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A Matter of Honor  by meckinock 14 Review(s)
SurgicalSteelReviewed Chapter: Epilogue 2 on 10/8/2006

Properly heart-wrenching. I liked that it came back to Dudo in the end, and can't help but think of poor Eirien...

Author Reply: *passes a kleenex* Thanks. I liked having an object wend its way from the beginning of the saga to the end. And I can't help but think of Eirien, either.

perellethReviewed Chapter: Epilogue 2 on 10/8/2006
A fitting ending. It was good to see Dudo again, and to learn that he fought so bravely in defence of The Shire. It is wonderful to see the growth in this character through both stories, a good paralell to the change the Quest brought to Merry and Pippin.

The chronology is a great idea! I was thinking about it as I read past chapter. I liked it that Gandalf made clear to them that Rolly and the rest ruffians were working for Saruman. THe brewing of that war was a long road, and the heavy watch over The Shire and the silent struggle between Saruman's spies and the Dunedain had begun long before that April morning when Frodo knew that he kept the One Ring. Very well tied up.

I must say that I have enjoyed both tales greatly, Meckinock, thanks to your great skill in story-telling but also to the deep consideration you have clearly devoted to the deeper issues that are prsented here, and that is something that shows. Congratulations.

Author Reply: When I was writing the scene where Dudo gives Halbarad the dagger back, I was choking on the irony - they both thought Dudo was going to this idyllic, peaceful place that would never know violence. I think Dudo would have instantly joined (if not organized) the resistance to the ruffians, but then when things went south he'd be looking for some backup. Which didn't come from the place he thought it would. It makes me very happy to know you enjoyed the story, Perelleth - you're an immensely insightful reader and writer, so I must have gotten something right!

BodkinReviewed Chapter: Epilogue 2 on 10/8/2006
I'm glad to see that the story rounds back to Dudo. Who is feeling really let down and resentful of what he sees as his friends' broken promises. It is such a good thing that Gandalf has come to see him and let him know just what happened. Even if I don't want to think of Halbarad lying dead beneath the soil of the Pelennor. (I suppose it's not so bad thinking of Aragorn perched on that silly throne. At least he has wed his heart's desire and stands some chance of building himself a home where he feels he really belongs. Although I don't really see it being that Citadel.) I can't help but think of Eirien in her draughty home in the Angle - with Halbarad's sword and his dirty shirt and a Dunedain life-span to mourn him and all the others she has lost.

Let's get back to Dudo. Happier thoughts. I think he should go to Minas Tirith. Aragorn needs a few hobbits at his side - and this is another hobbit to whom he owes his life and consequently all the jollies that go with being king. And Dudo would, I think, want to bid farewell to Halbarad. I'm glad Gandalf brought the blade back to him. Halbarad would have wanted that.

I hope you feel inspired to write more about these characters - because I shall miss them. I'm sure they have more stories to tell.

Author Reply: I knew I had to do this scene since Dudo bonded with Halbarad in "Hands." I always hated how Aragorn got up at the Council of Elrond and made this impassioned speech about how the Dunedain protect the quiet lands and the homes of simple men at night, and then as we know, when the rubber finally met the road in Eriador, they were AWOL (for good reason, but AWOL nonetheless). Now, of course, the average hobbit had no clue the Rangers had been there in the first place, but Dudo did. I felt terrible for him, thinking how betrayed he must feel. He needed Gandalf, and he needed to know Halbarad didn't abandon him.

I try not to think about Eirien and her shirt too much. Thank you for saying you'll miss them. I know I will.

Ainu LaireReviewed Chapter: Epilogue 2 on 10/8/2006
*sniffs* Aww... poor Dudo. Poor Hslbarad. I never did like how Tolkien killed him off. Though I suppose the stone city would have never really suited him. But still, it really sucks :/

You ARE going to still be writing, right? You'll have another story for us? Please? You are one of my favorite authors; I do hope you have another story for us!! Maybe not immediately, but sometime! Don't make me beg ;P

But yea. Wow. Totally awesome story. ^^

Author Reply: Yeah. It sucks.

I'm make you a deal - I'll write if you will. It just might be shorter stuff from now on...

Thanks, Suvi. You're awesome, too.

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