be going to pot, a little snuggling always helps.

Looking forward to the trip to Dale. We haven't seen Thranduil acknowledge Eilian's gift for judging people in a good while. I was glad to see that facet of Eilian's personality recognized. Now...let the flirting begin.


Author Reply: My name generator gave me Educ and I too had trouble seeing it as anything other than an abbreviation of Education! But I was too lazy to go get another name, so the guy was stuck. This was his first trip to see Thranduil. He was nervous about it but not nervous enough apparently. I'm really looking forward to trying to sort out the roles of the two keepers too, although I think it will take some thought.

I think of Sinnarn as smart like his father, but rather young for his age. Maybe that's the wood elf in him. And I think of Elves in general and Ithilden in particular as valuing self control, so Sinnarn has a few lessons to learn yet that have nothing to do with his tutor. Ithilden is being quite patient actually.

I felt really sorry for Ithilden as I was writing that stuff about how hard he found it to have friends and then keep them, given his role in life. Thank goodness he has his family and Alfirin now. He deserves a reward for the unselfish way he's devoted his life to his duty. And fortunately Alfirin was in a position to reward him! ;-)

thechevinReviewed Chapter: 4 on 1/21/2005
This was lovely thank you
The story of Ithilden's youth and his attitude towards life came over extremely well although it was sad to see him loose his friends eventaully and in such a cruel fashion
Poor Sinnarn obviously feels the whole elven realm is against him at the present, he may have benefited from hearing about his father's early life or perhaps more appropriately Eilian's as they are very alike.
Even Ithilden saw that today.
As fro this trip to Dale do I dare hope that I know which two warriors may be chosen to act as escort?
And will we see the toymakers again I fear we might
The ending was a delight

Author Reply: I felt bad for Ithilden. Alfirin was right. He did need someone to appreciate him. I think he's had a hard time. I'm glad his family values him, and that he's now respected as troop commander. And he has people like his aide who know how good he is. Sigh. Poor baby.

Time will cure what ails Sinnarn, and as an elf, he should have lots of it. I think that the press of events drove Thranduil's three sons into early responsibility. Maybe Sinnarn won't have to do that.

I think you and I may be thinking alike about who should escort Eilian to Dale!

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 4 on 1/20/2005
'Sometimes he thought she had no sense at all, although he had kept that opinion to himself since the one time he had voiced it in his father’s presence.'

My, but that would be an interesting scene - and I'll bet it still has the potential to make Ithilden cringe, even some six hundred years on.

You also had me wondering about Eilian/Gelmir and Legolas/Annael after a similar period of time had passed. They won't have quite the same troop commander/warrior conflicts to drive them apart - but, in adulthood, it is often shared experience rather than age that makes current friendships. Eilian is now married - and possibly soon to be an Adar, Annael the same. The unbonded Gelmir and Legolas are at a different stage in their lives. I hope they stay close, regardless, but Eilian has changed - he no longer notices pretty ellyth as I recall, and will change more. I think Legolas will stay loyal to Annael - (apart from anything else, he loves his naneth!) - but it will not be the same. Oh well, Annael will become family!

On the Eilian/Celuwen elfling front - the other day, I was picturing them landed with an elleth who can't bear getting muddy and got excited by learning new embroidery stitches. (It's a bit of a one-trick pony, but they would both be so disconcerted!)

Well - raging sea of a Sinnarn meets granite cliff of an Ithilden. (Mind you, Ithilden's right.) I think Ithilden must have discovered a few things while elder brothering Legolas - even if it's not the same when you can't hand over responsibility.

I loved Alfirin coaxing little Ithilden stories out of him. I hope she entices him to tell her some more tales not known by omniscient Adar! Poor elfling - he's such a macho male that his time of surging hormones must have been terrible, both for him and his poor parents. Still, it's just as well Celede turned to Anin - or Ithilden wouldn't still have been available for Alfirin. Meant, that's what it was.

I wonder why people have been spreading rumours about the evil Elvenking. To whose benefit? Eilian will be a good ambassador - if he can avoid a few obvious pitfalls. And I think that I am anticipating some fellow-keeper interaction here. I hope Maltanaur opens Beliond's eyes to the fact that the training wheels need to come off. It will be good for the brothers Thranduilion to spend some quality time together saving the kingdom, too. And if one charming prince is good, two must be better, nicht wahr?

'Thranduil sighed. “Tell me I have not just committed a grave error.”'

Good line. I love the ease between Thranduil and his eldest: give him half a millennium and he might have the same level of confidence in the other two. Maybe.

Author Reply: My beta also wanted to see the scene that occurred when Ithilden said his mother had no sense, but I just couldn't work it in. I'll bet that Thranduil was protective of his Wood-elf wife, even if he probably thought more like Ithilden than he did like her.

I was wondering about the friendship of Eilian and Gelmir in particular. Eilian has been Gelmir's captain, after all. But I think Eilian and Legolas are both more easy going and can probably handle the friend/work role conflict better than Ithilden did. I don't have as good a sense of Gelmir, actually, but Annael and Legolas will stay loyal to one another. I was wondering the other day if Annael would have gone to Ithilien. His daughter would have married into Thranduil's house by that time, and I think he'd be reluctant to leave her even if he could talk his wife and mother into moving.

Ithilden did indeed learn some things from having Legolas around. He's giving Sinnarn a little leeway and I think that's good. And he's mulling over what Sinnarn might really need.

I felt bad for adolescent Ithilden. He had a hard time. I'm so glad he has Alfirin now.

And indeed, Eilian is going to need two guards from the Eastern Border Patrol. Who shall we send? Tinar? I don't think so!

French PonyReviewed Chapter: 4 on 1/20/2005
So Mirkwood has kite-eating trees, just like in the old "Peanuts" comics? How cute! Of course, not so cute if one is Ithilden, nearly getting seriously hurt showing off for a girl who's going to marry someone else. I wonder if that was how Gelmir felt hanging out with Celuwen and Eilian.

Speaking of Eilian. . .

Eilian grinned. “I will be diplomacy incarnate, Adar.”

You better believe that. Everyone sure will be Eilian's friend in Dale. It's probably a good thing that Eilian is a basically honorable young Elf, because he could have made a hell of a con man. He's such a people person, and he has that kind of charisma that makes people fall under his spell without even noticing it. I'm sure he could convince people to send their bank account numbers to Nigeria with only a wink and a smile.

It must be really irritating for Thranduil to have to deal with short-lived Men. Every time he turns around the Men's current representative has upped and died of old age, and there's a new one to deal with. And he has to learn the new representative's quirks and how to manipulate them, and just when he's got that one down pat, there's a new one.

I guess, from the Men's perspective, that Thranduil must get increasingly difficult to deal with as the generations progress, so it's not entirely surprising that so many believe the rumors that he'll be severing all relations with them. But someone had to have started those rumors, and I'm sure he's got some tricks up his sleeve. We'll just have to see how his tricks match up with the combined tricks of Eilian and Legolas, who, I'm sure, will find some way to ensnare himself in this affair, if only to piss off Beliond.

Author Reply: I felt bad for Ithilden. He's such an earnest kid, and he's not the kind of person that other kids would appreciate at all. I'm glad I gave him Alfirin to comfort him. And now I think he's highly valued by everyone because of his gallant service to the realm. But still, he was a lonely kid sometimes.

My beta once was talking about the different leadership styles of the three Thranduilion (we were trying to figure out Legolas's). She said people follow Ithilden because he says, "Do it or you'll be sorry you were born," (and also I think he's proven himself to be trustworthy) but they follow Eilian because he says, "Follow me!" and they just want to.

Ah yes, Beliond is likely to be put on edge by a little trip to Dale, don't you think? All by itself that's a good reason to make Legolas and Beliond be the escort for Eilian and Maltanaur. :-)

OT: Do you think that anyone actually does send their bank account numbers to Nigeria? How big a fool do you have to be to respond to those emails?

esamenReviewed Chapter: 4 on 1/20/2005
“Yes, Adar.” Eilian had not sat down during this discussion and now he was edging toward the door. “I assume you want me to leave at once?” he asked hopefully.

Eilian is so handsome and darling. I hope he gets to flirt a bit during his mission.

Lots of plot lines here! I love them all, and I am especially looking forward to some wonderful "keeper" action in this story. I can't wait to get back to Legolas and Eilian. . . I just love the Elvish warrior (or diplomat) action scenes. I'm looking forward to what you'll put out of the hat this time.

Lovely moment with Ithilden and Alfirin . . . Ithilden doesn't seem to be as much of a controlling father as Thranduil was, eh? I don't remember Legolas ever talking to his father in quite that tone of voice and getting away with it.

Thanks for updating so fast! Finding this chapter tonight was an unexpected treat!

Author Reply: If there are women in Dale, then Eilian will get to flirt. I don't think he can NOT do it, although maybe once he and Celuwen bond he settles down a little. He should remember how good she is with a knife.

I have seldom had a chance to put Maltanaur and Beliond in the same scenes, and I'm hoping for a chance to do that this time. Maltanaur has had a few more years to learn how the keeper thing works, and he's just a more relaxed person than Beliond is to start with. He'd have to be. Eilian and Beliond would have killed one another within six months if Thranduil had assigned Beliond to him.

I think that having Legolas around softened Ithilden up for fatherhood a little. He was sure he knew how to handle Legolas and found he was mistaken a few times, but then he did learn how to ease up on him a little. So Sinnarn benefits. Plus of course Alfirin is there whereas Legolas was on his own.

RedeReviewed Chapter: 4 on 1/20/2005
Oh! That was so nice! I'm still reading your stories...still losing sleep...and couldn't be happier! It's going to be interesting seeing Eilian interact with humans.

Author Reply: I'm hoping it will be interesting! I've always been intrigued by what Dale must have been like before Smaug came. There's something about Elrond's reference to the "merry bells" of Dale that makes it sound like a pretty little town. I hope you're not losing too much sleep!

AliceReviewed Chapter: 4 on 1/20/2005
I love how affectionate Alfirin and Ithilden are together. Ithilden's a smart elf making sure she knows how much she means to him. They're very sweet together.

I'm glad that Ithilden did have friends. I have to confess I wondered what had happened to Celede. Poor Ithilden though. He's much more isolated as the crown prince than the others are. It's sad. It's good that he has Alfirin. I have to admit though, it was funny watching him do something stupid to impress a girl. The troop commander's fallible after all. I feel so sad for Ithilden though, losing his friends just from general life stuff. Poor guy.

So Eilian's taking his show on the road, huh? It should be interesting watching him charm everyone in Dale. Or at least we hope he'll charm them all and put those nasty rumors to rest. Eastern Border Patrol huh? I'd suggest he take Legolas, but Thranduil would kill him. Scratch that. Beliond would intimidate one of the younger warriors into distracting Maltaunar and string Eilian up by his heels before throwing Legolas over a horse and taking him far, far away from Eilian's influence. Should be interesting whoever he takes. Ten to one Todith unloads Tinar on him. Diplomatically, that's not a bright idea, but sanity wise for poor Foril and his friends, I fully support it.

So, interesting chapter. Thranduil needs to stop intimidating the men though. It's simply not nice of him. He always assumes the worst of people, particularly men. As a member of the race of men, I'm irritated. However, since it's Thranduil and he's in general so kick butt, I will make allowances. I look forward to the next chapter. Update soon, por favor.

Author Reply: I have to give Ithilden a loving relationship with his wife because I do feel sorry for him. I think he had a tough time growing up, partly as crown prince and partly just because of his kind of intense personality. I'm not sure the wood elves around him would take to that well.

Tinar?! Tinar?! That would kill that mission pretty quickly. I think we'll have to see whether Legolas is allowed to act like any other warrior. I'm looking forward to seeing Beliond react!

I don't think Thranduil can stop intimidating men. He just doesn't have it in him. Fortunately, he has Eilian.

meckinockReviewed Chapter: 4 on 1/20/2005
I guess with mouthy Elvish teenagers, you have to threaten to ground them until they're....500? Sinnarn is certainly working on it, but on the other hand he seems to have worn his old man down already. Or maybe Ada simply has other things on his mind...

Well, Thranduil certainly made Eilian's day! I can't wait to see how he interacts with the Men of Dale. What a great solution - give him something to do besides rotate back and forth between the South and the stronghold. I hope Maltanaur isn't as suspicious about Men as Beliond is; that could really put a damper on things.

Ithilden was so painfully eager to grow up - I can see him wearing his Boy Scout uniform to school, complete with all the merit badges. I was sure he was going to break an arm falling from that tree and really impress the daylights out of his friends. I think it's just as well Alfirin didn't know him as a youngster!

Author Reply: Sinnarn is working on self-control. As Alfirin says, he didn't say anything rude. He just slammed the door. Ithilden is being very patient really. He probably learned something from trying to make Legolas straighten up.

Maltanaur is a much easier person to get along with than Beliond is. Eilian would never have survived with Beliond. But I think Legolas is wishing that Beliond would be a little more like Maltanaur. We'll see.

I feel bad for young Ithilden. He had a rough time, and Alfirin's right: he did need someone to appreciate him. Fortunately, life is long for elves. He has time to enjoy it now.

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