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Sweet Woodbine  by Bodkin 172 Review(s)
FireReviewed Chapter: 12 on 7/14/2006
Now this is a nice ending to a nice piece of your complete writings about the elves.
Celebrian shows a great insite in the ways to go into the future and I think she's quite right.

Author Reply: Celebrian is wise. She is happy, most of the time, to seem light-hearted and mischievous and leave the more serious stuff to her mother, but she has a deep understanding of loss and duty and forgiveness. And a faith in the improvement of elves and a future when all will be reunited.

Thank you. I'm glad you liked this ending - and I'm fairly sure it will soon lead into another tale.

LiannaReviewed Chapter: 12 on 7/14/2006
Someday, I will try to say something suitably coherent and complimentary about all this.

But for now, all I can say is ... Legolas and Elerrina ... together in all possible ways ... in the woods ... naked ... finally! Thank you.

Author Reply: I think, if they look round, they might find robes. Or sheets or something. Just so they don't get caught in the raw. But what could be more natural than a Wood elf and his bride strengthening their newly formed bond in the woods in the golden light of dawn? It's a beautiful picture - and thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

GwynhyffarReviewed Chapter: 12 on 7/14/2006
I can't tell you how happy I was to see this! For some reason my notification didn't work and I just happened to stumble on this update.

Anyway - I was SO happy to see Legolas and Elerrina finally married, and I could totally picture them laying in the forest completely lost in each other. That scene was very touching... literally, in fact. :D

Celeborn is great. I really like how you portray him. He just doesn't give a rat's patootie what anyone else thinks, he and Galadriel make their own life and everyone else can think what they want!

I found myself feeling bad for Thranduil, of course. He's going to be lonely now. :(

Author Reply: The explosion of feeling and sensation after bonding must be quite mind-blowing! L&E aren't quite sure how they ended up in the forest, but it is a very suitable place for them to wake up on their first day as ... elf and wife.

Celeborn is strong, strong, strong. Far too strong to give a monkey's what other people think about him - and strong enough to shrug off the general theory that he's Galadriel's pussycat. Those who know them know different - and that's enough for him.

Thranduil will be lonely - emotionally bereft - for a while, but he will have Legolas and Elerrina living with him and I think he will rapidly learn to enjoy having a daughter. And let her appear to manage him. And then it's not that many years - certainly far fewer than have passed during Legolas's courtship - before his Lady and he are reunited.

I'm glad you were happy to find it - although I was quite sorry for this to come to an end. Now I shall have to ponder other ideas and look for a new story to write.

French PonyReviewed Chapter: 12 on 7/14/2006
What a nice ending to a delightful comedy of manners! You had some beautiful sparkly moments for most of the cast here. I especially liked Celeborn and Galadriel -- they have a marvelously dry sense of humor about life, with the practiced ease that only being married since the dawn of time can bring. Taryatur's dismay at the prospect of having Aulė and Yavanna at the wedding was also great to see. The poor guy. Events just come crashing down on his head, and he can do absolutely bupkis to stop them. And I love love love that someone finally thinks to call them "Nerdanel's sons."

So everyone is happily married off at last, presumably with only a few bumps and bruises, thanks to the efforts of the ladies. All that's left is for Thranduil's Queen to turn up, which she will do in her own time. Because, if there's one thing we've learned from this story, it's that women will do what they want.

Author Reply: It's being Nerdanel's sons that interests me about those seven! And, although I suppose I can see why they followed their father, what this says about elven society and their relationship with their mother and her family. And how their decision impacted on the family they left behind.

Having Aule and Yavanna at the wedding - it's one of those moments like having the Queen or Brangelina turn up. Part of Taryatur possibly thinks, 'top that', as he looks down his nose as various Noldor courtiers - while a far bigger part screams 'no!!' While a little worm deep in his brain thinks of the fate of others who have proved themselves of greater than average interest to the Valar.

Celeborn and Galadriel are great - they manage each other superbly. Everyone else is easy meat to them ... although Thranduil puts up a sustained resistance. And it won't be long before he is reunited with his Lady. But it wouldn't be in either of them to be strictly conventional about it.

Most cast members who were more than names appeared or were mentioned, I think - except Espalas. He is just too strong a character not to try to take over. And women will do what they want... I just like a female perspective, I think. All those wives and mothers and sisters and daughters who barely get a mention. I like to think of them quietly managing the whole shebang ... while letting the menfolk think they're in charge.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 12 on 7/14/2006
I'm so happy for these two. They've certainly waited long enough. And the forest seems to me to be the right place for them.

The little scene with Surion was nice too. He was just playing, concentrating on the ball, while the men talked about how much they treasured him and what Legolas had done. Then, when he's tired, he just flings himself against his father.

And of course, that other father, Thranduil, is about to feel some changes too. An imprompu bonding in the woods seems to me to be right for Celeborn and Galadriel.

Author Reply: They did have to wait a long time, poor things, but I'm sure they feel it was worth it! They're not entirely sure how they ended up abandoning their candle-filled, rose-scented room for a grassy bank in the woods - but they are both very happy to be there.

I enjoyed writing the Surion scene ... (much easier to do than - er - lurve) ... and you still get themes of honour and duty and family love. And noblesse oblige. All of which goes over Surion's head, because he just accepts all that as the way people are.

Poor Thranduil will feel this, I think. Although the house thing means he gains a daughter, his relationship with Legolas is bound to change. Still it's not too many years now before he finds his Lady.

I think, if her parents and Finrod* had been there, Galadriel might have held out for the full works - but they weren't and, as far as she knew, she would never see them again. Consequently she and Celeborn would defy convention and do as they chose. And, somehow, the idea of this cool, apparently aloof Noldor daughter of kings going off and bonding informally ... well, she would, that's all I can say!

(*I can't take to Orodreth much and, Tolkien's 'A' elves, both Finarfin's sons and Feanor's just haven't developed any personality for me.)

utfrog98Reviewed Chapter: 12 on 7/14/2006
Beautiful, beautiful chapter. I am so very happy for them.

I really enjoy your work. Thank you.

Author Reply: Thank you. I am delighted you enjoyed it. I'm sure there will be more soon!

MithLuinReviewed Chapter: 11 on 7/11/2006
Yea, he finally consented! I was wondering what it would take, though I shouldn't have been surprised that it was something so...drastic. I am curious about how the issues with the woodelves will be resolved, though I think I see enough hints.

Author Reply: While I would never say that my stories fit together like the pieces of jigsaw puzzles, they do sort of mix together to make a cake! This story kind of leads into Far Horizons - although it's nearly two years since I wrote that. (I can't believe I've been doing this that long!) And Reflections often stimulates ideas that later become stories - and that is quite a lot ahead of what is happening here.

But yes - it was always going to take something dramatic, I think, to make Taryatur break. He was resisting as stubbornly as he could ... (he must have been driving Linevende insane!) ... but this left him without a word to say. Except 'yes', I suppose.

Not much more now ... I tend not to want the stories to end once I get to this point, but this is definitely winding up.

elliskaReviewed Chapter: 11 on 7/4/2006
Ahh Galadriel--another character that I like (properly portrayed as you write her) every bit as much as Thranduil. She is wonderful here.

And here I was reading happily along, enjoying the banter between Elerrina and Legolas (they already sound like they are married--how do you know they are here / you could have wanred me / ellyn don't carry baskets / I will if I please / etc!) and enjoying the little elfling...I supposed I should have realized it was all too idyllic. I should have caught on at the mention that the elfling was a toddler (in the US that means 'just conquered the skill of walking.' I can't remember if it has the same meaning in the UK). When the elfling disappeared, I was so shocked. And when he fell! I know you are not fond of writing action but you did an incredible job of it here! That trip down the 'stream' was just terrifying. And Taryatur's reaction to it all was fantastic--he was so moved that he forgot to detest Legolas for a good while--even worried over his medical care. Good man...I mean elf! I guess after that he can hardly object!

And the betrothal was wonderful. One year. I think it will be the logest one Legolas has ever experienced. Poor fellow. But it's done now. I just love this story to pieces Bodkin!

Author Reply: I'm very fond of Galadriel. She might be a bit scary to know - but she would have your best interests at heart! And she and Thranduil together amuse me.

Elerrina and Legolas have been given the time to come to know each other as well as properly-brought-up unmarried elves can - in itself enough to let Taryatur glad for an excuse to break the stalemate. Even he can see they suit each other. Surion is just the age where a child is perfectly safe and happy until the two seconds you take your eyes off him - whereupon he suddenly moves at light speed right into the centre of the biggest available danger. Like tortoises. Which move at full maggot gallop until your attention is diverted and then have to be chased down the road. And, as a toddler (yep, same meaning) Nisimalote hasn't quite grasped the need to be on red alert all the time. Thank you - I'm glad you liked the action part! I could imagine that! (Fights are harder. I don't get into many fights. Well. Any fights.)

Taryatur is defending an indefensible position now, I think. That is what is going to irritate him and everyone else so much. He's not going to find it easy to admit that the Wood Elf is a perfectly acceptable son-in-law. Not for a long while. But he's consented - and that's the main thing. Now he'll only be making himself miserable instead of everyone!

One year will be hard, because I reckon they are closer than they have ever been - the bonding must begin as they make their first commitment to each other. But it's taken them about three centuries to get this far. The last year will pass quickly. Probably.

Thank you, elliska. I'm glad you're enjoying this!

elliskaReviewed Chapter: 10 on 7/4/2006
Oh wait, I forgot to comment that I loved the conversation about the children of men vs the children of elves too--you really do a great job showing the differences between the elves from valinor and those that lived in Middle Earth and I think that is fascinating. This conversation was a great example of that.

Author Reply: I find it absolutely fascinating to think that - for all the elves of Valinor look on themselves as somewhat better than elves from over the sea - the elves of Ennor have always been looked up to by the second-born. Elves were immortal and beautiful and wise... Elves in Valinor, however, are less immortal, less beautiful and less wise than the Maiar - and the Maiar are ditto compared to the Valar - who aren't around much, but can, if they feel like it, turn round to the elves and be authoritative in their role as the Powers. I wonder how the elves of the marred lands reacted to that twist of fate...

elliskaReviewed Chapter: 10 on 7/4/2006
Catching up on reading--I am so sorry to be so far behind...

Hehehe! Of course my favorite part of this chapter was Thranduil and Taryatur's converation. I loved seeing Thranduil through Taryatur's eyes. If even from his perspective, Thranduil still comes across as great, you know that really means something. I bet Taryatur really hated that conversation!

And I loved the conversation about the glass glob Legolas made. I loved that part of the earlier chapter, I love that Elerrina kept what he made and I love her analysis of the whole thing--I think she is very right that trying something you know you have no talent for in order to understand something a loved one loves is a very great sign of love.

And the tension at the end! You could cut it with a knife! Taryatur had better end his objections soon.

(And the advantage of being so far behind is that I have another chapter to read immediately!) *g*

Author Reply: Sorry to be so long in replying!

I wonder if Taryatur is beginning to doubt the attitudes he has held for so long... Thranduil is clearly - for all his exhaustion - a very noble elf. Taryatur doesn't want to change, and will fight it for all he is worth, but you can't help feeling that his own honesty will, in the end, help him to see that he is wrong.

Legolas is not a show-off type - he will listen and learn - and he doesn't feel he needs to turn Elerrina into a typical Wood elleth. He admires her skills - and that is, I think, one of the reasons that she feels comfortable to love and marry outside her comfort zone. Her father might not trust him, but she does. And he's hot, of course. That probably helps!

Taryatur will have to accept soon that he isn't going to change anyone's mind!

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