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Moments in Time  by Larner 18 Review(s)
InklingReviewed Chapter: 35 on 8/6/2007
Just lovely, Larner...through just a few beautifully drawn metaphors you've conveyed so much about the budding friendship of Elf and Dwarf, and about each member of the Fellowship observed. I especially liked the passage where the light of Frodo and Aragorn is caught in the faces of Merry, Pippin, and Boromir, as planets reflect the sun. And Gimli and Legolas as perfectly matched twin stars!

Author Reply: I am so glad you appreciate this, Inkling. Somehow Frodo and Aragorn both managed to (usually) bring out the best in those they met and drew the respect and fealty of those of honor, and how could Boromir fail to respond to that in spite of his own fears?

And Gimli and Legolas became the most unlikely of brothers, complementing one another so very well in the end. Yes, perfectly matched twin stars indeed! Thank you for this image I'll now bear with me!

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 35 on 8/6/2007
“Constellations of Light,” Now that really is imagry worth treasuring. I loved all of this Larner, especially, of course, the observations of Aragorn and Frodo.

The friendship of Legolas and Gimli is wonderful; forged out of mutual adversity and having a common goal. Friendships made on troubled paths are often the best and most lasting. I know a song to that effect but, alas, I can't remember wither the title or the composer.

Author Reply: I'm so glad the imagery of this one has clicked so well with so many, and of course the Lights of Frodo and Aragorn would be seen and recognized first, I'd think. As for Legolas and Gimli--this was when they truly appeared to begin appreciating one another. The quarreling and barbs began to be put aside as they entered Hollin, it seemed; but it was after Caradhras and Moria and the welcome to Lorien that they actually appear to have begun appreciating one another; and I've always wondered what the two of them did together for so much of that time.

I don't recognize the song, I'm afraid. Once you think of it let me know, and I'll check it out. Yes, their friendship was forged in the proper fire for a lasting relationship.

Queen GaladrielReviewed Chapter: 35 on 8/6/2007
Wow! This is wonderful, Larner. I was hoping someone would do a story of this sort some time or other--had meant to do it myself, but original stuff has crowded in and fic will have to wait. So I'm very glad you beat me to it, because it's much more delightful now to read it than write it! :)

The imagery in this story, and especially in Gimli's dialog, is just stunning.

“Frodo, eh?” Gimli said in low tones as he stepped forward to stand by the wood-Elf’s side. Legolas was surprised to hear a tone of sadness
in the Dwarf’s voice, and turned to examine his face. There was a surprisingly gentle look in those dark eyes. “He’s being carved upon, as if under the
hands of a far greater craftsman than I’ll ever be,” the Dwarf continued. “The great gem of his being is being polished, its facets carefully angled to
catch the slightest light.”

“You see him as a jewel?” asked the Elf, his interest fully caught.

“And how else should such as I be able to perceive him?” Gimli answered simply. “I was caught by the glimpse of great Light at the core of
his being that first night in Master Elrond’s home as he sat by my father, listening avidly to the discourse, that smile of delight countered by the memory
of pain he was barely noting as he rubbed at his shoulder.” For a moment he continued his own examination of the small figure who sat alone before the
pavilion given to their use here in Lothlorien before turning his attention back to the visage of his companion. “And you--when you look on him--how do
you see him?”

“As a vessel increasingly filled with the Light of stars,” admitted Legolas. “It is interesting that both of us appear to see the same thing
in him.”

The Dwarf nodded thoughtfully. “If only it weren’t that the blades of pain were what primarily shape him,” he said with great regret. He followed
Frodo’s own gaze to where Aragorn and Boromir relaxed near to one another, talking. He gave a meaningful gesture at the former. “Now, that one, too,
is a great jewel in the shaping. But where each blow of Frodo’s shaping cuts so close to the heart it risks shattering the whole jewel, not so with Aragorn
there. He not only gives himself willingly to the blade of the Shaper, but even at times directs what dross needs next to be removed or how to better
angle the diamond chisel. And, as the shaping has been going on far longer it is easier to see how the final jewel will look. It is as if the faceting
has been going on for so long that he eagerly anticipates and bends himself to the next cutting, turning himself to best accept it, while the shaping of
Frodo at this point is necessarily concentrated to allow him to be completed far sooner.”

And I loved this, too:

As they approached the talan on which their own great house had been built the Lady Galadriel and Lord Celeborn paused, looking down at their
guests on the great lawn below them. “Their Lights are being polished,” Celeborn noted in low tones to his wife. “Each is being readied even now for
his final purpose, though it lead through the shadow of death.”

“Yea, and it has been ever so,” Galadriel sighed, then touched her husband’s arm and indicated the place from which Elf and Dwarf had been observing
the rest. “And look there--have you ever seen two Lights of such disparate origin yet so perfectly matched?”

Lord and Lady shared a look of delight and awe at the revelation, then watched as Aragorn and Sam came to join Frodo and the younger Hobbits.

“Constellations of Light,” murmured Galadriel.

Her lord husband nodded. “Light for the world of Arda to find itself by, perhaps.”

And how right they were! I'd be interested to see a sequel to this, perhaps of Gimli's thoughts on Frodo, Sam, and Aragorn after the Quest, maybe relating back to his thoughts on this day. *nudges plot bunny* :)
God bless,

Author Reply: Am so glad you appreciate all this, my Lady. Gimli we know was one to love and honor beauty as he found it; that he would recognize it in Frodo and Aragorn just seemed natural, although he'd speak of it in his own terms, of course.

As for after the quest--that might come, although Dreamflower set loose a number of plotbunnies yesterday that are worrying at me, and curling up to sleep amongst the Pomeranians. Heh!

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 35 on 8/6/2007
I adore this. The fact that they describe Frodo differently and yet see the same thing in him is a measure of just how close Legolas and Gimli have grown as well as proof that there was an inner light to Frodo Baggins and it was there for all to see that would look.

Author Reply: Yes, they see the same thing even if they use different terms to describe it.

Something about Frodo bound so many of honor to him, as happened with Aragorn as well. The image of the Dwarves and Elves coming together to see Aragorn's new capital built has always intrigued me, that love of a Man and his great honor was enough to lead them to set aside their long enmity. And love of Aragorn and Frodo and growing mutual respect for one another's history of beauty and creation and the hardships they've shared at the hands of Dol Guldur and Mordor have forged a partnership that will last for the rest of Aragorn's life and beyond.

Thanks so much for the comments, Grey Wonderer.

Rayma3Reviewed Chapter: 35 on 8/5/2007
I read your works and enjoy every one of them, but then you write a story fragment/chapter like this one and I realize again why I enjoy your writing so much. It was amazing to read how Gimli sees Frodo, Aragorn and Sam. The image of jewels fits so well into the same concept as the light of stars.

Thank you for this wonderful piece of writing

Author Reply: Oh, thank you so very much for the great compliment, Rayma3. And that the Elves would think in terms of stars while the scion of great Dwarf kings would think in terms of jewels simply seemed most proper.

Again, thank you for your kind words and the feedback. It keeps us writing! Heh!

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 35 on 8/5/2007
What a lovely use of metaphor, Larner. You show us Aragorn, Frodo, and Sam, each in his individual light and show Legolas and Gimli too by the way they perceive the others. Just lovely.

Author Reply: Thank you so much, Daw. Elf and Dwarf are becoming the brothers they will be from now on, and Frodo, Aragorn, and Sam are being shaped for the great purpose intended for each.

And what better metaphor for a Dwarf to use than jewels, after all?

Thank you so very much!

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 35 on 8/5/2007
What and interesting way for Gimli and Legolas to see them!

And I loved Galadriel's and Celeborn's observations of the observers at the end. Yes, the Fellowship was indeed a Constellation, revolving about the Ringbearer and the Future King.

Author Reply: Thank you so much, Dreamflower. In history Elves have shaped jewels as much as Dwarves have; it would be an image they can both appreciate!

And so glad you appreciate that observation shared by Lord and Lady.

Thanks again!

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 35 on 8/5/2007
What poetry, Larner. This is incredibly moving and beautiful.

Author Reply: Thank you, Shirebound. I am honored.

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