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Rising to the Challenge  by annmarwalk 80 Review(s)
Raksha The DemonReviewed Chapter: 26 on 12/7/2008
Awwwww. Faramir finds a furry friend! Well written as usual, and touching.

Author Reply: Thanks, Raksha! If you haven't seen it already, my reply to Daw the Minstrel includes the picture of Faramir and Ranger that inspired the story. Ummmmmm....inspiration.....

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 26 on 12/6/2008
Oh I like this. I love Boromir supporting his little brother and Faramir's smitten state toward Ranger.

Author Reply: Thank you! The story was inspired by this picture:

It was great fun to imagine how Faramir and Ranger met, and how Boromir helped them to stay together. Thank you for reading and commenting!

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 25 on 12/6/2008
Ohhh, that's wonderful. You pack so much emotion and heart into so few words. If only things could have been just a bit different in the end...

Author Reply: If only things could have been just a bit different in the end...

That's why we write AU's! *grin* So we can have the ending we want. Thanks for commenting!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 17 on 11/13/2007
At six in her heart it is merely a pony; years yet before she learns it is more than a pony this alliance will bring her.

Thought-provoking, Ann.

Author Reply: She's not too young to begin training for her future career; a pony would certainly be an enjoyable start. Thank you for reading and commenting! What a treat to find all these reviews in my mailbox this morning!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 18 on 11/13/2007
How it MIGHT have been! Yes, a different decision, one that would have spared further generations Sauron's evil, at least. And how differently Gondor and Arnor might have developed!

Author Reply: My mind just boggles at some of these might-have-been scenarios. Where would we all be without Tolkien's works to bring us together?

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 19 on 11/13/2007
Grima perhaps come to his ending a good deal earlier?

But Eowyn has shown she can--and will--take care of herself when it is necessary.

Author Reply: Given half a chance, I think Eowyn would have happily demonstrated that she's got the heart and guts and ferocity (and cojones) to have been a perfect Rohirrim warrior. In this case, at least, I prefer my version to the canon.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 20 on 11/13/2007
Oh, so wonderful! A new generation learns of the despair and determination known by the White Lady, and how she and an equally determined and desperate Hobytla both went to war in spite of command and expectation, winning for themselves glory unthought of.

Author Reply: I just laugh and laugh over the idea of Barahir growing up hearing these stories, and never quite making the connection between the fierce Shieldmaiden and his warm cuddly grandmother. Ha!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 21 on 11/13/2007
Ah, like leaves, green and then falling; but nurturing and beautiful while they last, and most beautiful before they fall as they know they must.

Author Reply: Just think of how many generations of Isildur's heirs she's seen come and go! After a while she must have learned to shield her heart. I wonder what was different about this last one, that he was able to steal it away?

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 22 on 11/13/2007
The law is satisfied--but so is honor. For though Beregond may not enter the city again, yet he is now Captain Beregond, of Faramir's own White Company!

Love this one--sentenced to a life of living, and not of regrets.

Author Reply: I love Beregond, and Bergil, and am always delighted (and a bit stunned, like him) at his sudden promotion from the rank and file of his company to Captain of Faramir's personal guard. Hurray for Beregond!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 23 on 11/13/2007
Ah, poor Gandalf, giving up this part of his life in Middle Earth! He's known such beauty and joy, and such grief; and now it's all but over.

Ah, Rosie--you can trust Elanor to him.

Author Reply: We know that he enjoyed the company of hobbits more than any other race; it must have been bittersweet for him both to savor their triumph and also realize that his time with them was over. Elanor embodied the future, in which he, alas, had no part. Poor Gandalf!

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