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The 12Days Challenge  by Grey Wonderer 82 Review(s)
AuntiemeeshReviewed Chapter: 10 on 1/22/2005
Not everyone leaps to the wrong conclusion. Some leaps of faith are justified.

This is a very nice look at the assumptions and leaps of faith made by both sides in the War. :)

Author Reply: Thank you. I simply couldn't come up with another way to do the '10 lords 'a leaping' line of the song. That one had me stumped for a while. I am very lucky that Tolkien filled LOTR with Lords. LOL

AuntiemeeshReviewed Chapter: 9 on 1/22/2005
Pippin is quite the storyteller, he has a positive talent for offending his entire audience, lol. But I want to hear Merry's story about half-wit Pippin. I really liked this fairy tale. :)

Author Reply: Thanks for the review! I am quite sure that Merry's tale was equally offensive. LOL I may have to write that one at some point.

GamgeeFestReviewed Chapter: 9 on 1/21/2005
LOL, this was so great! I loved everything, all their reactions, Merry being insulted about being ugly, Sam warning Pippin off Rosie, Diamond being upset about not being in the story and then given the role of the filthy but pretty lass. And all the banter in between the telling of the story was great too. Wonderful!

Author Reply: Thank you! Glad you liked it. At first, I thought the interruptions might be confusing, but then I decided that no one could listen to a tale like that without saying something! LOL

GamgeeFestReviewed Chapter: 8 on 1/21/2005
"Maybe there was a way to blame this entire thing on Pippin." LOL, that Merry is incorrible! No wait, both of them are. Too bad the bonnet fell, they almost got away with it. And putting Frodo on the spot like that, hehehe.

Author Reply: Yes, poor Frodo wound up in the middle of it all and he didn't even realize it until it was almost too late. I imagine that Freddy repaid Merry at some point, after all, he was wearing a dress and bonnet in front of most of the town.

cherReviewed Chapter: 9 on 1/21/2005
Now that is what I call a fairy tale!!

Author Reply: Seems Pippin has quite an imagination! LOL Thanks for reviewing!

TopazTookReviewed Chapter: 9 on 1/21/2005
LOL...laughing...too...hard...can'! Loved it!

Author Reply: Why, thank you. Glad this gave you a really good laugh! Thank you for the review.

ArmarielReviewed Chapter: 9 on 1/21/2005
Love it, love it, keep going........oh rats, only 3 more to go after this, too bad there aren't 13 days...or 14, 15, 16.......

Well let me see, how about:

13 ducks a quacking
14 Elves a prancing
15 Orcs a hacking
16 Wizards...grumbling?


Author Reply: Oh, you are dangerous! Making up more verses.....I managed the 12, but I don't think I couldn't go any further on this. Although, your Orcs a hacking sound interesting. Thanks so much for reviewing!

SaoirseReviewed Chapter: 5 on 1/20/2005
There were some wonderful lines in this one:

'I smile at Pippin, who, throughout our journey in the dark, has managed to smile back at me. ' This one really shows that although Pippin was young and inexperienced, he was still, in his own way, brave and strong, and gave to Frodo that touch of much-needed light-heartedness to remind him of the innocence he was fighting for.

'He is yet young in years. It is his life that I will wonder about most with the passing of time.' This is very poignant! It really gives you the mindset that although Frodo is leaving, he still will always be thinking of the loved ones he had to leave behind, just as they think of him. And it is very sad to think that Frodo will not get to see him grow up, and will remain unknowing.

'I believe that he knew that today was coming long before I knew.' This shows wonderfully the amount of love Merry has for his cousin, and gives you a glimpse of the pain he must have suffered while watching Frodo slowly slip away once more.

'He is strong in ways that neither Sam nor Pippin are and he will look after both of them.' This is a nice touch, Merry is strong in different ways, and it is good that Frodo has some peace, knowing that his dear cousin will look after the loved ones that he would, since he can no longer be there.

'I may leave to seek peace knowing that he will watch out for the home fires and keep them burning bright.' This is a lovely image.

Great job! ^_^ I really liked these!

Author Reply: Why, thank you. I am glad that you enjoyed them and thank you for taking the time to let me know which lines left an impression on you. I love reviews like this one. I also do want to let you know how very much I am enjoying your stories posted here on Arda. you write show wonderful emotion and feeling into your stories with only a few lines or a glance between characters. Just amazing! Thank you for reading these.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 8 on 1/20/2005
Merry would make a good market trader - or one of those chaps who sells stuff from a suitcase on a street corner. With Pippin as the look-out. A right Del-Boy Trotter, to those as knows the reference.

And just as successful, because he always gets caught! It's a wonder that Pippin manages to maintain his faith in his big cousin!

Author Reply: Merry does have that "hey, wanna buy a watch?" thing going on in this one. This was not one of his better plans, but he did manage to get Freddy into a dress, so his powers of persuasion are still working for him. Thanks for reading!

Lavender TookReviewed Chapter: 7 on 1/20/2005
“You don’t seriously think that Pippin will manage to pull Legolas into the water do you?” Aragorn asked, looking at Merry.

LOL! This was so funny! hehe, Legolas falling....

Author Reply: As a hobbit person, I am always nervous about writing the elves, but I love to humanize them a bit when I can. I believe that the hobbits would completely take the elves by surprise. Glad this made you laugh and thank you for the review!

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