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Starlight at Eventide  by Ariel 78 Review(s)
DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 4 on 1/26/2006
Yes, Pippin! Good for you! Merry may be older, but the difference by this time in their lives really is negligible.

Poor Merry. It's very clear he is scared to death. It's not just being afraid of hurting or harming her, is it?

I do hope he will finally open up to Pippin. He needs to.

Author Reply: I think you'll find the answer to your question (at least as Merry sees it) in the next chapter. But even he doesn't see everything, or understand totally why it is that he has responded the way he has. However, being a 'guy', he's going to look for some logical reason for his reaction.

I love writing gender dynamics. In far too many fanfics (written by women, no less) I see shallow, stereotyped and unadmirable female characters. I hope the women writing them don't really see their gender that way, but I get very tired of reading them. I wonder if people are so afraid of Mary Sues that they can't make a female character with depth, intelligence, courage and femininity. We know they exist that way in RL - the authors themselves are proof of it.

AuntiemeeshReviewed Chapter: 4 on 1/26/2006
"I am sure you were most attentive," continued Pippin, trying so furiously not to grin that his own cheeks flushed, "but consider, perhaps, that wasn't the kind of 'attention' your lady wife was starting to feel the lack of?"

It can be so difficult to be delicate when the subject matter is sex, and clearly Pippin is enjoying himself rather more than he should be, lol. But he's right, Merry really does need someone to talk to, and I'm glad Pippin didn't back down when Merry snapped at him. :)

Author Reply:

Heheh! I had a ball writing Pip in this. He was saying what I probably would have (self-insertion anyone?). You don't back down when it's someone you care about.

AuntiemeeshReviewed Chapter: 3 on 1/26/2006
Oh, poor Estella! To be so sick, for so long, and then just when she's finally feeling herself again, she gets sideswiped with something else.

And poor Merry! Her illness must have been devastating for him and I can understand his fears.

It sounds to me like Estella's been a bit spoiled in this relationship up to now, and it's definitely time that she learns how to communicate openly and honestly with her husband.

I'm looking forward to reading more of this. :)

Author Reply: Well, don't be too hard on her yet - who couldn't be spoiled with Merry for a husband? ;) Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoy this story as much as I have enjoyed your pieces.

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 3 on 1/26/2006
Thank goodness for our friends and 'sisters-in-love'. It sounds like too many traumas for Merry to trust his heart won't break. I love the bit about the links between the two couples. Estella has to realise that there can't be a 'return' to her previous relationship with Merry. They must both heal, both physically and emotionally and forge a new passion in the present.

Author Reply: They must both heal, both physically and emotionally and forge a new passion in the present.

You pinned it. And in about two chapters, you will see how precisely you did. ;)

songspinnerReviewed Chapter: 3 on 1/26/2006
Oh, my. Yup - that's just what a best friend does. Comforts you and verbally thwaps you into common sense when needed. :) I like your two hobbit ladies. Merry's reaction is pretty normal for almost losing someone, from what I've seen. Common sense doesn't enter into it on that side, either. Well written and I can't wait for the next bit.

Author Reply: Thank you, Songspinner. I sort of like them too! LOL! And Merry's is a very common reaction, unfortunately, but hopefully not unsurmountable. He has to learn to see her in a new, and yet old, light. Thank you again for reading!

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 3 on 1/25/2006
Oh, I *do* like your Diamond! She's wonderful, just what Estella needs to shake her into acting!

I loved the way you indicate how tightly the lives and hearts of these four hobbits are tied up in one another--Merry might fade away entirely without his Estella, and Pippin without Merry is not to be borne, and it's clear that Diamond knows this. I also like the way you indicate that the loss of Frodo is still raw--fifteen years or fifty or more--Frodo's leaving would still be painful for his cousins.

And Aragorn is coming to the north! Wonderful! I will bet that good old Strider and his lovely Queen Arwen might have some good advice as well!

This is a wonderful scenario, by the way--most Merry/Estella stories focus on their courtship, or the early days of their marriage. It's very realistic and painful and true to life.

Author Reply:

most Merry/Estella stories focus on their courtship, or the early days of their marriage.

To tell you the truth, I think few fanfics focus on any of the married couples. It's almost like most folks think married life is boring! LOL!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/25/2006
What fears to have! And she has reason to worry.

Gerald Durrell once commented that the bedpan was one of the quickest ways possible to the divorce court.

Author Reply: Yes, she does. And sadly, Gerald is right.

InklingReviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/25/2006
It's so strange to see you writing about copper curls, not dark! ;) But the psychological depth is there, as always. On top of everything else, I'm a bit worried about Eadoc...I hope they were able to bond?

Author Reply: I know! This one was an answer to a challenge that intended to be just a short little ficlet, but the bunny would not be satisfied with just that. It has grown to an almost 50 page story! Still not long, by some's standards, but pretty respectable.

InklingReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/25/2006
Poor Estella! I don't think they should have let her have a mirror. The last line is lovely...great heart, indeed.

Author Reply: Perhaps not, but I suspect she'd asked for it for several days in a row. I envisioned a very long recovery that has only just started showing signs of cogniscent behavior. They're probably still looking for responses that show she's getting her mind back and the mirror would have been a sort of test for this.

BTW, I am SO glad you are reading. I adored the last thing you did - Shakespeare would have been proud! - and I hope this gives you as much entertainment as your work always does me.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/25/2006
Oh dear. He's too protective of her and hasn't yet realised she needs to return to a sense of herself - and that his desire for her is part of that. I hope that they get past this. Although it could take a while.

Author Reply: hehhehe! And hence, the story! This was a fun one to write. I enjoy portraying married couples - there's such a wealth of stuff there to explore. Thank you for reviewing.

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