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A Matter of Honor  by meckinock 20 Review(s)
BodkinReviewed Chapter: 6 on 12/8/2005
I love Halbarad. (His views on Imladris have an echo in Gilraen's thoughts in the next chapter of Arwen...) His doggedness - his refusal to have fairy dust sprinkled in his eyes - his loyalty - all play a part in keeping his feet on the ground and his goal in sight. Of course, it makes things harder on him.

The slightly-too-tight tunic (fancy, Dunedain for the use of) and the excess of elaborate food make a wonderful start. Poor Halbarad can't get to be a romantic hero even for a moment. Not that he would want to. Much. I'm glad to see that hobbit appetite is not intimidated though.

It must be hard to be reminded - suddenly, at odd moments - that the ruthless orc-slaying twins are ancient, wise, elegant elves. Who knew not only your parents but your ancestors for a couple of dozen generations. Disconcerting and not altogether comfortable. I think elves have the danger of making men feel insignificant - as if there is no point trying because what can they do in such a small space of years.

Worth it, though, to be there when Aragorn returns to the heart of his elven family. Even though he's a cuckoo in the nest, he's a much loved cuckoo. And Arwen's returning! The finest jewel of Imladris - lovely description. I wonder if Aragorn would have won her heart if he had not been raised in the guise of an elven prince? He had the best (and worst, in many ways) of both worlds. And he is better prepared to rule because of it.

The Hall of Fire is great - I like Elladan's magic tricks and Elrohir's conversation with Halbarad. Especially -

'Those who are destined to straddle two worlds might as well partake of the best of both.'

So true. For more than just themselves.

If Elladan can disregard Glorfindel's glares so easily, he must be drunk indeed. But, if Glorfindel thinks about it, some of the guests of honour probably feel a good deal more comfortable for being treated to a bit of less ethereal entertainment.

“I didn’t know Elladan played the harp.” “Nor did I.” Very funny. As are the interruptions to the song. And the comments at the end. And the question is:- Did Aragorn hear the song - or had he already fallen asleep?

It's very sweet to see them all hovering over him and taking him off to tuck him in bed. Halbarad can be relieved he's in safe hands.

And I so agree with Halbarad's views on Rivendell. How Gilraen endured it, I don't know. When Halbarad describes it as - well - the equivalent of being caught in a bubble of moonshine - he is right. Nothing changes, nothing ages, nothing wears out. Bilbo is already ancient in the count of his people and can rest there, but there is no incentive for outsiders caught up in its magic to try for anything. And Halbarad goes on to deliver to Dudo a very effective explanation of the difference between wishing and hoping.

But I'm sorry that Halbarad and Dudo's ways are parting - they make an entertaining partnership.

Looking forward to more.

Author Reply: Hi, Bodkin,

That is the perfect picture of Halbarad - shaking off the fairy dust like a golden retriever. That's what I love about him!

It's pretty neat how we're all writing about some aspect of Aragorn and Arwen's relationship and Elrond's reaction to it at the same time. I'm looking forward to hearing what Gilraen has to say about Imladris! I'm surprised she stayed there as long as she did, really.

A bubble of moonshine - I like it. Of course, over here moonshine has certain connotations associated with Prohibition, but then given Elladan's behavior I suppose that still fits...

I guess Glorfindel didn't need to be quite so uptight. He was just happy to see Elrond happy and didn't want any baudy shenanigans ruining the perfect celebration.

I think I kind of shortchanged Aragorn this chapter. But he made his peace with Elrond and that's all he needs to do until the next crisis, so having him fall asleep worked for me. Interesting thought about whether he'd have been able to score an Elf princess if he'd not been raised to play the part of an Elven prince. I'm laughing imagining Halbarad trying to snare Arwen. But then, he wouldn't have wanted to :-)

It was really hard to write Halbarad and Dudo saying goodbye. But that's life.

Thanks for your wonderful insights! They always make me realize something about the chapter I hadn't thought of before.

Author Reply:
Did Aragorn hear the song - or had he already fallen asleep?

No one could sleep through that.

RSReviewed Chapter: 6 on 12/7/2005
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! This has got to be the funniest piece thus far!! If I needed a screen play for a comedy show, this would have been it!! I'm sitting on the couch reading this in between bits of laughter. It got to the point where both my kids (at different times) said "what is so funny?". Poor Halbarad, his eyes were bigger than his stomach. No problem there for Dudo!! I just about died laughing with Elladan's perfomance. Come on..doesn't Elrohir know that anybody sing and play an instrument when their drunk!!! The scene in the dining hall and Hall of Fire just came to life. I can picture myself in the celebraton just absorbing everything. Again, the interaction between Dudo and Halbarad was sweet and touching (I had to bring out the tissues again). Beautiful words from Halbarad. I love his character so much I'm starting to worry about him being by himself in his journey. Of course, being the romantic that I am, I cannot wait for the reunion with Arwen and Aragorn. The way you write, I should probably keep my tissues handy. Keep writing!

Author Reply: Come on..doesn't Elrohir know that anybody sing and play an instrument when their drunk!!!

Good point!

I'm laughing out loud just reading about you laughing! That's funny about your kids - I suppose they think you're hopeless. It tickles me to hear that you thought the scene came to life - managing a scene with groups of people is something I haven't tackled too often. It's hard to gauge if I've managed to set the scene and keep tabs on where everyone is. Don't worry about Halbarad; he can take care of himself in the wild. There's only one opponent he's defenseless against, and you'll get to see who that is in the next chapter.

NightskyReviewed Chapter: 6 on 12/7/2005
Very glad to see this story updated again! Can't wait for Arwen to get to Rivendell.

Author Reply: Thanks, Nightsky! Although it's a long drive from Lothlorien to Rivendell...

NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 6 on 12/7/2005
I didn't even see the update notice! I must have deleted it along with about a zillion old LJ comments. Here I could have done some accounting avoidance with this and missed the chance today :D

I enjoyed Halbarad's view of Imladris, and how he cannot even consider thinking that the elves had sat around with Valandil and will be looking the same fifty years into the future. He knows this is not a place he can live... he would be on a deserted island.

Elladan's ode to Dudo is hilarious! He clearly had imbibed a bit much, but I say "Cheers" to that, as he was honoring someone who had helped to save Aragorn. Glorfindel needs to lighten up a bit :D

I am glad to see Aragorn and Elrond at peace too. I would have voted for more ARagorn in this chapter, although I did like Halbarad too. Halbarad really can't wait to leave... but I wasnt' surprised that Dudo found him. And it turns out Halbarad really didn't need to leave so early - he found he had time for straightening out a certain hobbit after all.

good chapter... and I vote for Freud :/

Author Reply: along with about a zillion old LJ comments.

LOL Tell me about it!

I've really enjoyed constrasting Halbarad's reaction to Imladris with that of Aragorn, for whom it's simply home, and that of Dudo, who's enraptured by it. Halbarad never takes his eye off the ball, does he?

Elladan could have come up with a much nicer song without my help, I'm sure. I had to get him pretty darned plastered to justify that mangled melody. Elrond was too happy to get very upset, but I figured Glorfindel should go into clucking hen mode over something, and he wanted the evening to be perfect and dignified for Elrond. To be honest, I wasn't sure what to do with Aragorn this chapter. I think I was too emotionally whipped from the last chapter to deal with him! I reckoned he could use a breather before his next crisis.

DotReviewed Chapter: 6 on 12/7/2005
God, I love your Halbarad! Dear, funny, belching, seam-popping old Halbarad. Actually, for a moment there I thought you were actually going to have him lose his dinner right there at Elrond’s table.

Elladan and Elrohir are absolutely hilarious. The discussion about Halbarad’s great-great-great-grandfather “wearing his hair in long, plaited locks and dabbling in the rose garden” and how fond Saerbellas was of him had me laughing out loud. If I were Halbarad, I’d be more worried about maintaining my sanity around mischievous elves than becoming soft.

I really liked the little moment where Elrond puts his hand on Aragorn’s shoulder. I was wondering if Aragorn would end up with a mighty bruise there when Elrond announced Arwen’s return but actually, Elrond seems to be doing quite well… I wish my father would call me his finest jewel - and not sarcastically either. I can’t help but smile at Dudo’s enthusiasm for everything, especially Elladan’s magic tricks.

I particularly liked the conversation between Elrohir and Halbarad. They may tease one another but there’s a sense of deep friendship there too. I was glad Elrohir shared with Halbarad the peace that Aragorn and Elrond have found, even if just for now. He expressed it so beautifully and probably reassured Halbarad, even if he didn’t know he needed to be reassured. It’s a very interesting insight into how comfortable Aragorn is in this place and how he will not feel out of place in a palace someday. There are so many stories about how hard Aragorn the Ranger finds becoming a king, but really he was not only born to it, but raised to it too.

Elladan is marvellous! This was hilarious: “I didn’t know Elladan played the harp,” he remarked. “Nor did I,” replied Elrohir. LOL! Hey Meckinock, I didn’t know you were a poet! Brilliant. I love the digs at Aragorn, the description of Halbarad as “morose and dour” - and the interruptions made it even funnier.

It was a very powerful – and poignant - moment when Halbarad realises all that Elrohir has seen and will see. There’s something very unsettling about it. Suddenly his part in their world seems very small. I could really feel his unease and his desire not to dwell on such things. You’ve done a great job throughout this chapter in letting us sense more than see why Halbarad will never stay in Imladris for long.

I love the little scene with them all looking down at the sleeping Aragorn. I think I just liked the fact that they were clearly all remembering a beloved little boy who used to do that. And it’s wonderful to see Elrond being such a father to him.

“Stubborn darkness”… Great phrase.

Poor Dudo :-( Halbarad may think he’s just no good at these kind of scenes, but I bet part of that is because he’s going to miss this hobbit. I had a lump in my throat the entire time Halbarad was so gently explaining why Rivendell is not for them. It actually made Rivendell come across as very otherworldly and it’s fascinating to see it like this, through a Man’s eyes. The strength of Halbarad’s belief in living life and fulfilling destiny instead of taking refuge from possible pain is very moving. He has such courage and conviction, even when he seems to know that it is his fate to sacrifice everything to help Aragorn reach his destiny. His belief in what is to come when Aragorn is king seems like a dream, but it is a realistic one – and it shows how he needs something to strive for and how humble he is in wanting a simple, peaceful life for his people.

The end of the chapter is so touching. Dudo seems to understand what Halbarad needs, and he places his complete faith in him too. This is a friendship that I really hope we’ll see more of :-) Now that everyone is recovering and moving on, I’m very much looking forward to seeing the next part of the story get underway and what this long-hidden secret is!

Author Reply:
God, I love your Halbarad! Dear, funny, belching, seam-popping old Halbarad.

God, so do I, when you put it that way! Dot, as always, I love you for dropping in and articulating so wonderfully whatever it was I was stumbling around trying to do in this chapter. You're a genius!

Oh, BTW, Dot - I swear to you on a stack of Silmarillions a mile high that there will never, EVER be vomiting in a story of mine. You can take that to the bank! ...Although Halbarad wasn't sure for a minute there. When Erestor measured him for a tunic I guess he hadn't counted on Badlands Bob putting on a few pounds during his recovery. Those Elvish shirts don't have much give in the seams...

Not to worry, Aragorn's shoulder is safe. Elrond still has his pain, I'm sure, but it's in a deep, private place, and it's not blocking his joy anymore.

Relationships between mortals and immortals are so endlessly fascinating, aren't they? We're used to everyone growing old at the same rate. But how many Rangers has Elrohir befriended and watched grow old and die? How hard must that be? And for Halbarad - what you said is so right - what an unsettling reminder of his own impermenance, and what an unsettling question it raises about the nature of friendship. For Halbarad this is a lifelong friendship, but for Elrohir it's a blip in his radar screen. Halbarad would rather not think about it!

Hey Meckinock, I didn’t know you were a poet!

LOL, neither did I

Sleeping!Aragorn - my nod to fluff. I'll say three Hail Marys later.

Dudo didn't have any trouble falling in love with Imladris, which I think is probably a common reaction. But what happens when someone who's fallen in love with Imladris has to leave? I think Halbarad has seen this before, and wanted to spare Dudo the pain of unrequited love that turns to bitterness. Dudo does trust him, though, and believe in him. For now, that's good!

Thanks so much for another of your detailed, insightful, inspired, delightful reviews!

HelenReviewed Chapter: 6 on 12/7/2005
Aaww, Dildo is so cute :)

Author Reply: Either that's a Freudian slip or there's more to this story than meets the eye :-)

D.Reviewed Chapter: 6 on 12/7/2005
Absolutely marvelous. There aren't enough words to describe how wonderful your Halbarad is. It's only a hair better than the astonishment that is your portrayal of the rest of the characters. I'm thrilled that this story is really just getting started (or at least that's what I gathered) because I never want it to end. The song, by the way, was a hilarious touch. As always, I eagerly await your next chapter.

Author Reply: Thanks, D! Marvelous to hear from you again. Glad you're still having a good time with the story. I don't know what got into me deciding to write a song. It's fortunate for everyone that I didn't have to supply the music, too :-) I'm glad you're enjoying Halbarad. There'll be more of him to come in the next chapter, when he returns to his native habitat, although his return might not be as happy as he had hoped. In case you haven't yet caught up with "Don't Panic" by Boz4pm, which is now posted on this site, I have to tell you that I have fallen hopelessly in love with her Halbarad.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 6 on 12/7/2005
I love your Halbarad. He's so down to (Middle) earth. Feed him, water him, put him in a corner to sleep. But he still remembers that he has things to do. Are we going to see Mrs. H?

But I also have to say that the moment when he thinks of his doom in the east sent a chill down my spine. It's all the more effective coming from this very practical guy. His loyalty to Aragorn is heroic even if it is less fancy than that of the future king.

So is this the last we'll see of Dudo?

Author Reply: Mrs. H is waiting in the wings. It's funny. I haven't seen Halbarad depicted as married too often, and I'm not sure I've read a story about him where the wife was more than mentioned, but the instant I started writing him she popped into my head.

This is the last of Dudo for a while, though.

Gandalfs apprenticeReviewed Chapter: 6 on 12/7/2005
Hi meckinock
Another triumph! I love your banquet scene, and Elladan's song is just too marvelous for words. I didn't know you were such a master of comic verse! (I'm much less happy with my own "ballad" in "Sword.") Halbarad's tribulations with the Elves were perfectly captured; I identified so well with his view of Rivendell (except I don't mind lots of soft living, either--but in the human dimension). The glimpses of Elrond's newfound peace with Aragorn are very moving.

Author Reply:

Hey, GA,

I didn't know you were such a master of comic verse!

I'm afraid that I've just conclusively demonstrated that I'm not. Or at least Glorfindel thinks so. It is nice to see everyone happy and peaceful, though. Isn't it. ;-)

ImrahoilReviewed Chapter: 6 on 12/7/2005
A new chapter and nobody had to poke you (real hard). Meckinock, I hope, you're not ill?! ;-)
Once again I haven't wrote a proper review for any chapter, just squeaks and squeals, so I'll give it a try. Do you know that you're a real good elf writer? I was a bit afraid before they made their appearance. Doing rangers, hobbits and an Istar exceedingly well doesn't mean good elves at all. Elrohir and Elladan are probably peanuts for an ranger writer, but Elrond never is. And your Elrond in the last chapter was beautiful, the best I've ever seen (so far). You made him look sad, understanding, forgiving, all he should be, and gave him even a credible positive POV on his brother's and Arwen's choice, wow.
By the way it looks like your winding the story to a close, that's a big nono, it's much too short, and we have to see dwarves yet.

Author Reply: Squeaks and squeals are always welcome. Thanks for mentioning the Elves, though. As you've probably guessed, they weren't my first love, but they've grown on me. Elrond in particular. It's something Nilmandra puts in the water, I think. The story, er, is not supposed to be winding down. I can see where it might appear that way, though. But I just needed to lay some pavement before driving on.

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