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The 12Days Challenge  by Grey Wonderer 82 Review(s)
bobo bagginsReviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/29/2005
You should have put a warning on this one; it should say "Danger: Beware of Fluff"

Author Reply: True. This one was very fluffy and very different from the first one. Thanks so much for reviewing these. It's great to know that someone is reading.

bobo bagginsReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/29/2005
ROTFL!!!!!!!!!!! Merry is not happy in the least! I loved this!

Author Reply: Rhank you! I had fun with this one.

lmwReviewed Chapter: 12 on 1/26/2005
This was really good! I liked the 'lords' and 'pipers' chapters. The lords one especially got to me.

Author Reply: Thank you! Glad you enjoyed them. Thanks for the review!

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 12 on 1/25/2005
Orcs - as contemptuous of their allies as of their enemies. Which is a problem of the breed really. Win or lose, they would never have been able to co-operate without the fear of Sauron.

A most enjoyable series of stories.

Author Reply: That was my first Orc and I am glad to see that he came off in the proper manner. Seems he was evil enough in spite of my inexperience. I just couldn't pass up the chance to use all of those Trolls for my drummers. I can thank Peter Jackson for that one and thank you for reading these and reviewing!

ArmarielReviewed Chapter: 12 on 1/24/2005
Sooooooooo, we DID write about the filthy orcses, did we, precioussss?? YESSS!!!! CLEVER! and big nasty trolls beating on the drumses!!!

So that's all now? Dang! The song should be longer....much longer.....wonderful job, you have a great imagination! *applauds*

best wishes

Author Reply: Thank you for reading this and for all of your lovely reviews. I am very glad you liked it and also very glad that the song is not any longer, precious. LOL

AuntiemeeshReviewed Chapter: 12 on 1/23/2005
You've done a really good job with this different perspective on the battle at Minas Tirith. I love how you show the pride of the orcs, They are not a
bunch of cowardly goblins on a raid in the dead of the night. They are an army
that can travel in sunlight and move with speed.

You've done a great job with all twelve stories. :)

Author Reply: Thank you so much. I had a lot of fun with this challenge, but I was nearly unable to finish it several times. Once, I had one written and LJ almost wouldn't let me post to the challenge site. You had to do them within 24 hours of the posting of each verse and I almost didn't make that one. It was so much easier moving them over here as they were already written and there was no deadline. LOL Thank you for reading and I am glad that you enjoyed my Orc!

AuntiemeeshReviewed Chapter: 11 on 1/23/2005
What a clever idea for the eleven pipers.

“Try very hard not to set anything on fire,” Pippin said, softly.

Now that is a story I'd love to see. :)

Author Reply: I have that story thought out but just haven't gotten around to writing it down yet. It will turn up in the future though. 'wink'

I simply am not musical at all and so I couldn't come up with anything for this part of the song for a very long time and finally, a different sort of pipes presented themselves. LOL

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 11 on 1/23/2005
Poor Legolas. All those pipes would be bad enough in the open air, but confined in a pub - I expect he was glad to escape in a way, although he can't be a member of the group that way.

(I wonder if Aragorn was allowed to smoke when he went home to Rivendell, or whether he had to sneak out into the woods. And then suck mints to try to convince Elrond that he hadn't been out for a pipe.)

Author Reply: You know, I never thought about Aragorn smoking in Rivendell. I always assumed he'd picked up the habbit after he became a ranger. Interesting bunny.....mmmm. Thanks for reading.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 10 on 1/23/2005
What a lot of lords! All a-leaping one way or another. Good thing they're not all in a room together - you'd get trampled.

Author Reply: Yes, I guess I could have had them do some sort of a dance together, but I decided against it. Thank goodness. LOL Thank you for the reivew!

GamgeeFestReviewed Chapter: 11 on 1/23/2005
I'm with Legolas. Smoking - ick. And what's the story behind Pippin's advice? Now that sounds amusing. :)

Author Reply: That was a little bunny that popped up while I was writing these and I haven't had time to catch him and write him up. I hope to be able to do that later on because it is a rather interesting little bunny. LOL I am also with Legolas on his opinion of smoking, but I do believe that Tolkien was a big fan of it.

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