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A Matter of Honor  by meckinock 23 Review(s)
DotReviewed Chapter: 8 on 1/19/2006
So. This is great! I think it might be bribe-the-beta time again, though… What’s going on??!

I must say, no-one has ever made me want to go into an attic so much. This line is gorgeous: ‘Only in the attic did whispers skip hollowly across bare floorboards and echo from the roof beams instead of sinking silently into the plushness of tapestries, drapes and carpets.’ And in the following few lines you create a very vivid and wistful picture of Aragorn’s life in Imladris, where he played and laughed and cried and sought excitement and solitude, just like any other child and adolescent. Of course, it also shows his difference too, that he would go to the darkness and silence when he needed time alone with his thoughts rather than seeking the comfort of the trees and beauty outside. And even an injured elf probably wouldn’t wheeze and groan their way up that stairs! I had to laugh at Aragorn thinking of himself as a “commanding Captain of Gondor” and Erestor seeing him as “prickly convalescent”!!

That great moment when Dudo asks Erestor what all the stuff in the attic is has me pondering elves and heirlooms. On the one hand, how do you sum up the history of an entire people to someone who could never truly comprehend it? Especially someone who has no real understanding of keeping items instead of re-using them. And yet, with elven memory and immortality, what would make something important enough to hold onto like that? Would they keep these things because they are special or would they have things like swords and rings and whatnot on display and then, like us, shove everything else up to the attic. Because what else do you do with Arvedui’s royal dinnerware? ;-) Hmmm.

Books! And some of them tales written down by Elrond himself. Oh, I would love to get my hands on them!

“I am a Ranger chieftain and quite capable of dealing with Lord Elrond.” *cough* Silly man. That’s where the warning bells went off in my head, though, and had me wondering what was in the trunk!

The scene with Aragorn going through his father’s belongings and seeing the snatches of memory evoked is lovely, as is the conversation with Elladan. It’s easy to forget the friendship that was there between the twins and Arathorn, how in some ways they would have felt the loss more than Aragorn – something that was there and no longer is rather than something that should be there but isn’t. I thought it was a very poignant moment when Elladan admits how guilty he felt at all the times they shared with Aragorn that Arathorn should have shared with his son. It must have been hard for Aragorn to hear too. I love that they can slide back into teasing one another, though. A hide-and-seek rematch would have been fun.

And those mysterious letters! To say I’m intrigued would be putting it mildly. I was actually wishing Gandalf would sod off and let Aragorn look at them in peace and give us some idea what was in them. So let’s see. It’s something scandalous. Aragorn thinks that he may not be the one with the right to the throne in Gondor – and Arwen’s hand? Which suggests that he isn’t Arathorn’s son. But it’s Arathorn’s secret and not Gilraen’s so it sounds like there’s another child, older than Aragorn. Yes? No? Hold your horses Dot? And the letters were written by someone who wasn’t used to writing and/ or couldn’t speak much Westron. If you hadn’t used the word “tortured” I’d be wondering if it was a child! Ok, so maybe it wasn’t Halbarad’s mom (though I bet she fancied him once upon a time and that’s why she didn’t like Gilraen) but she might know. Oh holy God, it wasn’t an elf, was it?? No, not possible. Of course, I’m not sure I think it was anything at all but Aragorn seems fairly bothered… I suppose I just have to wait and see. But that’s hard!

The dinner scene was done so well. I thoroughly enjoyed the discussion of what will happen to Dudo (the Bolgers?? I’m guessing that’s not a random choice on your part!). I could really feel Aragorn’s tension and distractedness and was so afraid that he was going to do something like leave instead of talking to Elrond. Which, it seems, is exactly what happened. I loved the effort on the twins’ part to carry on as if nothing happened. This was brilliant: “Perhaps it is the level of iron in the soil.” “There is more afternoon sun,” agreed Elladan, studiously ignoring the level of iron in his father’s unbending stare.” LOL!

As for the conversation with Elrond… well, ouch. I thought it was very father/son actually, from Aragorn maintaining that he’s going to “Halbarad’s house” in the way a child would to knowingly hurting Elrond and Elrond’s realisation that he can’t protect Aragorn as much as he would like to. I imagine he knows too that there are some things this man will not share with him, even when they both know that he wants to help him. I understand why Aragorn did what he did. There’s a sense of him just needing desperately to get out of there, and away from Elrond too. And he needed Elrond to know that it was for a personal and painful reason that would not wait. And he clearly does still need to come to terms with his mother’s death. But I’m still left feeling worst for Elrond. Especially as they’ve only just reconciled. He feels he has to tiptoe around Aragorn, he thinks he has hurt him deeply, he himself has been hurt and it looks like he’s just been thrown aside and everything he has done disregarded. Poor Elrond :-( And I have the feeling it may end up a you-should-have-just-asked-Elrond-in-the-first-place situation…

So it looks like Aragorn is off. I’m wondering if he’s really going to tell Halbarad, though. I hope so, even just so that he won’t be alone. Ooh, send the twins! *looks at watch* I’m sure it must be time for another chapter now, yes? :-)

Author Reply:
Hi, Dot!

You want to bribe the beta, you'll have to find her first. I think you might find her a bit unavailable for the next several days *checks bolt on closet door and turns up radio to muffle cries for help*

Reading your reviews is always such a blast because I get to relive all the fun parts of the story without actually doing the work this time.

I needed there to be an attic with stuff in it, but having made one I also sidetracked myself thinking about what sort of stuff the Elves would keep in an attic and why, and for how long. I like to think they were pretty thrifty and didn't just redecorate every five years with the changing of the fashion colors, but really they'd have to get tired of the dinnerware and lamps every century or three, wouldn't they? And I don't suppose there are any Goodwill drop-offs in Rivendell. Intersting to think about./

I had a blast writing Aragorn bragging about how he can handle Elrond. *cough* is right!

You're certainly thinking hard about this whole mystery letter-writer thing! And you're on the right track, mostly. I decided to keep the exact content of the letters a big vague for now; so not as to keep the focus on Aragorn and not generate a letter-dissecting workshop. But more will come out in the next couple of chapters.

The scene with Elrond was brutal. He's never wanted so badly to comfort Aragorn and make it all better, especially after just healing the old scars. But as all-knowing as Elrond seems, I think that Aragorn believes that if Arathorn had indeed committed some terrible indiscretion, the last person he would have told about it was Elrond. And Aragorn is determined to keep it that way at least until he can sort it all out.

Do you really want me to subject Elladan and Elrohir to Halbarad's mother?

Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 8 on 1/18/2006
You have me very curious about what the letters say! I love your eye for detail,whether it is for Aragorn's recovery(how nice to find a realistic story for once)or the contents of the trunk.Poor Aragorn,I am very worried now about his state of mind too !Gripping as ever.

Author Reply: Aragorn's just a little out of shape. Couple days in the saddle tracking down old family secrets ought to fix that :-) Don't worry, he won't be alone.

NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 8 on 1/17/2006
Oh my, a ranger behaving badly! I read this at 2am and interestingly enough, wanted to cuff him up alongside the head and tie him to his chair. But being a ranger, he'd probaby do me in very quickly. Aragorn must really not be feeling quite right to decide to ignore the possiblity of immediate answers in Imladris and instead butts heads with Elrond, whom he has finally made his peace with, and decides to head out into the wild.

I admit I am very curious to know what he might be thinking - does he think his father was having an affair? Or that he is not Arathorn's son? Not Gilraen's son? And that someone else might know and that somehow it matters at this stage of the game, even if it were true? I think Saddlebags must have slipped him some drugs.

The descpritions of the attic were very good. I can see a curious child having much to explore up there, and a great hideway on rainy days. I like the idea that no one besides Erestor knows where anything is (and probably no one else cares!)

The twins at the table were quite funny, discussing the finer points of grape growing, to diffuse the tension when Estel so nicely stuck his foot in it. I hope the twins decide he needs an escort whether he wants one or not when he leaves, stubborn ranger. Of course, not sure how far a guy who can't walk to the attic without wheezing expects to get away from Imladris.

Author Reply: He's having a bad heir day.

I love attics. I wanted a bedroom in the attic every since Meg had one in "A Wrinkle in Time." I think Will had one in "The Dark is Rising," too.

Poor twins. It's horrible being a bystander as the tension rises. They'll have to make sure the wheezy Ranger at least makes it to the settlement, but I'm not sure how much of Halbarad's mother they're going to be able to take.

RSReviewed Chapter: 8 on 1/17/2006
YIKES!! What is worse than a tryst with a tavern wench?!!! Indiscretion??? Holy mackeral!! Why do you do this to me?? This chapter is SUPERB!! Could it have been one of the craps-shooting women..the quiet one?? Is Aragorn going to the camp to confront this woman? This is too intense for my poor little heart. I've always wondered why the title of this story was "A MATTER OF HONOR". Now I think I know why! Just want to say that the moment with Elladan in the attic was precious. Your description of that part of the story was so vivid..the sunlight shining through, the smell..everything about it. I just adore the twins---trying to make the situation at the dinner table a little less tense with their wine talk (big smile on my face). But those words to Elrond...OUCH!!..(HIT ME WHERE IT HURTS!) I will sit here and wait all night and all day for the next update. Please hurry!

Author Reply: Tons of things are worse than a tryst with a tavern wench! Intense is good, isn't it? Daw was just telling me about the importance of tension the other day so I thought I'd practice :-)

Tons of things are worse than a one-nighter with a tavern wench. But oh my, Fimenel is blushing up a storm now. She swears it wasn't her.

DotReviewed Chapter: 8 on 1/17/2006
Ok, my first thought was 'oh my God - Arathorn and Halbarad's mother'!! *snort* Never mind. Excellent chapter. Back tomorrow :-)

Author Reply: Arathorn and Halbarad's mother'

Not! ROTFLOL. Although, in a way, completely unrelated to the mystery of the letters, it's not as strange an idea as it seems...

fliewatuetReviewed Chapter: 8 on 1/17/2006
Ouch, Aragorn's 'farewell' words to Elrond were not of the most diplomatic kind, to put it mildly.

I have always wondered what would drive Aragorn from Rivendell in such haste, as you hinted in your summary. So his father was not the honourable Dúnedain chieftain he seemed to be, at least that's Aragorn's impression from reading those letters. Though I am not sure if Aragorn is going to discuss his discovery with Halbarad ... unless Halbarad has something to do with Arathorn's indescretion. But I think I'll better quite speculating now ...

Author Reply: "Ouch" is right. Aragorn guessed (correctly) that the diplomatic approach wasn't going to get him out the door. And yes, he certainly thinks the worst at the moment, and he's not going to want to tell Halbarad. But he's got to at least make a stop there to get the Brothers Elrondion off his tail.

viggomaniacReviewed Chapter: 8 on 1/17/2006
Oh my stars! What HAVE you done? I swear this has to be one of my alltime favorite fanfic chapters out of all my favorite stories ever. Wow! You kept us mesmerized throughout; the attic scene was sheer poetry; the memories evoked by opening the trunk as realistic as it gets. And now, what? Treachery of some kind (an indiscretion) on his father's part? Obviously something really, really bad has happened/did happen/is perceived to have happened and our poor ranger feels that it must be kept secret. I can't tell you how good this is. You must have known when you were writing it. An absolutely incredible chapter. Just when I was beginning to wonder what the meaning of your story title was, you come out with this chapter. Anyway, on to a few highlights. Of course there were so many, it's hard to name them all. Dudo, as always, a true delight and I loved Aragorn's comment that he "wasn't born a crotchety old Ranger". Rather enjoyed Bilbo's suggestion that Dudo live with Frodo and the answer from Elrohir. That and the observation that Aragorn "had had no hand in packing the trunk; having demonstrated a boy's typical disinterest in the maintenance of treasures". Elladan's affection for this "crotchety old ranger" is touching. But dang! I want to know what was in those letters. That whole scene was incredible. Tense. Very tense. And now, Aragorn has to distance himself from Elrond (with the utmost reluctance it would seem). I simply can't wait until the next chapter. Your story has really taken off and I want dibs on the first class seats. Ew. That last cliche makes me cringe. Anyway, update soon...

Author Reply:
Wow, VM, twice in a day! And with your own reviews to answer, no less. I'm flattered. When I was a kid, my cousins had a big old house with an attic, and I absolutely loved going up there. We had a newer-style house with the attic that was just fiberglass batts over bare two-by-fours. No fun at all. So I liked giving Estel an attic to play in.

Aragorn perceives that he is up the proverbial creek. His sense of honor will force him to go public eventually, but like any good newspaper editor, he's going to do some fact-checking before he puts it on the front page.

I thought about including the content of the letters, but decided that if I did that, readers would just analyze them to death instead of focusing on their affect on Aragorn, which is the main point. More about the letters will come out later, when he has to explain to Halbarad what in tarnation is going on.

Author Reply: OMG did I just mix up "affect" and "effect?" Shoot me.

MandyReviewed Chapter: 8 on 1/17/2006
Oooh, mystery. I like it. I assume Arathorn had a mistress? There was a child? Which one came first? Perhaps Aragorn isn't Isildur's heir after all, merely his runner-up.

Author Reply: In Aragorn's mind, that theory is a strong contender at the moment.

Glad to keep you guessing...

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 8 on 1/17/2006
Wow. Things are heating up here. That was quite a twist. I didn't see it coming at all. The description of the things in the trunk was very evocative. I could see them and see the painful sense they evoked of a person long gone.

Aragorn was very slippery to get away from Elrond like that.

Author Reply: Am I evil or what? Aragorn just got things all patched up nice with Elrond, and now he's forced to pick a fight with him. I'm never sure if fooling you means I was clever or so off-the-wall as to be totally unbelievable!

LevadeReviewed Chapter: 8 on 1/17/2006
It always amazes me how a long-forgotten scent will bring forth the most powerful memories you never even knew existed. I love the image of the attic, and young Estel playing there in his own private kingdom (even if he didn't know then no one else wanted it). Hiding from the twins, playing hide and seek -- they were training him young!

The whole scene with him finding his father's trunk was beautiful. Going through the clothing of someone who has passed can bring back so much, but for a son who never really knew his father, it's doubly powerful. I have to think he's misunderstanding the letters in the pouch. Poor Aragorn, agonizing over something that (I hope) is innocent. Love that the elves can steal sneak up on him, LOL! That would be nerve-wracking!

The dinner that no one is comfortable at, and none really understands why, except Aragorn. Comedy of Errors that isn't very comical though I did find it funny that Glorfindel was the one to put an end to the twins lengthy distraction. *g* It is painful to Aragon that he has to deceive Elrond, but then I suppose he feels a bit deceived himself. That last part though...ouch!

Stubborn Rangers, Eru bless them!

Author Reply: When I was writing the attic scene, I realized that Aragorn would have never seen a picture of his father (taking the stance that the Dunedain were too busy to sit for portraits.) He would not really have known what he looked like, how tall he was, how broad. I thought it would be incredibly touching for him to see and touch garments that his father had actually worn.

Aragorn was having one of those "I can't stay here one more minute" experiences; unfortunately with a houseful of people who care about him (and who want to help him through what they think is just a normal grieving experience) it's hard for him to extract himself. Had to play dirty, he did...

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