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Starlight at Eventide  by Ariel 78 Review(s)
harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 8 on 2/1/2006
Oh my! This is lovely. Well done Arwen and ladies all! What a vision to be confronted with. I love your descriptions Ariel.

Author Reply:
Heheh! I've been told they tend towards the purple, but I'll let you in on a secret, I like them too! LOL! OK, so maybe I'll never write professionally, but fanfic is more fun anyway! Thank you for reviewing!

aprilkatReviewed Chapter: 8 on 1/31/2006
How wise the women were, to set it up so that Merry would discover for himself what he needed to know and to feel.

Very astute on your part, to draw the parallel between Merry and Arwen's probably outliving their beloved partner and having to balance the moment of having with the future of loss.

Author Reply:

Honestly, that one just evolved. I knew I would have them both in the scene and it was like an epiphany to realize they were both going to have the same sorrow some day. I am glad you liked it!

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 8 on 1/31/2006
Oh my.
This was incredibly beautiful.
There aren't any other words for it.

Author Reply:
Who says nobody wants good, old fashioned romance anymore? ;)

aprilkatReviewed Chapter: 7 on 1/31/2006
Well, this is an interesting turn of events. Diamond seeking the help of the Queen for Estella - as Queen or as Healer elf?

The ties between the hobbits and Gondor Post-Quest is one I haven't often read in fanfic, and it's a fertile and intriguing one. I can't wait to see what Diamond has in mind!

Author Reply: - as Queen or as Healer elf?

Would you believe as Cupid? You know those elves and their skill with bows. ;)

I agree! That is a fertile ground that has been very infrequently tapped. If you like stories about that subject, I think you'll like the next chapter very much. Many ties and many common fears.

aprilkatReviewed Chapter: 6 on 1/31/2006
What a loving frank conversation between two mature people. Well handled!

Author Reply:
Thank you! I couldn't see folks I liked as much as I do Tolkien's hobbits having anything less. ;)

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 7 on 1/31/2006
Ah, ah, ah. Merry has begun to over-think and over-plan again. Instead of plunging in straightway, to court his wife and try to re-kindle passion--the way Pippin for example, would have done in a similar situation--he postpones it while he *plans* the perfect time and setting. And while it sounds romantic to have a second honeymoon at Crickhollow, in a way it is also a form of procrastinating as well. And again, we are seeing the echoes of his pain at Frodo's loss, as he wants to be in a place where he feels Frodo's presence strongly. He has such a need of that strong loving wisdom that was torn away from him.

And it is a shame that Estella's attempt to nurse Eadoc failed. What a bitter blow, when she had been so hopeful. But Merry is intrigued now, sensing depths in his wife that he has never realized before were there. And I love the musings he makes on the differences between motherhood and fatherhood.

I like your choice to show the reunion with Aragorn from Diamond's POV--she has heard, I am sure, so much from Pippin about this Man whom he loves and admires and is so proud to serve--and to see that the affection and pride goes both ways has to be both gratifying and satisfying to see.

I also love the way Diamond takes her courage in both hands to speak to Arwen. With the King and Queen on the case, that should help immensely. I am puzzled as to Estella's absence here--she was well enough to accompany Merry to see Pippin and Diamond earlier. Has she had a set-back then, or is Merry being overprotective again?

And I wonder as well--are Sam and Rosie privy yet to these troubles, or has Merry failed to confide in Sam?

Author Reply:
Yes, I am afraid you have Merry pegged absolutely. It does boil down to procrastination. Guys tend to want to find logical explanations for things anyway and there's an element of this that defies logic.

A bitter blow indeed. And she's not exactly in position to handle another rejection right now, not even one she can understand.

As for Sam and Rosie, I haven't included their input in this simply because it didn't fit in with the storyline, but I can't see Sam not being at least aware there were troubles (though I couldn't imagine him pressing Merry for an answer like Pip did. He'd have waited until Merry was willing to tell it and that might have been a long wait. Pippin's brass and lack of shame come in handy sometimes.).

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 7 on 1/31/2006
Yes! Aragorn to help Merry and Arwen for Estella of course. And then, perhaps they need to swap too! Got to run.....

Author Reply:
Thank you for reading!

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 7 on 1/30/2006
Merry's curiosity has been aroused. That is definitely a good thing. He's not as sure that he knows everything about Estella, which will intrigue him. But it's not enough, I daresay. Very sensible of Diamond to involve Arwen. And then she can get Aragorn involved if necessary. Probably to confirm that Estella is recovered - because the rest might be better left in the hands of women!

Sorry to have missed out on reviewing - the next chapter arrives before I get round to reviewing the last! I do like the characterisations here.

Author Reply:
They are a sensible bunch. It's a very real issue and really couldn't be countered in any other way than sensibly, but, as Merry showed, even that needs a little more push.

No worries - any review is welcome! I am delighted you are enjoying the story.

InklingReviewed Chapter: 6 on 1/30/2006
Gosh, I wish I could get my sons to obey me like that, LOL!

Back to the gender dynamics issue, your women in this story are all so wonderfully strong…Esmeralda laughing at her worrywort son and capable of running Brandy Hall in her sleep, and Estella in this marvelous scene. The closing lines were breathtaking!

Actually, the old fellow has been on my mind lately. Would you believe I have two bunnies for him? I can't wait to find the time to actually write them up.

Oh goody! I eagerly await them…in fact, let me know if there’s anything I can do to hasten their arrival—beta help, etc.

Author Reply: Gosh, I wish I could get my sons to obey me like that, LOL!


You do note the 'fantasy' element of this tale? Hehehe!

And thank you for your comment about strong women. I see so few of us written really strong, not caricatured or Mary Sue'd, that I really enjoy writing them. I like 'us' and enjoy writing us strong.

And I may take you up on the beta offer. I dislike overloading any one beta and there aren't many who'll willingly beta racy material. You got yourself a deal, friend!

lovethosehobbitsReviewed Chapter: 6 on 1/30/2006
Marvelous! You write so beautifully, I always look forward to another update.

Author Reply:
Then I will happily provide them! And thank you for updating your fic on rpf - I haven't been able to find a moment to read it yet, but the first moment I get to myself... ;)

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