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A Spring of Joy  by daw the minstrel 22 Review(s)
French PonyReviewed Chapter: 4 on 5/18/2005
I always like seeing Legolas and Annael teaming up to do something. Whatever they plan together, they do well. In a way, Legolas is probably safer with Annael around than with Beliond, because they have a lifetime of teamwork behind them, and if danger interrupts that, they'd both know instantly. And they're certainly on to something dangerous here.

I do like that, when Legolas considers the idea of personhood for the "ghost," that he considers that it might be either a "he" or a "she." You have to train generations of human males before they catch on to that kind of thinking.

You know, all this time, I had kind of figured that Ithilden's office was somewhere in the caves. This is the first time I've realized that he has a separate building. What else is in there? I'm guessing just regular army support HQ.

And up pops Mithrandir, hot on the heels of the worst bits of bad news. Typically, he's being cagey. I wonder if the Wood Elves see him more as a help or a hindrance. He never does seem to give them much actual assistance, but whenever he crops up, you know that the world will go wahooni-shaped in short order. Still, I suppose it's nice to have a barometer for one's suspicions. Thranduil is probably a very wise Elf to move Celuwen and Loriel to the palace.

Speaking of which, I always knew Sólith was headstrong, but I never before figured him for an actual idiot. Predatory critter, species unknown, has been prowling through the woods preying on the vulnerable young of woodland species. Has been seen beneath his own granddaughter's window. Said granddaughter is the only Elf child around for miles. You'd think he'd jump at the chance to have her safely underground in a cave system with a phalanx of guards around to protect her. And you'd be wrong.

I liked the description of the traveling party with extra small child. All that was missing was the incessant whining of "Are we there yet?" And poor Loriel, to discover that they weren't going to see Ada after all. Thranduil may be overjoyed to see his granddaughter, but we all know where he stands in Loriel's pecking order.

Author Reply: I love Annael. And when Elves have a life-long friend, they must really have time to get to know one another! The friends you've had forever like that are special I think. They know so much about you and share memories.

That debate about the personhood of Gollum was one I had with myself. Should I write about him as an 'it' or a 'he.' I knew he wasn't a 'she'! So I just figured I'd give the question to Legolas to consider.

I don't know if there's anything much else in the building with Ithilden's office. I figure these are small buildings. And I've always thought of it as by the warrior stuff -- the training grounds, the Home Guard headquarters, supply places, armorers, etc.

You really can't blame people for calling Gandalf "Storm Crow." He does tend to bring bad news.

I'll confess that I felt a little sorry for Solith. He's probably wrong, although as it happens Gollum hasn't been seen near the settlement recently, but still it has to hurt to see his daughter and granddaughter ride away.

I'm working right now on a scene in which Thranduil gets to spend time with Loriel, but she really does miss Eilian.

ElvenesseReviewed Chapter: 4 on 5/18/2005
Poor Loriel, I felt really sorry for her at the end. She's just a little girl (elfling) and she thought she'd be able to see her daddy again.

Nasty Gollum. Goodness knows why Gandalf babbled about pity. He goes around eating little animals and babies.

Celuwen's prepared to do whatever it takes to protect her daughter, even if it means leaving her home because of orders from Thranduil. It's a shame that Sólith doesn't feel the same. He probably can protect his daughter and granddaughter - but the king can do so much better and surely that's what matters. I hope Eilian is okay whilst he's off 'gallivanting' in the south.

Author Reply: I love writing about kids. Their take on the world is so unpredictable sometimes. When my son was about 7, we moved, and it took me forever to realize why he liked some houses we looked at better than others. He liked the ones that had toys. He thought we were just going to leave all our stuff behind and take over the other people's stuff along with their house.

Yeah, that stuff about Gollum is appalling. I noted it down some time ago as a good story element. I think we forget how evil Gollum was. And yet, the idea of pity is attractive too.

We'll get to Eilian soon. I figured the journey south would take a while and not much might happen during it, so I've been letting him just get a move on.

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