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Sweet Woodbine  by Bodkin 172 Review(s)
thechevinReviewed Chapter: 11 on 7/3/2006
I was so looking forward to this and it didn't disappoint.
I loved the exchanges between Finrod and his sister, and the explantion about the lands over the mountains, it makes sense that they only become visible or accessible as the need becomes clear.

Although I knew how Legolas and Elerrina became betrothed I found the river incident very tense and Legolas's fight to keep him and Súrion safe or relatively very realistic
Elrond was another wonderful addition, the other healer didn't stand a chance did he, if Elrond hadn't chased him off Miriwen would have and even Taryatur was on Legolas's side on this occasion

Although he certainly found it difficult enough to offer the betrothal didn't he?
He is an honorable elf and this seems to make it worse for him!
Thranduil of course was a wonder, he sees and knows so much and yet despite his own pain gives so much support to others.
I would love to have seen this part of the story through his eyes!
And the ending perfection!

Author Reply: Thank you - I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'm rather fond of Finrod - and Galadriel, of course. And I am increasingly convinced that there must have been homelands for the elves who have sailed west. It might just take some time for them all to sort themselves out!

Surion ended up being a little younger than in my first ideas of the scene - but I think toddler Surion worked better. And is less likely to be traumatised by the event. The healer was fairly useless - good at doing one thing at a time, perhaps, but swamped by the situation. Elrond was highly necessary - and Legolas had two skilled combat healers looking after him.

And how could Taryatur refuse the Wood Elf after this! In some ways, I expect he was glad of way to give in - although, of course, he would much prefer Legolas to have just given up. ... Although I suppose he would then have been furious with the Wood Elf for upsetting Elerrina!

Thranduil is, I think, finding that the Blessed Realm is rather more interesting than he feared - and might even be starting to feel it sing in his fea. Little though he would want to admit it. His perspective on the whole thing would be very interesting. And I'm pleased you liked the ending.

RedheredhReviewed Chapter: 11 on 7/2/2006
You followed that superbly amusing opening exchange with more than one exciting rescue!

What a fortuitous event in the guise of a most unfortunate accident! Which you set up and conveyed with excellent skill! Oh dear, I am speaking in exclamation points! But, it was a wonderful and swift and welcome resolution for their long-stalemated circumstances!

Poor Nisimalote! Of course, she could not breathe! Drowned in panic, she had to be rescued first!

Poor Legolas! But, for sure, what else could he do! What else would he do!! Then, having to suffer that inexperienced healer! But, what else could he do until he was rescued! Camentur's wild ride! Wonder who firt thought to send him?!

Poor Taryatur! What else could *he* do! Not that he wanted it, but he was rescued from making a sad mistake and still would not admit it! And poor Lienende having to hold it in till it was safe! LOL!

Poor Elrond too! Called in by such horrendous news! He must have been been incredibly worried until he got there and could see for himself that his patient could be saved! With Miriwen along side too! Yay!

Poor Thranduil! Life in the BR is not like a picnic, after all! Wait, that's exactly what it is! A family picnic! :D

Poor Elerrina! Rescued from having to set her foot down with her Dad and suffering the consequences of that! Yet, *she* has to be the guardian of society's morals!

Love these intermissions with Litheredh! Keeps the political tension up and in prospective! Your rationalization of how the pass to the western lands was created and not overlooked was brilliant!

That was a *very* sweet ending with father and daughter! And now, the ellith will take charge and things *will* move forward to the proper denouement! Hurrah!

A really great chapter! Really great writing and storytelling!

Author Reply: Thank you! This chapter has been the one set piece that was going to happen from the start - although it has developed a bit. Surion is rather younger than he was going to be, for one thing!

I think, in some ways, even Taryatur is relieved that the stalemate is broken. Not that he is too thrilled by the outcome, but I think even he had come to realise it was inevitable.

Nisimalote froze - Surion is just at the stage where the second you take your eyes off him, he is out of sight and armpit deep in whatever you least want him to do. She thought he was safe and sleeping and .... One of the most terrifying things that can happen to a mother. Promptly followed by the next most terrifying thing - your kid in real danger.

And of course Legolas could do nothing else - he is a warrior and a protector. He would defend an elfling in the face of any danger at whatever cost to himself - and trying to hold off rocks is no different. Who would send Camentur for Elrond? He might have thought of it himself, but I think he would be panicking too much... Linevende, I think, is the most likely candidate. Or Elerrina, who has spent enough time with Galadriel to have a better grasp of Elrond's talents, but her brother might not have listened to her.

I reckon Thranduil will be deeply pleased that life in the BR isn't endless bliss. He will be much happier with work to do. Not, of course, that happiness would involve his son being injured!

Things are still going on, despite the romantic interludes - Litheredh and Haldir can manage things while the other members of the team are busy. And distracted. E&L are likely to be quite distracted until after the bonding - and even then they probably won't be thinking of politics for a while.

Poor Taryatur will have to get used to that Wood Elf. And he will - in a millennium or two. Just as long as Elerrina is happy.

FireReviewed Chapter: 11 on 7/2/2006
I knew it. Finrod did know more about the forests on the other side of the mountains, but I think he is telling the truth about the passes not being there before. The Valar knew upfront about the elves of Ennor and their needs for a place of their own.

Now there's a nice picknick, with a rather weird twist. Poor elfling, he was just picking flowers for his naneth, but ends up taking a very cold dip.
And poor Legolas as well, going over the edge of a waterfall with that little elfling in his arms. I think he really could have found a better way to get Taryaturs consent, but I must say it was rather effective wasn't it ;)

I loved the way Legolas reacted to that healer, he is used to getting wounded, but not to this extent, or else he would not be asking for pain relief medicin.
The healer didn't seem very good though, or should I say, not good for anyone knowing Lord Elrond :)
I think that Elrond didn't even think it weird to be called in because Legolas got himself sucked over a waterfall, not with all his experience with his sons.

Taryatur must have really felt cheated by the Powers, there just wasn't anything left for him to do now was there?
I still can't help but feel a bit sorry for him, but his wife is rightand she did offer him a way to save his face.

I would love to see those youngsters Litheredh is watching repeat the things they were saying somewhere where Legolas and the twins could hear them. Those idiots would not know what hit them *evil grin*. But perhaps thats just my need for action speaking.
And I would like to remind them that Galadriel hears everything, and I don't think she would like to hear her grandsons being called mongrels.

I love the picture of both Legolas and Ellerina, the two of them left a bit stunned after exchanging the rings. Legolas did NOT welcome his father pull him away did he? Poor elves having to wait an other year, but it will be worth the wait.

Will Taryatur ever be able to say Legolas without having to think twice about it? He's sure having a lot of trouble with it.

Author Reply: I think the forests are apart from the elves' Blessed Realm - at the moment. Finrod is observant and he has wandered far and wide, both here and east of the sea. He can see further into a brick wall than most!

That Taryatur gave his consent after Legolas had risked his life to save Surion was set as part of the history in one of the early Reflections - and this chapter has always had that element. Surion ended up being rather younger than I originally envisaged, but he would have had to be developed too much as a character to leave this any longer - and Legolas and Elerrina deserve their happiness! He managed to slip away when Nisimalote thought he was sleeping - little kids, like tortoises, are very good at moving at 16x speed as soon as you take your eye off them!

Legolas has had his dealings with healers - and prefers to remain alert, at least if other dangers might be around. But too many parts of him hurt here - and Miriwen is used to dealing with the warriors of Mirkwood. She knows how to hold a nose and tip a dose down a reluctant throat. The healer was a bit out of his depth - not accustomed to so many things needing his attention all at the same time. It's a good thing Elrond was prepared to rush to the rescue.

In a way, Taryatur might have a smidgeon of relief that something has broken the impasse and forced his hand. Elerrina clearly wasn't going to change her mind - and he doesn't want to be estranged from her.

The idiots will get what is coming to them - eventually. Before Elrohir's daughters are born, anyway. Galadriel will be the least of their problems.

Betrothal must bring elven relationships closer to the union of two fea - and I can see the parents being careful to ensure that both parties managed to keep hold of themselves until the formal period of betrothal was complete. I think L&E might find themselves being chaperoned - for their own benefit - over the next months!

Taryatur is having difficulty naming the Wood Elf. Calling him by his name is just a bit too welcoming! But you never know - one day he might even come to look on him as a son. Maybe.

InglorReviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/2/2006
Just started reading this story and had to put this line in a review:

This will stop,’ Finrod assured them both. ‘We have seen what comes of elf set against elf – and I will not have it happen here.’

What a crusher... And spoken by one who was there magnifies the weight of this line ten fold. That line has the subtlety of a thunderclap. A Flash of light and BOOM. This Silgeek is happy.

Author Reply: Thank you! I love Finrod. He is such a charmer - but strong, too, and wise. I'm glad you liked it.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 11 on 7/2/2006
I love these little bits of elven politics. It's fascinating to watch how much everyone knows without telling others. Sometimes it reminds me of a cat sneaking up to her prey.

Ah, *finally* we know more about the accident in which Legolas saved Elerrinas little nephew! After Súrion was born in the last chapter I hoped this would follow soon, and you didn't disappoint me :)

Poor Legolas! It was brave of him to jump in the river after Súrion in spite of the current, and he probably knew he would not be able to swim properly in *this* water with the child in his arms. How terrible to be thrown against the rocks without being able to do *anything* against it! He must've been in a lot of pain after that.
Well, for once I agree with Taryatur - this healer is not very swift and somehow doesn't seem to be able to prioritise and treat the *worst* injuries first instead of cleaning minor scratches first. Very good idea to send for Elrond! And he was obviously of the same opinion, considering how fast he dismissed the other healer.

Loved the way Legolas reacted to the draught he asked of the first healer and then got without asking from Miriwen. It's a good sign, I suppose, that he is able to show this grim sense of humour in spite of everything. And I had to laugh about Taryatur. Sometimes I feel truly sorry for him, to be honest, as he is only trying to protect his daughter, but mostly I tend to resent the way in which he stands between Legolas and Elerrina. But it is true, now he *has* to consent, after Legolas saved the life of his grandson. Linevende found a great way to help him save his face. The cunningness of the females is not to be underestimated, isn't it? And somehow I have the feeling Linevende is enjoying this quite a bit.

It's not surprising Legolas wanted the betrothal *at once*, no matter if he was able to stand at all. Better get it over as soon as possible, so Taryatur has no time to reconsider or to stall for time again! I am so happy for our dear couple! And of course Legolas had to do it in the traditional manner, if only so that Taryatur couldn't complain for the next score millennia. And to do it hanging upside down from the talons of an eagle, as Thranduil suggested, wasn't much more reasonable *lol*

But I don't like what these brats said Litheredh overheard. It reminds me of certain events in "Far Horizons", though the remark about the 'ruthlessly trained killers' is even worse. The relation to the hydra was quite apt! It's about time someone takes care of these idiots.

Loved this chapter so much and can't wait for more!

Author Reply: I do think elves must have been very good at being wiley. They had so long to learn to apply themselves to the subtleties of politics!

I've known from the beginning exactly what had to happen in this chapter - I must say it made it much easier to write! Surion is a little younger than I originally pictured during this event - but it seemed to work better this way. And - what else could Legolas do? He is a warrior and an adult elf - how could he not risk himself to save a child? And he probably had a good deal more notion just how likely he was to end up badly hurt than many elves of the Blessed Realm.

The healer was a little out of his depth - I don't think he has had to deal simultaneously with a half-drowned child and a badly injured adult before. Somehow I picture the BR being rather more stately and ordered even in injury! I suppose stopping any bleeding was a good idea - but I suspect he might have been quite relieved when Elrond arrived.

I don't think Legolas would generally have been very keen on taking potions - especially not ones that reduced his awareness of danger and readiness to meet it. But, on the other hand, you can't get much safer than in a bed in the BR - and he has multiple broken bones to deal with. I don't think the first healer had much idea, really - whereas Miriwen has centuries of experience of dealing with injured warriors. And getting them to co-operate!

Taryatur had got himself stuck in his 'never!' mind-set - and it took this to jerk him out of it and change his behaviour. He's probably not going to like Legolas any more for having to give in, though. Although when he remembers how the Wood-elf came to Surion's rescue so unhesitatingly, he will waver again! Linevende is mostly relieved, I think. She would have hated having to take a stand against Taryatur. He relies on her support very much and it would have hurt him badly.

And of course the very formal and public betrothal had to be at once! Before anyone could say 'yes, but...' (And I love Thranduil. He deserves his own reunion - although he will have to wait a few more years.)

Yes - these are the Far Horizons brats testing the water. I think we're only 25-40 years before that now. Ish. They will be dealt with ... in time.

Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it. The end is nigh, now. Unfortunately.

NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 11 on 7/2/2006
Well, Taryantur would have to have a heart of steel to not grant his consent after that. LOL, the wood elf might turn out to be too good for them. I love the warrior in Legolas, not overanalyzing anything - just acting. And Legolas deciding that some sort of painkiller was warranted. And especially of course, I loved Elrond's arrival. I loved his smooth way of shepherding the healer out the door.

I hope the high king learns of whomever said his descendents were a bunch of mongrels, too.

Author Reply: I think he knew he had to give in - but was having problems breaking the impasse. And after this, he just didn't have any excuse to keep them waiting any longer.

Battle must be a bit about having trained and trained and acquired knowledge and experience - and then just acting and having it all kick in.

I reckon painkillers were warranted! Again, probably experience would make warriors not want to get too woozy - but in bed in the Blessed Realm is probably as safe as you can get. The young healer was a bit out of his depth - too much at once - just as well super-Elrond arrived. There's a healer with plenty of experience of prioritising injuries!

I don't think Finarfin will learn of this bunch just yet. But they will get their comeuppance - in a few years...

KittyReviewed Chapter: 10 on 7/2/2006
Ah, finally Súrion is on his way. Though I doubt the birth itself will help Taryatur to get his worries off Legolas.

‘Over two centuries have passed – nearer three, perhaps – since Eldarion passed beyond the world’s circles,’ Elladan said. ‘I imagine it is his grandson’s grandson who now sits on Estel’s throne.’ Hmm ... that seems a bit unlikely to me. Aragorn lived to be 210 years, and one should expect his children and grandchildren to be rather long-lived, too. Even more so as Arwen was of the elves, no matter her choice. I'd expect them to live longer than ordinary men, even if this will diminish in the end - but I can't imagine it would only take two generations. So Eldarion's grandson or great-grandson at the most seems more likely to me. Or do you think they gave over their crown long before they died?

Legolas is a good companion for the twins at the moment, as he knows only to well how they feel, having been through this himself only recently (at least in elven terms of time). He was able to rouse them quite easily out of their listlessness, wasn't he? Obviously ellyth are still a threat.

The conversation between Thranduil and Taryatur was very amusing. Thranduil is obviously not prepared to have Taryatur to wait for some more centuries before agreeing to a betrothal. And this: Thranduil lifted a cool eyebrow. ‘Surely not,’ he said. ‘You would not wish them to know each other that well before the ceremonies.’ was absolutely great! *lol*

Oh, how sweet that Elerrina kept Legolas' first attempt at blowing glass! I think she was right in what she said about it being easy to show off one's talents to impress or trying something one doesn't know anything about out of love. And I loved the end of the chapter and her threat to ask the High King to overrule her adar. She would dare it if necessary, of that I am quite sure.

As for Nisi, I think she underestimated Legolas a bit. She was much too sure he would know absolutely nothing of babys, wasn't she? I hope Legolas was aware of the honour to be allowed to hold Súrion *grin*

Author Reply: Legolas sailed when Aragorn died, then he didn't do much while Gimli was alive (50 years or so) and then took some time to recover from that - and (in my world) the twins and their grandfather, Glorfindel and Thranduil didn't sail for another 300-400 years. Elladan was guessing - but I worked it roughly that they lived to about 200 and the heir was born when they were 50-80 - and they were around 100 when they became king. So around 500 years into the Fourth Age, Eldarion's great-grandson would have died and his grandson's grandson would have become king. But it's all pretty random! I suppose some of them might have handed the crown over - if they were ill or something.

Legolas is probably the best person to encourage the twins - his experience is closer to theirs in a way. And he understands without wanting to mother them, too. He can mention the kind of things likely to spark their interest - and worry them out of their lethargy.

Thranduil doesn't see the point in waiting. It's not as if anything is going to change. Taryatur, on the other hand, was rather hoping that this king of the green elves was going to throw a hissy fit at the thought of his son marrying a Noldo.

You do treasure the oddest things - but Legolas's attempt at glass-blowing was special. One of the first things he did, really, once their courtship was reluctantly condoned. I'm not surprised she treasured it. She doesn't want to over-ride her father - that would put a tremendous dent in their relationship and she does love the old grouch - but I think now she would - if she has to.

Nisi is a typical first time mother - quite scared herself of damaging her precious little bundle and quite, quite sure that no clumsy male can possible know what to do with him! But she did - if reluctantly - release her grip on Surion to let Legolas have a cuddle. I'm sure she noticed he was clearly practised in holding babies.

Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 11 on 7/2/2006
I've been waiting for this chapter ever since that long-ago episode in Reflections! All I can say is ... 'at last!'

I found I still felt sorry for Taryatur even now - but at least he has the honour and wisdom to give in gracefully and accept the inevitable. There's no way now he can still insist that Legolas is 'unworthy'. And Camentur and Nisimalote naturally won't hear a word against him.

Thranduil is, as always, wonderful. I loved his comment about the betrothal: 'Thranduil had told him in exasperation that the betrothal would be just as valid whether he were standing, sitting or hanging upside down from the talons of an eagle.' (I can't help wondering how many betrothals have been conducted in the latter position ...)

Poor Legolas. Poor Surion, for that matter - but the wood-elf has been as brave, resourceful and self-sacrificing as we would expect. Great chapter.


Author Reply: It took a while to get here ... This chapter was quite easy to write, because I've always known more or less what happened here.

Taryatur has known for a while that he would have to consent - and how can you deny that someone who risked his life to save your grandson will make a worthy son-in-law? C&N will always be staunch Legolas supporters, I should think.

I can't think of many betrothals that might have happened suspended from eagles ... but there's always a first!

Poor Legolas - in the Reflection, the twins tell him to take advantage of the situation, but it's a pretty drastic way to win your bride. Surion was young enough not to remember the horror of this, I think - although I suppose he might be a bit wary of fast-flowing water. It'll be a story to him. And Legolas knows that sometimes an elf's gotta do what an elf's gotta do - and he's done it.

Thank you, Jay. Now it's work out how to finish it time!

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 11 on 7/2/2006
I have to say I'm overjoyed they're finally betrothed. Both adars are amusing. You've done a nice job of rounding out Taryatur.

I liked it when Elrond arrived with Miriwen. They both know something about badly hurt people.

Author Reply: Taryatur has grown - and developed all sorts of complications, and I have to say I'm now very fond of him! And the rest of the family too. It was a relief to get L&E safely betrothed. Now all they have to do is survive to the wedding... And all I've got to do is think of some way of finishing this before it bumps into another story.

Elrond is the person to have around when you're badly damaged - and Miriwen is pretty useful, too. And, of course, she's actually married to Elladan by this point, as well - I have had to go back and check a few things to keep the timeline roughly right. It's not perfect, but I'm hoping no-one will spot any contradictions!

Thanks, daw. This chapter was easy to do - I've always known what happened at this point. Deciding what comes next - back to tricky!

NanaHalfelvenReviewed Chapter: 11 on 7/2/2006
Just wanted to let you know how much I have been enjoying the superior quality of your stories... (I've read almost all of them now, but this is my first time reviewing) Even with the amazing quantity so far, I hope you've only just begun to scratch the surface of your ideas!

Author Reply: Thank you very much! I am glad you are enjoying the stories - writing them is such fun and I'm loving every moment. I am in no danger of giving up yet - as soon as I finish one, something else seems to demand my time. I hope you continue to enjoy. Good to hear from you!

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