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During a journey in the dark...  by Thundera Tiger 72 Review(s)
fadagaskiReviewed Chapter: 3 on 3/31/2004
Aww! I'm sorry to hear you weren't well, and extraordinarily gleeful to know that you're back on your own two feet once more. And this chapter is surely more than enough to placate any enraged readers! I think you managed to nail the hobbits' POVs, and I really love your Boromir/Aragorn/Legolas dynamic - very ... real, for lack of a better word. *claps* Looking forward to more.

Author Reply: Thanks for your compliments on the hobbits' POVs. I find that out of all the characters, Gandalf and the hobbits are the most difficult for me to write. This is why you'll only rarely see a Gandalf POV paired up with more than one hobbit POV. It takes too much out of me when I try to write them. As for the dynamic between Boromir, Aragorn, and Legolas, I think that had circumstances been otherwise, those three could have done some serious male bonding. Add Gimli into the mix and you've got a foursome that's nearly unstoppable. Unfortunately, fate just wouldn't deal them the right cards, and the friendship that should have existed between Aragorn and Boromir never developed. It's one of the more tragic notes in LotR, but it's something that no one ever really thinks about because Boromir's not around for very long. Anyway, thanks for the review, and I'm glad you've been placated for the moment!

Anso the HobbitReviewed Chapter: 3 on 3/31/2004
This is a really great story! So much detail and insight into the thoughts and actions of all the Fellowship members! Thank you for sharing this wonderful gap filler with us!

I hope you feel better soon!

Author Reply: I hope I feel better soon, and thanks for your wishes. And thank you again for your reviewer. Once in a while, people will stumble upon these stories and forget that they're supposed to be gap-fillers rather than works that stand on their own. They're really just long charater studies, if anything, and that's why I try to put all that detail and insight into it. And when people like you point this out and tell me that it's been noticed and appreciated, it makes me feel as though it's all been worthwhile. Thanks again!

Mysterious JediReviewed Chapter: 3 on 3/30/2004
Good story. I hope you recover. Getting mildly sick so one can miss school for a day or two is not bad, but five weeks of flat-on-your-back sickness is a bit extreme.

Author Reply: Yes, five weeks is definitely extreme, and I'm afraid I'm not quite finished with this thing yet. But I'm working on it and I'm taking good care of myself, so that should count for something.

LeraReviewed Chapter: 3 on 3/30/2004
Happy day! A Thundera update! This is such a cool story. I love that you're following the books.

It was hilarious that Gandalf's flash blinded them. I had never thought about it doing that before and it was really funny.
I was a little shocked that Aragorn questioned Legolas's shooting abilities, although somehow I know perfectly well that Aragorn doesn't truly believe Legolas missed. But goodness, Aragorn! You barely survive a warg attack, only to tempt fate by insulting Legolas! I remember how fast and accurately Legolas can shoot(I seem to remember him pinning our favorite dwarf to a tree! and that memory is enough to make me think twice before insulting the elf!). I have a feeling the next time they have an argument, this little barb will be brought up.
Speaking of which, it was quite strange that Legolas and Gimli didn't exchange a word on this day. Perhaps the solution to their arguments would just be keeping them at different ends of the line!
I really liked seeing Boramir's point of view; he really isn't that popular with authors is he? poor guy. It was weird to see him and Frodo talking seperately, with him not having any evil thought about taking the ring yet, and Frodo trusting him. I hope you show when Boramir starts thinking about the ring. That would be interesting to see how his feelings develope.
I would be nervous also if Gandalf didn't know exactly where he was going. And poor Bill. That was such a sad part for me in both the book and the movie, watching him walk away. I love Bill. While I was reading my dog came in and laid his head on my lap and gave me a puppy dog look and I imagined Bill having the same look in his eyes and it was just awful to think of sending him away. *wipes away tear* Ok, I'm alright now.

Thank you for the update, it was a wonderful chapter as usual. I'm sorry you were sick. I hope there are no more relapses. God bless and ciao.

Author Reply: Yes, Aragorn is certainly tempting fate, but in his defense, he made those remarks to Legolas before the elf could retrieve the rest of his arrows. Legolas wasn't about to waste the few bolts he'd found on a Ranger when they could be put to better use in Moria. Now, if given the opportunity to say the same thing when Legolas had a full quiver, I suspect that Aragorn might have held his tongue.

Speaking of Legolas, he and Gimli are doing their best not to antagonize anyone right now, and we'll see that a bit in the next chapter. But of course the truce won't hold forever, and eventually tempers will start to fray again. As for Boromir, I've always considered him to be a very misunderstood character. He's noble at heart with nothing but the best of intentions for his people and his country. Unfortunately, the Ring twisted those intentions into something dark and Boromir fell. But in the end, he did find redemption by dying in an effort to save Merry and Pippin. So many people don't see any of that. They just see the monster trying to take the Ring from Frodo. Ah well. That's my little soapbox on Boromir. I really like the guy, personally.

Estel_Mi_OlorReviewed Chapter: 3 on 3/30/2004
Oh, Thundera, I hope you're feeling better. You have every right to delay, especially if you were so ill. I mean, this quality of writing would take a long time to put together under normal circumstances, but illness... I know how you feel-it is my personal belief that I am sick more times in a year than some people are in their entire lives. Well, let us talk of happier things. As usual, this was a fantastic chapter. I really like the way you explore everyone's point of view, therefore giving us a broad picture of many characters. I also like the way you incorporated Tolkien's writing, verbatim, into your fic. It flows so smoothly that one would think it was written by just one person, and not two. I hope your health returns soon, and along with it, more updates? Do not upset yourself thinking your readers are unreasonable and all they want is updates, updates, and more updates. We harry you because your writing is so wonderful, and great to read. And my praise sounds so terrible. I will let the other readers say what I am clearly having diffuculty saying. Either way: update!!! Thank you and feel better!

Author Reply: I am gradually feeling better. Thank you for the concern. And I don't think readers are unreasonable as I am an avid reader of many fanfics in many different genres, and I know how antsy I get when a story I've been following isn't updated for a while. But I thank you for the assurances, and I thank you even more for the compliments about blending with Tolkien. It's part of what makes the updates so slow, because trying to get everything inline to flow into Tolkien's dialogue while still reserving enough room to put my own spin on things is incredibly difficult. And I'm never sure if I've crossed the line or pushed these characters too far in getting them to express themselves before jumping into the stuff I pull from the book. So thank you for your kind words, and I'll work on getting better!

SylviaReviewed Chapter: 3 on 3/30/2004

Oh, I'm sorry you've been so sick, dear! I don't blame you for not working on your fics like that, though it might have given some amusing results. ;) Glad to hear you're feeling better, what a terrible way to spend five weeks.

As for the chapter, I can just feel the tension building as this story leaps up on the danger meter. I have to admit that it was amusing for Borimir, Legolas, and Aragorn to be blind after Gandalf's blinding light. Its too bad that scene couldn't have lasted longer just so we could watch them bumbling around blind. ;) The great Arrow Collection was funny too - and I really couldn't believe that Aragorn never took back what he said about Legolas missing. Lol! I'm sure that little peeve will show up in future arguments. Never insult an elf's aim, I suppose.

I loved your description of the lake, by the way. It sounds so disgusting that I really feel bad for them having to wade through it! *ew...* My memory of the book fails me, though. If they let Bill go after crossing the small stream to reach the Doors, how will he escape? He'll have not only the creature in the water to fear, but also the (Ghost?) Wargs. I forget how he gets out of that one, when I was reading it, I admit I wasn't paying that much attention to what happened to Bill the Pony. Anyway, either way I guess I'll find out in the next post, right?

Thanks for updating this fic, by the way, I don't have time to read fiction anymore, but whenever I've seen that this fic's been updated, I make the time. :)

Thanks for the great update, and feel better soon!


Author Reply: I'm also glad to be feeling better, and as for chapters produced while sick...let's just say that they're interesting and leave it at that. I'm so glad that you make time to read this fic, and I'm flattered that you make even more time to stop and review. That really floors me, actually. Thank you! And not only do you review, but review details and specifics. Thank you again! As for Aragorn insulting the elf's aim, Legolas has more or less forgiven him. If the issue comes up again, it will be as a sidenote to fill out a larger conversation. Legolas is perceptive enough, and he's got a pretty good idea of what Aragorn's been trying to do. He'd probably be helping the Ranger if he wasn't already resigned to their course. He's a bit more fatalistic than the Heir of Isildur, in my opinion.

Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 3 on 3/30/2004
An update at last - I'm so glad you are continuing this story. I liked the line ' "Perhaps those are from shots you missed," Aragorn said quietly. ' Aragorn does like to live dangerously, doesn't he? I could hardly believe he was questioning Legolas's skill. It's an odd thing, but Tolkien never did explain why the warg bodies disappeared as far as I can remember.

Does the next chapter take us into the mines? I wonder how Legolas will cope?


Author Reply: I have this strange suspicion that all of Aragorn's years in the wilds have made him something of a danger-junkie. Not really, but...well, it would explain a lot.

Gandalf: Don't use the palantir.
Aragorn: Why not?
Gandalf: Don't we have enough to worry about already?
Aragorn: But it would make things more interesting, and I'm not feeling threatened enough.

Well, perhaps not, but it's a thought. Anyway, I really don't plan on explaining what happened to the Wargs because I don't know and I prefer it that way. I like to keep at least some of the mystery in the story. As for the next chapter, it will end with the Gate slamming shut behind them as the Fellowship makes a mad dash away from the Watcher. There's a lot of stuff outside we need to cover and a few issues that demand exploring.

bobo bagginsReviewed Chapter: 2 on 3/28/2004
I must first of all say that I am really looking forward to the next installment! Your writing is much different from the other authors I normally read in that you add humor to moments that are very intense in a way that eases the tension. In my opinion, Gimli doesn't really need any reason to start singing. I think his emotions so overcame him, that he couldn't help but burst into song when he did. Just one of those instantaneous things. Hope you don't keep us waiting too long!

Author Reply: Thanks for the review and the comments. I agree that Gimli's singing was a very spontaneous and emotional thing. What I'm worried about, though, is the length of the song. But your comments combined with the comments of many others have given me some ideas for getting around that. So it should be good. As for waiting too long, I'm planning on updating sometime within the next 48 hours, so I hope you can hang on until then. Thanks again!

Kitt of LindonReviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/28/2004
Yes, I've finally found the time to post a review.
It is amazing that you can write this in a way that gives me that 'fresh' feeling, like when I first read the book or saw the movie. I have never read another fan fiction author able to do that. And I've read a lot of them. I'm glad that you stay true to the book and not taking every chance to make a certain Elf and ranger get shot by a poisoned arrow or something...can't stand that. And the way you pace Legolas' and Gimli's friendship is perfect, most authors tend to rush it. These are all the more the reasons to appriciate your story.
My insides are squirming in anticipation for the next update. So hurry with the next update, HURRY! (bangs head onto computer screen) Sorry about that.
Keep up with the good writing!

Author Reply: Another book fan! Hooray!

Sorry for the delay in responding to this. I'm getting better at replies, I really am. Kind of. Anyway, at least I'm replying now, so that's something. I'm so glad you appreciate the book version of events, because I've received some pressure to veer toward the movie side. I'm not going to give in, but it's nice to know that there are readers out there who enjoy the boko perspective. Thanks for bolstering me! As for the friendship between Legolas and Gimli, I honestly don't understand how you can rush something like that. Given the animosity between their two races, this is not something that can be hurried. They have to truly see one another before they let their own barriers down. At least, that's my opinion.

IthilienReviewed Chapter: 2 on 11/11/2003
I love it when we get a romp inside of Gandalf’s head. Not enough authors give us that, I think. And as such, the old wizard becomes such a godly character, we never get to see that he has feelings and good humor and dread like the rest of them. Except when YOU write him. Then we get a treat.

I loved so much of this chapter that it’s hard to know where to begin lauding my praises at your insights. First, that little bit about Radagast advising Thranduil to trust in fate -- precious. And frightening. I guess it never really dawned on me to put a timeline to when Mirkwood would finally succumb to the darkness. A century is not long for either mortals or elves when it comes to guarding their home, and this really is a startling realization.

The divvying of the watch was a wonderful debate, and I love how Gandalf finally got his say and that he voiced his decision logically. He still got arguments, but hands down, he was the victor. And I especially loved how he got them all to sleep. Sing me a song, Elf-boy. But yowza, that bit about Legolas overhearing songs of longing in Rivendell -- oh, that really got to me. You know my weak spot. And that Gandalf thinks it worthy of mentioning to Galadriel – oh wow! Too bad he never got to relay that message. I wonder what might have happened had Gandalf made it through Moria alive. [ignore that plot bunny, okay?]

The battle with the Wargs was brilliant. I was practically chewing off my nails in worry. That the beasts watch them and surmise their strategy by sending in one as a sacrifice is intriguing. These are not ordinary creatures we are dealing with but cunning, sophisticated hunters. That is quite scary, you know.

But scarier still was the second attack. I knew it was too easy. (Listen to me. I act like this is all new literature to me. I know the outcome to this adventure, yet you make it so fresh. Can I thank you again for that?) Boy, am I glad we have Gandalf around. Things were looking mighty desperate there, and were it not for the wizard, I think it is safe to say the story might have taken a different turn. [kicks second plot bunny aside.]

Woohoo! Good stuff here. I’ve been missing your updates. Do you think we’ll be seeing more soon? Please?

Author Reply: Here comes a very much belated reply. Sorry about that. I really am working on these bad habits of mine.

Anyway, Gandalf scares me whenever I set out to write him, so I'm endlessly relieved that you like my version of everyone's favorite wizard. He's such a difficult character, though! How in Arda do you write a Maia? I guess the same holds true of the elves, but even so...

And keep your plotbunnies to yourself! Sheesh! Especially that one about Gandalf making it to Lorien. I actually stuck that in the story so I could get rid of it. Anyway, thanks so much for the review and I'm sorry about the slow updates and replies. Hopefully I can change that in the 48 hours or so. We'll see...

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