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The River  by Indigo Bunting 13 Review(s)
AelinmirReviewed Chapter: 17 on 7/16/2007
what is Legolas going to use for proteection of the fellowship? he lost his bow.
great story and I'm glad you are going to finish it.

Author Reply: Thanks for dropping by, Aelinmir! In answer to your question, Legolas is going to (temporarily) use Aragorn’s bow in place of his own. In one of the earlier chapters, Sam was commiserating with him over the loss of his weapon, and Legolas stated that he would try to fashion a new bow once they had rejoined the Fellowship. And that’s just what he’ll do!

Glad you liked the story, and yes, I’ll finish it. I just wish it hadn’t taken me so long to get that last chapter done.

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 17 on 7/16/2007
Confession is indeed good for the soul! And the anticipation is often worse than the doing which you show so well.

Well worth the wait. My favourite bits.....

Unnoticed, they shared a smile, and Sam felt his heart swell anew. Real friends with an Elf! he thought. Who’d’ve ever thought that something so wonderful could come out of such an awful time?

He hadn’t realized how much he had come to value their company until he had been separated from them. Could they all learn to be such friends, he wondered? It didn’t seem likely, but if they could…! Surely Sauron’s heart would tremble in the face of such an unlikely brotherhood.

Author Reply: Hello, harrowcat! I’m with you on confession being good for the soul. I don’t think Sam would have been so worried about telling the whole story if he didn’t feel so conflicted about what he had done. It’s been such a harrowing (ha ha) experience that he’s been unable to look at things objectively. Of course Frodo and the others couldn’t blame him. How many hobbits have had to make the kinds of choices that Sam has faced? Anyway, it’s good to have Sam feeling a little more like himself again. He’ll never really be himself again – none of the Fellowship will, not once the Quest is over – but he’s making a return to normalcy. I also have to say that I’m glad you pointed out Sam’s thoughts on friendship as a favorite part. I suppose I was a little heavy-handed in making the point, but that was one of my major themes in this story. :)

LamielReviewed Chapter: 17 on 7/16/2007
An update! Hooray! I was just thinking the other day how much I enjoyed this story and wished that there were more of it to read, and here it is! How lovely.

This is a quiet, wrapping-things-up chapter, and I think the chief pleasure in it is just seeing the Fellowship together at last, and enjoying their cameraderie. I'm quite in agreement with Sam about that: Sauron would tremble in the face of their brotherhood, if he had any sense at all.

I do wonder about that man who got away -- he is a loose end, and as such likely to cause trouble. With only one chapter to go, will we ever find out what happens to him? Personally I'm hoping they do find him and Legolas takes him out. I guess I'm more jaded than Sam -- at least in fiction -- I want him gone and done with, so he can't threaten the Fellowship or Mirkwood, and his loss won't cause me any regrets.

Gandalf did put things bluntly, didn't he -- in usual Gandalf fashion. Frodo comes first. Which they all knew already, but I imagine it might cause poor Frodo some heartache to think about. Sigh. Sometimes I wish I could read a re-telling of LOTR in which the Fellowship was not broken at Amon Hen, and they all went together into Mordor. It wouldn't work at all for the storyline with Rohan and Gondor, I know, and it wouldn't get Aragorn his throne, but I just enjoy seeing them together so much, especially in well-written true to character tales like this. I don't want it to end.

That goes for this story as well. But I know it is just about done now. I hope your muse inspires you to write more stories when this one is finished.

Author Reply: Hello, Lamiel! It’s always nice to find reviews from you; they never fail to give me something meaty to respond to. I’m glad you enjoyed the chapter. I was a little worried about it, because it took so long to write (the best chapters seem to come quickly and easily) and it’s been ages since the last post. If I’d had my druthers I would have been able to put it up right after posting its predecessor. A talky chapter isn’t a very exciting update after everything that’s come before.

As far as Brund goes, yes, he’s still a loose end, but I already know what’s going to happen to him – as I should. Sam’s practical to wish him dealt with, but it’s hard for him to reconcile that against the morals he’s always held. When this story was taking shape in my mind, I realized that it was going to be primarily about Sam and how he dealt with the challenges it raised for him. The need to kill in order to stay alive is one of them. Sam is really a very innocent character, and his single-minded devotion to Frodo is proof of it. Fortunately, Frodo is aware of what a treasure he has in Sam. I thought it ought to pain him to see his friend’s heart bruised by the choices he has been forced to make. He sees Sam as his responsibility and feels guilty, but it’s not his fault that things happened as they did. Sam might have come on the Quest for Frodo’s sake, but he made the choice himself. Even knowing what he knows now, he surely wouldn’t change his mind.

You know, I also have wished for a version of LOTR where the Fellowship wasn’t broken for precisely the reason you stated: I love this group together! I always wished that that portion of the book had gone on much longer. Still, I’m looking on the bright side; Tolkien gave so few details of the trip between the major stopping points that it leaves plenty of fodder for imagination. One reason that I wrote this story was because I wanted to read it, if you know what I mean. I wish I could find more quality stories with the Fellowship as a group. There are some really good ones out there, but there aren’t enough. I suspect there won’t ever be enough to satisfy me. And yes, I do have a few other story ideas! It might be a little while before I’ll be able to post any of them because I’ll want to have significant portions written before I start making them public. I’ve found that this helps me to avoid writing myself into corners, and it also gives me some room to finish up the end while posting the beginning. Obviously it can take me a while to crank out a chapter depending on what’s happening in the rest of my life! :)

Thanks again for stopping by, and I hope to see you again soon!

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