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Pitfalls of the Palantir  by Haleth 253 Review(s)
Medea SmykeReviewed Chapter: 45 on 3/3/2009
Ack! The plot is thickening!

Author Reply: :)

Medea SmykeReviewed Chapter: 31 on 3/3/2009
Who would have thought that coffee could cause so much trouble (I'm guessing that's what it is.)? Love it!

Author Reply: I may have exaggerated the affects a bit. When this was first written I was horribly addicted to coffee.

Medea SmykeReviewed Chapter: 11 on 3/2/2009
*snork* Poor, unconscious Haleth. Although, she's such a delightful crab-ass all the time that I doubt she'd be aware of her luck if she was awake and sober.

I'm enjoying this so much that I'm breezing through the chapters and am too selfish to take the time to review every chapter. ;)

Author Reply: I don't think she'd think of herself as being lucky. Imagine wandering around with the perfect man; incredibly good looking, considerate, polite. The only downside is that he is completely unattainable. It would make me grumpy, too!

Medea SmykeReviewed Chapter: 3 on 3/2/2009
LOL! The situations you put them in are absolutely hilarious. ;)

Author Reply: Thanks, Medea. I can't take complete credit for it, though. Many of the ridiculous ideas originate with my husband. He came up with the palantir as a bowling ball. I thought of the gambling. I can't really say which one is worse.


Medea SmykeReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/2/2009
Love it!

Author Reply: Thanks, Medea!


shadowfaxReviewed Chapter: 47 on 10/24/2008
Wow....I have just loved this story and the two characters of Haleth and Inglor!

I had first read the prequel 'The Finder' and there, was very much confused who the finder was and who the elf was. Then I saw this story and was happy by the length of it (the longer the better!) so decided to read it.

I am confused about Inglor and the elf called Gildor Inglorion. Is he Inglor's son or it is a different Inglor???

I love how Haleth and Inglor's past are yet untold (that means that many tales from you!) and am waiting for more from you.

I would love you to write some parts or entire chapters from Inglor's POV since he hardly gets a few paragraphs. It would be interesting to know about his thoughts especially thoughts on Haleth.

So according to Inglor, they are engaged? And Haleth has no clue at all about the significance of the ring? Lol, ROTFL-ing business.

I read one of your replies to a review whichwent something like this: Inglor and would be good while it lasted but such a tragedy when Haleth died. Inglor would be heartbroken.

But whether they do confess themselves to be lovers or not, I imagine Inglor would still be very heartbroken when Haleth dies or if he has to leave for Valinor. He loves her, doesn't matter if its acknowledged or not, but ehr death would devastate him either way.
So wouldn't it be better for them to spend some happy moments together?
(Of course that's a hint to you to get them together :D)

Author Reply: Wow. Thank-you for reviewing. Your well considered comments certainly made me think.

I can see how The Finder would be confusing. The only thing familiar is the location.

Gildor Inglorion means Gildor, son of Inglor. Inglor was originally Finrod's name. Finrod was Galadriel's brother and one of the Elf Lords of the First Age. After FotR was published Tolkien changed his mind about giving Inglor/Finrod a son; Finrod left his love, Amarie, in Valinor and never had a son in Middle-earth. Unfortunately, Tolkien never got around to changing the name of Gildor's father or perhaps he did not think it necessary as he had changed Inglor's name to Finrod. There's your useless bit of Tolkien trivia for the day.

It would be very tantalizing to catch a glimpse of what's going on in Inglor's mind. Unfortunately, it's incredibly hard to write. He thinks he's completely transparent in his actions and feelings and to another elf, he probably is. Haleth runs into trouble because she's not an elf and doesn't share his culture or social expecations. It leads to all kinds of misunderstandings and missed cues on the part of both of them.

Yes, Inglor will be unhappy when Haleth dies. But elves see marriage differently than mortals. For them there is only one spouse, even if the other dies. It's very cruel to give Inglor a few decades of happiness at the expense of an eternity of hopeless loneliness, which would be the case if he married Haleth. He'll be very unhappy when she dies, but if they don't marry there is the slim chance he could recover in several centuries and find someone new. He is good at finding things.

Thank-you again for reviewing.


LynReviewed Chapter: Author's Notes on 12/17/2007
WOW! Hope time and circumstance allow you to write more Haleth and Inglor adventures. The characters are so endearing; it makes one care what happens to them. Also, I love your animal characters (the walrus and the cold drake).
Humor is certainly your strong point!

I don't have email except at work and hardly ever check it. My home computer died months ago; just now replaced it.

I have memory problems from two concussions years ago, so when I looked for your fanfic I couldn't remember the author, the title, or the main characters.

HOWEVER, I remembered the author and main character had the same name, which was taken from Tolkien. Using a search engine for Tolkien names, I found a
name that sounded familiar: HALETH. Whew! Thank goodness I rediscovered your delightful tale! Best wishes to one of my favorite authors! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Author Reply: Thank-you, Lyn.

I'm really glad to hear from you again. You really helped me with spelling and grammatical errors. It's a real compliment that you took the time to read so carefully and to let me know about the problems. It sounds like you did some detective work to find the story again. I'm honoured.

Computers are persnickity things. They usually chose the worst possible moment to give up the ghost. It's annoying when the favourites list vanishes into the ether.

I hope your Christmas was merry and that the New Year brings you joy.


I wrote another Inglor and Haleth story for National novel writing month this year but it really, really, really needs to be severely editted before it's ready to be seen.

Kathy_SFFReviewed Chapter: Author's Notes on 3/6/2007
I really loved this story ..... except I feel so at loose ends about Haleth and Iglor. The way you wrote the ending is screaming for more adventures . Aside from the above. I loved both the characters and the story. I do hope you plan a sequel. Thanks for a great read.

Author Reply: Thank-you, Kathy.

I'm very glad you enjoyed the story and honoured that you took the time to review it.

You're right. There are a lot of loose ends left at the end of the story. Unfortunately, I'm having trouble thinking of a semi-workable plot. There are a few stories from earlier in the time line that are ready to be posted. I hope they'll do until the lightning bolt of inspiration hits me between the eyes.

Thank-you again.


Author Reply: Sorry, Kathy, I should have mentioned this. There is an incomplete prequel to Pitfalls of the Palantir posted on SOA. It is called Castamir's Heir. It doesn't resolve any of the tension between the two main characters but I hope you might find it entertaining.


Kathy_SFFReviewed Chapter: Author's Notes on 2/1/2007
Sorry not to have left a review sooner but real life continues to interfer. I can't say how much I enjoyed your story. The main characters are very well written and have distinctive and strong personalities. That combined with an interesting plot that kept me guessing (and checking for the next chapter) made for a wonderful story. I'm not sure if you have plans for any more Haleth and Iglor (sp) stories, but I for one one would love to see some further adventures. Not to mention answers to some questions: 1) the silver ring Iglor gave Haleth (Hmmm...isn't it suppose to mean they are "engaged???"), 2) Does Iglor have a clue as to how Haleth feels about him (it's clear Haleth has no idea what that ring means ), 3) Just who is Iglor anyway and what is he really doing in middle earth (he sounds old and didn't he have to be in Valinor to know that Fin (can't remember how to spell his name and too lazy to look came back from Mandos), and finally for that matter (maybe I missed something) 4) What exactly in Haleth's background.

Author Reply: Please dont' apologize, Kathy. I appreciate your taking the time to let me know you enjoyed the story. There are plans for at least two more stories, but they are much shorter and are prequels rather than sequels.

To answer some of your questions. 1) Yes. 2) It's difficult to say. He doesn't seem to understand her jealousy. It's probably just as well because I doubt he'd approve of it if he did. 3)Inglor is a member of the House of Finarfin. He does know Finrod and he is very old. 4) There's a (as yet unwritten) story to Haleth's background so I'm going to be really annoying and not answer. Sorry!

Thank-you again for reviewing this and so many other chapters. It's always a real boost to know people are enjoying the story.


ziggyReviewed Chapter: Author's Notes on 1/28/2007
Thank you for the many hours of giggling and enjoyment you have given me. I do hope your other stories are quickly' fit for human consumption' - although Inglor is already VERY much so. I know I have been impatient with Haleht but actually the tension between them is what makes it fun! Write soon please.

Author Reply: Thank-you, ziggy. I'm really glad that the story made you laugh. It started life as a comedy, but the characters had other ideas.

Thanks to vampfan and her red pen, there is another story in the works.


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