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The Acceptable Sacrifice  by Larner 14 Review(s)
TiggerReviewed Chapter: 39 on 11/30/2005
It is so frustrating when your body won't allow you to do what you want to do or used to do. I can very much understand Frodo's anger and frustration.

Couldn't help but laugh at Frodo's peacock comment to Aragorn. Cute, very cute barb by our favourite hobbit. :oD

Loved the final scene between Sam and Aragorn. So touching and lovely.

Looking forward to the next chapter as always Larner. :o)

Author Reply: It is frustrating not knowing from moment to moment what to expect for the next one. And Frodo is suffering, yes; yet at the same time is knowing measures of pleasure and fulfilment, which tend to evaporate from memory as the next bout hits him.

Glad you liked the peacock comment.

And Aragorn and Sam are beginning to more fully forge the relationship they will have until Sam follows Frodo out of Middle Earth.

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 39 on 11/30/2005
Man and Hobbit held each other closely. Sam murmured into Aragorn’s chest, “I can’t dream why at the first I didn’t trust you, my beloved Lord Strider. We’re blest to of been with you so long.”

Together they went back into Frodo’s room. He was asleep, his breathing eased, his face pale, his expression solemn. For a moment the two lingered over him, and the King invoked the Elessar’s power to protect him during the night.

As they left the room the breeze stirred the wind rods, and their gentle notes filled Frodo’s dreams with memories of the wind in the rigging of ships.

As much as it pains me to see Frodo so fragile, I'm ever so grateful that he's surrounded by such love.

Author Reply: At least Frodo always was that, surrounded by love, even when he felt himself most alone.

Thanks so much for the response.

TithenFeredirReviewed Chapter: 39 on 11/30/2005
It was nice for Frodo to have a little fun, if only briefly. I hope that draining the spider bite will advance his healing more quickly. Aragorn and his brothers make excellent, nuturing healers. Strangely, the thing I liked best in this chapter was the boiler in Frodo's bathing room. It's a little bit of technology that seems to fit into the story well. ~TF

Author Reply: I've had boilers in Minas Tirith for a time now--not much--just enough to heat water fairly quickly for a single bath. Glad you like that touch.

As for draining the spider bite helping--that remains to be seen.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 39 on 11/30/2005
What a sweet chapter! I'm so glad Frodo was able to have a pleasant time at the feast, and even dance, although he had a turn for the worse afterward.

Poor Aragorn must feel so frustrated not to be able to help Frodo more, and Frodo of course is frustrated at his lack of recovery. And the moment with Sam at the end was so dear!

I sometimes wonder if it might not have been better for Frodo to have remained in Minas Tirith--if he could possibly have recovered a bit more, and had the ministrations of the King. But he would not have done so, if only for the reason that his companions would have felt obligated to remain with him. *sigh*
And of course, he *did* want to return to the Shire as well.

Author Reply: He might have remained a bit longer, but the quality of his life would still have gone downhill, I suspect. Frodo is getting better slowly; but will never truly heal before the full loss starts happening.

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