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All Those Who Wander  by daw the minstrel 31 Review(s)
sofiaReviewed Chapter: 5 on 10/2/2005
Brilliant, as always. I cannot say that enough.
Legolas visiting Maltanaur was very surprising, yet a cute ending.
"Eilian treasured this rather bossy little creature who was so worried about him." I love that line. I always thought Legolas bossyness as childish protection but bossy does fit quite well.
Can't wait till the next story.

Author Reply: Thank you, Sofia. I appreciate the encouragement.

I had fun sending Thranduilion #3 instead of Thranduilion #2 to visit Maltanaur, especially since there are times in later years when the two of them are very annoyed at one another. But Legolas knows who is supposed to take care of his brother, and he wants to make sure Maltanaur does it.

This has been fun.

BrazgirlReviewed Chapter: 5 on 10/2/2005
Oh, so sad it is over. I like the fact Thranduil could talk and listen to Eilian. There is nothing better than knowing your parent can listen to you. And those two have not a good past in this.
Thranduil had a friend whose voccabulary, etc. Would that be... Beliond??? Ahahaha!!! Poor Eilian, too afraid of his father's reaction to imagine Thranduil would take Legolas and Eilian apart.
Cute and bossy elfling visiting Maltanaur was nice. And the elf getting better was great, especially when Eilian said he was sorry.
I will certainly miss your updates! I hope to read more from you!!! As Maltanaur said, ' Who in his right mind would ever regret becoming part of the life of the endlessly amusing members of the House of Oropher? '



Author Reply: Thranduil is trying. He's never going to find it easy to deal with Eilian, but as Eilian matures things will get better too because Thranduil will feel less obligated to curb his behavior. He'll let Celuwen do that!

That would indeed be Beliond. :-) It was kind of an insider joke, but I couldn't resist.

Legolas needed to be sure that Maltanaur understood his role in life: Keep Eilian safe!

I certainly could never regret becoming involved with the House of Oropher. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Elena TirielReviewed Chapter: 5 on 10/2/2005
A great story, Daw! And such a satisfying ending!

I have so enjoyed seeing you write here again... thank you!

- Barbara

Author Reply: Glad you liked it, Barbara. I've had fun writing about these people again. I've also had fun just doing fanfic, where for me the doing of it is as satisfying as the posting. I love getting engrossed in it. But I also appreciate the community of people who support one another in this madness.

AliceReviewed Chapter: 5 on 10/2/2005
Hee. I love Maltaunar. That last line was just perfect. And Maltaunar knows his charge. A bit of psychology is useful in being one of the Keepers. I think that's why Maltaunar had an easier time of it in some ways than Beliond. Speaking of Beliond, I love how Thranduil doesn't want his friend with a mouth that will set the forest on fire around Legolas. That'll change.

I really enjoyed this chapter. The others too. The last one was really touching in so many ways. Poor Eilian. I'm glad Thranduil got him to talk to him. They're steadily getting better at being a family without Lorellin. Thranduil is crafty though, and a bit mean to pass the restless bedmate on to Eilian. Very smooth, Oropherion.

I loved the scene with Ithilden thinking about Eilian in his office. He made a breakthrough! Yay! The House of Oropher is healing itself. I'm glad you're back to writing fanfiction. I look forward to your next story and your original fiction when it does hit stores.

Author Reply: I love Maltanaur too and was surprised by the extent to which he turned out to dominate this last chapter. He knows Eilian quite well and views him as a challenge and a problem that he has to strategize around. He's less likely to get frustrated with him than Thranduil is.

steadily getting better at being a family without Lorellin

Exactly. They're searching around for ways to fill in the gap she left. Thranduil did very well in listening to his troubled second son.

I've enjoyed writing this story. I have some other things to do for a while, I'm afraid, including some original fic stuff. But I miss these people when I'm not writing about them. Glad you liked it, Alice.

Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 5 on 10/2/2005
Ahh. Lovely ending, Daw. I'm delighted to see Maltanaur well again, and to see what led to his injury. I love that he knows Eilian so well: both that he will thrive on the danger and challenges in the south; and that he himself can use Eilian's devotion to his little brother to temper his extremes.

The chat between Thranduil and Eilian was well done, but long overdue. I loved the end - Thranduil's faith in Eilian is a two-edged sword. Eilian has his father's trust, but can look forward to a sleepless night with a cold-footed little brother!

What a well-brought-up elfling Legolas is. “Thank you for having me. I had a lovely time.” :) Yes, but did Maltanaur??

Author Reply: I've told a couple of other reviewers too that I was surprised when I got to the end and Maltanaur was in every scene. I think it's because this story turned out to be at least as much about Eilian as about Legolas, and Maltanaur has been very important in Eilian's life. I think he saved him when he was floundering around and needed help that no one in his family seemed able to provide.

Polite Legolas amused me. I'm sure Maltanaur and his wife got a good laugh out of that visit after he left. I hope he told Eilian. He'd find it funny and touching.

DotReviewed Chapter: 5 on 10/2/2005
Ah, I was hoping for this today!

I’m glad Legolas seems to have recovered fairly well, apart from being understandably more clingy. Eilian’s pride in him for resisting the temptation to embellish the adventure is very sweet. I like Cólithiel! She’s a feisty young one. Isemir better stick to winning games instead of listening to spider stories for now.

For some reason I love the fact that Thranduil appeared before even Eilian knew he was coming :-) And I had to laugh when he tells him that he came back to see both of them. Poor Eilian. Apples and honey? Someone else had elves eating that recently. Elliska, I think. It sounds delicious!

I was thrilled with the whole scene between Thranduil and Eilian. It was Thranduil at his adar-ly best. He was calm and encouraging and reassuring, but he was honest too. “When I was your age, I had a friend whose language would set fire to the forest. He is one of the most valiant warriors I know, and I treasure his friendship, but I am not sure I would want him spending time with Legolas.” Beliond, right?? Too funny. I was almost afraid to read about what happened with Maltanaur. *sigh* What can I say? Eilian should have done what he was told, but he knows that now. It was probably the only thing that would have shocked him into realising that. More than anything, Maltanaur didn’t deserve to be hurt. I can see why Eilian has been so troubled and why he’d make a promise never to endanger his keeper like that again. My heart went out to Eilian when he asks Thranduil with such anguish why he won’t wake up. It reminded me how young Eilian still is here too, and how much he’s been through lately. “And if you let your regret teach you some wisdom, perhaps your sorrow will not have been wasted.” I thought that was a great way to deal with Eilian’s worry and a gentle reminder that there is a lesson to be learned. Thranduil looked remarkably calm, and although Eilian knew his father could mask his emotions well when he wanted to. I always thought there was something kind of sad about that. Not here, but in general. Especially for people like Thranduil and Ithilden, who have such a strong sense of duty and who must spend a lot of time hiding emotions, especially recently. I remember Ithilden lamenting the fact that Sinnarn would learn to do that. Thranduil is right, though, that Eilian needs to tell Todith or Ithilden. But I think Eilian realises that too.

“Legolas, would you like to sleep in the warriors’ tent with Eilian tonight?” LOL! A treat for Legolas (and Eilian, no matter how much he groans) but I think it will mean a good night’s sleep for Ada too! Although, how none of them thought to just pull all the cots close together… What I love most about this is the faith that Thranduil is putting in Eilian and the acknowledgement of the special relationship between him and Legolas. I feel a little bad for Ithilden, though. I was just going to ask if Legolas can go and stay in his bed some time but then I realised that I had trouble imagining it :-/ Unless Eilian were away and Ada otherwise occupied.

What a shock Eilian must have got when Maltanaur’s bed was empty. That happened to me once. Not pleasant. But it was surely a relief to hear that he was well enough to demand to be let out of the infirmary! Maltanaur was wonderful. He knew how Eilian felt. He still gave him the chance to say what needed to be said, but he still knew, and so forgiveness came easily enough to him. And again, I’m so proud of Eilian. He could have got away with things more easily, but he’s learned something and he wants to show Maltanaur how much he truly regrets what happened and how much his keeper means to him.

“Mistakes I can deal with,” Maltanaur said. “Stupidity wears me down.” Oh, well said! I may have to stick that up over my desk at work!

I love Calith. Of course he had things running smoothly. But I thought it was rather moving the way Ithilden wants to regain some sense of control. Apparently dealing with the entire warrior force of the Woodland Realm is easier than dealing with his family…

Ah. So Maltanaur had a huge role in getting Eilian sent south. Eilian never really seemed to know that, though. I thought Ithilden’s line was “I sent you there because I needed you and had no other choice?” Though, I suppose that is what it came down to. He had no choice if he wanted his brother to become what he was capable of being. Actually, it’s a good thing that Ithilden never explained this to Legolas when he was wondering why he wasn’t sent there or Beliond would have had a riot on his hands! What a selfless person Maltanaur is. He obviously hates the thought of a potentially great warrior wasting his life and abilities and he’s in a position to do something about it. His father would have his head if Eilian came to harm because Ithilden had misjudged his readiness. And their mother would never forgive him. What a weight Ithilden carries. I imagine he was a lot more reluctant to explain to his mother than to the king…

The world was wide and cruel, and he was going to have to let those he loved wander in it without him on guard at their side. It could not be helped. He would do what he could, and then he had to let them go. :-( It sounds like Ithilden has been learning something lately too.

I just loved Legolas’ visit to Maltanaur!! I thought it was lovely how happy Maltanaur was when he thought that it was Eilian coming to visit him and it was very insightful to see Nindwen telling her husband that he frightened her, as Thranduil has often told Eilian. I think I forget sometimes that Maltanaur has people at home who worry about his dangerous job too. It’s so amusing that Legolas reminded Maltanaur of Thranduil in his determination and authoritative figure. I thought he was very good with Legolas. I was glad his reaction was sympathy and he probably realises that Legolas isn’t yet old enough to know that his wishes for his family to be safe sometimes means that others must suffer. It’s so sad to see Legolas’ worry and I was relieved that Maltanaur managed to reassure him as much as he could without making impossible promises. Perhaps Maltanaur could make use of that. Eilian would not want to make Legolas unhappy Sneaky, but I think it may work ;-)

“Thank you for having me. I had a lovely time.” Aaaw, he hasn’t lost Lorellin’s words yet. He’s so adorable sometimes :-)

“Are you sure?” Thranduil had asked. “He will be a handful. I hope you do not wind up regretting your decision.” Now, that’s interesting because it sounds like there was a lot less of Thranduil telling Maltanaur he had to do it than when he decided that Beliond would be assigned to Legolas. Hmm.

Who in his right mind would ever regret becoming part of the life of the endlessly amusing members of the House of Oropher? Not me!! I was delighted by this tale. It offered lots of backstory and some wonderful insight into these characters. And this was a lovely end to a very enjoyable story :-)

Author Reply: I had to think about what elflings would get for a treat in the fall, and apples seemed appropriate. I've seen people dip apples in honey before so that made sense too. Their world is so different from ours. No sugar and no supermarket with out of season produce.

In stories set later, I've sometimes said that Eilian wouldn't take a risk that would put Maltanaur in danger, and I decided to show the moment when this crystalized for Eilian. It was a good chance to do so it and the reason Ithilden sent Eilian south too, which apparently I've kind of vacillated about. But it surprised me when I got to this last chapter and realized that every scene either mentioned or showed Maltanaur. He's apparently been really influential in Eilian's life! Thank goodness.

I thought about pushing the cots together too, but the cots I slept on at camp were these wooden frame things with a sort of sling in the middle, so if the cots were like that, there'd be a big ridge between the cots. I thought Legolas might object to that. I think he wants to touch the people he loves just now and be sure they're close by. And besides, it was more fun this way!

If I were Ithilden, I'm sure I'd find managing warriors FAR easier than managing my family. I can remember when I went back to work after my son started school. Work just seemed like a much simpler situation than the emotional entanglements of family.

I figure Thranduil made Beliond take Legolas on because he thought it would be best for both of them and Beliond would never do it otherwise. But Eilian was another kettle of fish. The person who took him on as a charge would have to be willing because he was not going to be easy.

I had a good time sending Legolas to be royal and imperious with Maltanaur. I could just picture him imitating his father as he said, "I am going to be very angry if..." And what came after that was probably "you do that again, Legolas." But it's an adapatable phrase. :-)

I'm glad you liked it, Dot.

Alison HReviewed Chapter: 5 on 10/2/2005

Awww, that was such a sweet chapter and I'm still laughing over Legolas' parting words--"Thank you for having me.I had a lovely time".Isn't that what you say when you can't think of anything nicer? I seem to remember another story where the same words were spoken by Legolas and Thranduil laughed, too.

I was really looking forward to Thranduil's talk with Eilian and you didn't disappoint me.I always love it when Thranduil surprises Eilian by his words and deeds.Eilian expected to be hauled over the carpet for his behaviour but Thranduil was patient, sympathetic and loving.I love that! He managed to dole out a little punishment by sending Legolas to sleep in his tent but,I expect, Eilian didn't really mind.That Thranduil made Eilain feel better had me smiling.

I liked the back story with Maltanaur telling Ithilden that Eilain would thrive in the South and being proved right, though I always felt sorry for Ithilden always having to send both Eilian and Legolas into danger.

I was SO amused by bossy little Legolas telling Maltanaur to look after Eilian or else! That was too cute! I can just imagine the look on Maltanaur's face when confronted by a wrathful mini Thranduil.That was genius, Daw.

Thanks again for this wonderful story.I loved every word and hope you'll post another story soon.

Take care.


Author Reply: Legolas is echoing the thing his mother always said when she left a party. I've had him say it before, like after Annael's naneth has fed him. It just tickled me to have him say it after he'd just delivered a lecture to Maltanaur on how he'd better shape up.

Thranduil struggles to come to terms with Eilian but he managed it this time, which was good because Eilian really needed him. So Thranduil managed to approve of his kid even when he didn't approve of his actions. And Eilian responded.

I've never worked out the backstory of Eilian going south before, so this was interesting to do.

I'm glad you liked it, Ali.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 5 on 10/2/2005
Oh, I love honest little Legolas. Even to impress the maidens, he can't bring himself to embroider the truth. Interesting that Isemir is more repelled than Cólithiel. But then Isemir is more likely to have to go into battle against them than Cólithiel.

And Legolas is actually playing with them now - even if he isn't able to beat them at their games. But he does get honeyed apples. How to make yourself popular among village elflings.

He is easier to settle than Eilian - who is squirming enough to reveal his closeness to elflinghood. Confession, though, is good for the fea, so he will probably feel rather better now he has admitted that his own stupidity caused Maltanaur's injury. And I loved the reunion with the recovered Maltanaur - and his promise. His admission that he will make mistakes is charming - and Maltanaur's response is great. The way Eilian doubled Maltanaur's demanded penalty shows a lovely side of his character, too. Maltanaur is just soooooo good for Eilian. Then Ithilden's recollection of the meeting with Maltanaur, where he suggested that to save Eilian he needed to be sent south where he could feel challenged and needed - and be kept away from the bad influences around the Stronghold. It is such a good explanation of the reason behind Eilian's very early introduction to the Southern Patrol. And although Thranduil probably did go absolutely ape at the idea of it, I'm sure that he could see the reasons - and probably convinced Lorellin that it would be to Eilian's benefit.

Now - He is one of the most valiant warriors I know, and I treasure his friendship, but I am not sure I would want him spending time with Legolas - his name wouldn't be Beliond, would it, by any chance?

And, by the way, I just loved Thranduil's suggestion that Legolas should spend the night with Eilian. It combines so many things - a treat for Legolas, a treat-come-penalty for Eilian, a comfortable night's sleep for the king - and, at the same time, an indication of trust in and affection for his wild son.

Legolas's royal visit to Maltanaur is wonderful. Something about a little kid demanding that his brother should be looked after properly, so that he doesn't get hurt, is lovely. As is the winning over with the judicious application of gingerbread. Legolas won't be happy when Maltanaur is well enough to take Eilian back south - but he is going to have to get used to it. And Annael and Turgon are there - well, just outside the door. I do love Annael - and his family. (I feel sorry for Turgon, but he isn't as innately lovable as Annael.)

I really enjoyed this story - and am keeping my fingers crossed that there will be another along soon.

And I haven't said much about Ithilden. Ithilden, Ithilden, Ithilden. A story sometime about him and his ever-patient aide, Calith would be great. And the paperweights.

Author Reply: My theory is that all of Thranudil's children are honest. I think he really leaned on that one and they learned it young. They even learned to be more or less honest with themselves, although that's a lot harder.

When I started this story, I thought it would be just the lost Legolas story that I referred to in "Legolas's Begetting Day." But then I thought this was a good opportunity to show why Ithilden let Eilian go south and how Eilian came to realize that he didn't want to take a chance that would put Maltanaur in danger. So I folded those story lines in too. And it surprised me when the last chapter turned out to revolve around Maltanaur. He's been a big influence on Eilian. Thranduil should bless the day he chose Maltanaur to guard his son.

He did well choosing Beliond too, but he's not quite ready for that yet. :-)

I amused myself in sending Legolas in to tell Maltanaur he needed to shape up or else. I thought it was especially funny given that in the future these two have occasional moments when they're annoyed at one another. At the moment though, Maltanaur sympathizes and laughs. Good for him.

That would be the oliphant paperweights? I'd like that too. In the meantime, thank you for having me. I had a lovely time. :-)

moonshine44Reviewed Chapter: 5 on 10/2/2005
Wow, I can`t really think of anything to say. It was a great chapter, and a great story over all. You seem to be able to end all of your fics just right. I love the bit with Maltanaur. And I agree with him. Who wouldn`t want such a great responsibility? I would be in my glory if I could be Maltanaur.
So as always, I have to wonder about the next fic. Like when is it coming? hehehe.....not to be pushy, I just love reading your fics: )

Great story! You have, yet again, outdone yourself!

Author Reply: I was tickled by the idea of sending Legolas to tell Maltanaur to straighten up and fly right. He just imitated his ada and swept in to explain what was needed. And Maltanaur mostly laughed, bless him. He's enjoying himself.

I don't know what I'll do next for a fanfic. I have some work to do, and I also need to work on my original fic for a bit. But I'm sure I'll miss these people and want to write about them again.

Thank you for your kind words.

KatReviewed Chapter: 5 on 10/2/2005
Awe Legolas is so cute!!! I just love him! Lol. I also loved Elian in this chapter. His concern for his guard is touching, as well as his promise. I can't wait to read more, keep up the good work.

Author Reply: Eilian is growing up, thank goodness. In stories set later, I've always said that he wouldn't put Maltanaur in danger by being too rash, and this is the event that crystalized that in his mind.

I enjoy writing about little Legolas, and I've missed doing it. I'm glad you like it.

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