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Hewing Naught but Wood  by Thundera Tiger 26 Review(s)
Mum's the WordReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/27/2005
Yea! "Smiting Ruin" continues!

I laughed especially hard at: "he was hesitant about leaving these three unattended," the greatest warriors in Middle-earth!

The scariest thing of all is that I followed Gimli's logic perfectly well.

I think it's contagious.

Another great story, Thundera Tiger! Thank you, thank you for cheering up my day. (I'll be sure to issue a food-and-beverage sporfle warning to anyone I refer to "Hewing.")

Blessings and brownies,
Mum's the Word

Author Reply: When you start to follow a dwarf's logic about "hacking" and "hewing," you know you've gone too far. No! Come back!

Anyway, I'm so glad you liked it, and I'm glad it could cheer your day. My apologies for the lack of any sporfle warnings. I hope that wasn't a problem. Although, it's my hope that the story lets you know early on that there's a sporfle potential. But I guess that can't take the palce of a real warning.

Thanks again, and I'll gladly take both the blessings and the brownies! :)

Le RouretReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/27/2005
Oh, well done! I haven't enjoyed a foray into semantics since ... well, since "Smote his ruin upon the mountainside." Your Gimli and Legolas are irritatingly charming, as I had always seen them. Thank you for your care and interest in words and their origins -- it is an art rarely practiced!

Author Reply: "Irritatingly charming"? I like that. I might have to use it sometime. That's a really good description, actually. Glad you enjoyed it, and I'm very thankful that there are some out there who enjoy semantics, too. I've always been strangely obsessed by them, and it's fun to see them play out over a story. At least, it's fun for me. And I'm very relieved that it's fun for others, too.

French PonyReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/27/2005
I love it. I've occasionally wondered about that line myself, but I've tended to let it slide, for I've read far weirder things in grad school. But what an entertaining discussion. And of course the Three Hunters would engage in it right in the middle of a battle. They're that cool.

Author Reply: I've tended to let that line slide, too, just because I think there's more important things in the books worth talking about. Or aguing about. Themes, motivations, etc. But when Marta made her comment over in the MEFAs, I couldn't let it go. And while I don't know just how far the Three Hunters would have gone in the middle of a battle, I had fun keeping them distracted. Plus Eomer was right there, too, so I didn't think it'd be too much of a problem.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/27/2005
I can just see Eomer's head starting to ache with that nagging migraine feeling. Battle must come as a blessed relief to him.

Pedantic elves, yes. They have, after all, eternity to niggle about precise meanings. But who would have though dwarves were quite so pernicketty. Or perhaps, as dwarves, they have 57 words for ways you can cut with an axe. As the Inuit are reputed to have for snow.

Aragorn is a little more inured to the debates, I see. Must have spent too many nights in the Hall of Fire.

Very funny.

Author Reply: Eomer probably welcomed battle with open arms after suffering through a Three Hunters debate. As for Gimli, there were several times during the books when he started picking apart statements and becoming more precise with the meaning. While he might not have gone quite this far, he was precise in his use of language. So was Aragorn, actually. I keep remembering the part of the books during their first night in Fangorn when Gimli talks about a hooded and cloaked old man at which point Aragorn points out that their own night time visitor was wearing a hat rather than a cloak. He's definitely got it in him to start some debates. This could have been Gimli's method of getting even.

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/27/2005
I think I agree eith Eomer - my head aches with too much thinking and at breakfast too! But it was worth the pain!

Author Reply: Ooo, hope breakfast wasn't ruined! And that it was indeed worth the pain. :)

insigniaReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/27/2005

Just to let you know that I much enjoyed this one - Eomer had all my sympathy, as the dialogue came across as somewhat manic at times! You spun it all out very cleverly and very well, without losing my interest along the way.
The picture you present of (at least) three doughty warriors taking time out in the midst of a fierce battle to debate semantics was truly funny. I liked looking at A/L/G from Eomer's perspective and it seemed in true keeping with bookverse. Thank you.


Author Reply: You're very welcome, and thank you for the review! I'm glad Eomer had your sympathy. I was trying to stay in a viewpoint that would represent what most of us would have felt when watching that debate, and Eomer volunteered for the task. It wasn't a big challenge to make him pragmatic (he was that already) so it seemed a natural fit. I'm very glad it worked out that way. Thank you for letting me know!

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