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If I had a Hammer  by Grey Wonderer 15 Review(s)
shireboundReviewed Chapter: 17 on 10/24/2005
What a fascinating explanation! But of course everything still isn't resolved, is it? (And Pippin really does have a powerful imagination!)


Author Reply: No, I just can't seem to get everything to resolve on this one. Good thing that this wasn't a drabble isn't it? LOL Pip is a very imaginative hobbit and it can get him into trouble at times.

Anso the HobbitReviewed Chapter: 17 on 10/24/2005
That Berilac! But lol! Merry is a tad afraid too. Pippin has such a vivid imagination that he scared Merry, lol. I am thinking that if Frodo ever hears about this he is going to be quite upset with Berilac too.

Author Reply: Yes and Berilac knew that Pippin wouldn't want to tell this to Frodo because of how upset he might get. It made it even harder for Pippin to find a way out of the problem but finally, like he always does, Pippin decided to bring the problem to Merry. Thanks so much for reading!

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 17 on 10/24/2005
If Berilac starts running now, do you suppose he could get far enough away by the time Merry gets home? Otherwise, Merry just might be the first hobbit in the Shire to commit justifiable cousincide.

Of course, it's no worse than Merry's story about Toffin, I suppose. But it's one thing for Merry to play a scary prank on Pippin, and quite another for someone else to, LOL!

Poor Pippin. But his trusting nature is one of the reasons we all love him so much.

And I was definitely wrong in my guesses. I was thinking it was something old Tobias Tunnelly had said.

Author Reply: Believe me, for a while Tobias was going to have been responsible. There were actually three reasons that I played around with but Berilac's horror story won out in the end. The other two seemed a bit less workable. But, hey, Tobias can't be responsible for everything. LOL

You're right that it isn't any worse than the killer chickens except for the fact that it involves Frodo's parents. Merry was not at all pleased.

Thanks for the review and there should be more soon!

GamgeeFestReviewed Chapter: 17 on 10/23/2005
What stinkers Vinca and Berilac are! lol, just the sort of things older kids will tell a younger kid, especially one as guillible as Pippin is. And Merry, knowing better, gets fooled too. Well, I was of course completely wrong in my guess, though I was right that it had something to do with Frodo. I wouldn't want to be Berilac when Merry gets back to Buckland.

Author Reply: I think Pippin being so easy to fool and the youngest must have put him in this sort of mess quite often. Pervinca would have had plenty of chances to tease him. Berilac may have gone a bit too far this time. LOL It was pretty clever of you to guess that Pippin's sleep problem was related to Frodo in some way on the little information that I gave out. Thanks for the review!

SlightlyTookishReviewed Chapter: 17 on 10/23/2005
Ooh, finally we know the answer! What a horrible trick that Berilac pulled. Everyone is so mean to Pippin! I do love how even Merry was afraid at the end :) This is such a great story and it's definitely one of my favorites of yours, GW. I'm also glad that it's grown to so many chapters. More, I say! :D

Author Reply: Well, thank you and there will be more. I have to get that wheelbarrow to the fair you know. It seems as if Berilac thought he had this all figured out but he didnt count on Pippin breaking down and telling Merry. Now, who can say what might happen. LOL

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