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A Matter of Honor  by meckinock 322 Review(s)
Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/15/2005
YAY!!! A sequel!!! Whoohoo! Sorry, I'm far too gleeful to leave a useful review, but..just...yay! (I'm sure you would find my happydance extremely amusing if you could see me right now)
Hehe. And now I have a new threat: "be good or you'll be pitch forked to death!" Bwahaha.

Author Reply: Gleeful? Wow, you being gleeful makes me gleeful. I wish I could see your happy dance! Thanks for the review.

AMReviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/15/2005
When I saw that this was here (finally) I let out a whoop of joy.
Getting ready to sit back and enjoy.

Author Reply: Thanks, AM! I hope you enjoy it.

EnigmaReviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/15/2005
HI! :)

Can you believe I just registered just to be able to leave a review for your story? *g* Well, it is TRUE. I did just that.

I remember reading your earlier story some time ago and I was ready to pull my hear out at the end of it because I was desperate to know how things continued and if Aragorn would indeed go to Rivendell.

Imagine my joy when I found out today you were indeed writing a sequel! You are a wonderful and gifted writer and I find it an interesting twist to your stories that for once they don't play along the Aragorn/Legolas-friendship-line, but feature Halbarad and Gandalf alongside Aragorn.

Please keep you wonderful work. You are SO SO bookmarked. *g* I will be looking forward to the next chapter with anticipation! :)


Author Reply: Wow, I'm very flattered. Thanks for registering! SoA is a great site and I'm sure you'll find lots of other great stories to review here now that you're official. I think it's a very user-friendly site and the review reply feature is a lot of fun (on both ends.) It makes me feel wonderful to hear that I was able to brighten your day, and believe me, I wish I had gotten the sequel out a LOT sooner. But Gandalf would say things work out the way they do for a reason, I suppose. Thanks again!

keelaReviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/15/2005

Thank you thank you thank you THANK YOU.

Author Reply: *blushes*

ThorongirlReviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/15/2005
I wonder if you really good authors realize how much we look forward to your stories and updates and all that. When I saw the chapter alert Sunday night and nothing was actually posted, I was a *little* disappointed. Never mind that I am in the process of reading at least forty other different stories right now. Yours is one of the ones I wanted to read immediately. Or at least I wanted to download it, print it off, and save it for *later*. (Translation: when my family is out of the house). Couldn't have done it anyway, though. It has been so humid where I live the past few weeks, that until last night, whenever I used my laser printer, the moisture in the air actually caused the printer to steam! How strange is that? My son said not to use it because the condensation could do something to it. Fry it, I assume. Oh well, on to the review.

Marvelous chapter. Your depiction of Halbarad and Gandalf is absolutely terrific. And the story about the farmer's wife was too funny. "She also warned us that she was quite capable of cutting off our ---"

"Noses," Halbarad interjected.

Oh, that was priceless. And yet in the background we have everyone more than a little concerned about Aragorn, the boredom/strain that is getting to Tillfield, and the old wizard whom Halbarad sometimes forgets is not just any old man.

I did spy a few spelling errors which I will dutifully point out if you want me to, but they're not terribly noticeable (hmm, did I spell *that* right)? Overall quality is excellent, though, and I love the way you pace your story. Nothing is rushed, everyone seems totally in character. I especially liked Tillfield's observations that being a Ranger didn't seem quite so exciting in real life. Oh, and Halbarad's thoughts about strangling Aragorn over the bestowal of his Bree name. I'm anxious to read the Aragorn/Elrond reunion. I'm assuming it might be a little strained (if Aragorn is actually still conscious by then, that is).

Wonderful first chapter. I eagerly look forward to the next. I'm sure I'll be adding this one to my "Desert Island" selections, too.

Author Reply: Hi, Thorongirl -
I used to live in a very humid climate and almost forgot what that was like. Monday I went back. It was a bad day to go back - I felt like Halbarad after walking two blocks! But I have to admit I've never had the humidity knock out my printer before. Thanks so much for the review and for catching those errors. One was a function of me editing at midnight, one was something I thought I fixed five drafts ago, and the third one was completely new to me. Thanks again! I will go check out your Desert Island selections. I'm flattered to death to be included. Unfortunately I've just been informed the power is out at my house, so I do not know when that might be...

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/15/2005
Yes!!! I was so happy to find this this morning.

All right, my memory of the last story is that when it opened, my hands started feeling chapped with cold. Now I feel like I can't breathe for the heat and humidity. And Bob lied to Tillfield about what Rivendell was? LOL. He deserves to have Elrond learn his Bree name.

Halbarad grunted. “Know your place.”

Gandalf released a cloud of pipe-weed smoke that drifted aimlessly in the still air as he considered Halbarad’s answer. “Fair enough. Think you know it then, do you?”

“I always have,” Halbarad replied, deliberately planting his gaze squarely in the middle of Aragorn’s back.

Now that's lovely for several reasons: Halbarad's blunt simplicity (and accuracy), Gandalf's hint that Halbarad is worth more than he thinks he is, and Halbarad's sense that where he belongs is serving Aragorn. And it's all suggested, not told. That's what I've been missing when you weren't posting, Meckinock.

I like the way you tell us the tale of Bree farmer's wife. I'm taking notes about how it's okay to take one's time.

Your characters have to relieve themselves? Wow. So few characters do. I wonder if years from now people will look at novel from our time and laugh about that.

Loved Tillfield's observation that rather than being exciting, being a ranger is "smelly and wet...with bad food." Now there's the truth.

Halbarad flinched with gleeful horror at the prospect of Tillfield doling out Bree names to the sons of Elrond.

Me too!

What an excellent beginning. I'm swept up in it already. You've made my day and I don't even mind that now I have to go to the gym and take the old lady aerobics class.

Author Reply: You should recognize the climate pattern, Daw - freezing one day and broiling the next...

Yeah, they lied. Back in Bree they just couldn't bear the prospect of listening to Tillfield obsess about Elves all the way to Rivendell. But they finally decided he needed a distraction from the substandard living conditions.

The farmer's wife and the goat was something that seemed a little draggy (I have this on good authority!) but I couldn't resist Halbarad swearing he had nothing to do with the goat. Thanks for the review and for all your wonderful stories. I learned a lot from the twenty you wrote while I was trying to get this one together!

Author Reply: Your characters have to relieve themselves? Wow. So few characters do. I wonder if years from now people will look at novel from our time and laugh about that.

I aim for accuracy! Personal observation Studies show that in the absence of restroom facilities, the average male has to relieve himself approximately three times per hour.

utfrog98Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/15/2005
I am SO glad you are writing a sequel. I am very anxious to hear the conversations between Elrond and Aragorn.

Thank you

Author Reply: Hi, utfrog!

Thanks for the review. I'll get Aragorn to Rivendell eventually for that conversation...

ElentarielReviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/15/2005
This is an interesting story - with great promise. i hope you update soon as i want to know what happens next!

Author Reply: Thanks very much for the review, Elentariel. Glad you're enjoying it.

Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/15/2005
I so nearly didn't read this - I don't usually like ranger or hobbit stories - but I'm so glad I did!

Your characterisations of Gandalf, Aragorn and Halbarad are spot on, I think, and Tillfield is full of hobbit curiousity - even if he is regretting his decision now.

The tale of the farmer's wife and the goat was hilarious, and I look forward to their arrival in Rivendell!


Author Reply: Jay! Thanks for the review! I'm tickled that you stopped by. I just reviewed Star Gazing over at HASA - it was a very sweet story. I guess in repayment for you writing such a nice Estel story, I should give you a little E2 action, right? Stay tuned...

ImrahoilReviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/15/2005
AH, there it is and on Tuesday. Ranger, I forgive you (cough, cough). It looks even very, very promising - my kind of humour and Halbarad naked, kind of, two times, bliss -. I have found that it is a dangerous thing to clamour as loud as possible for a sequel, only to find it's not up to expectation AND one is honour bound to say something about it. Next chapter?!

By the way, you lost me in the first sentence. IS the second half really a sentence ("and ran mopped his forehead with a grimy sleeve")? By the way the second, isn't mumakil a plural?

Author Reply: Yes, well it was 11:53 PM here but I'm proud to say it was still Tuesday! The sentence glitch was me trying to make the midnight deadline... Glad you're enjoying it so far. I will try very hard not to disappoint!

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