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Dreamflower's Mathoms II  by Dreamflower 20 Review(s)
BodkinReviewed Chapter: 21 on 8/23/2006
I am pretty much computerless at the moment (call for great weeping and gnashing of teeth) but I just had to seize this moment to say - hilarious.

Poor troll. Who'd have thought you could feel pity for a troll? But a troll with Hyacinth gurgling in his innards would certainly welcome being petrified! And I love Ludo and Euphhorbia's not-quite-secret relief at being rid of her festering presence!

I'd say more - and might get back to you on the recovery of my mechanical friend!

Author Reply: Oh yes for the weeping and wailing! I hope that your computer woes are soon mended, and that you *did* have a chance to see your little pressie!

Well, I always told you she would be indigestible! I just thought I'd show you as well. Ludo and Euphorbia will be much happier now, I think!

I hope that's soon, then, dear!

MarigoldReviewed Chapter: 21 on 8/23/2006
Oh, what a perfect fate for Hyacinth! And what a sad fate for the poor old troll! I got such a tickle out of this Dreamflower!

Author Reply: Yes, everyone feels sorry for the poor old troll--even me! LOL! I'm glad it gave you a giggle!

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 21 on 8/22/2006
LOL I love this one! So many little nods and in all the right directions.

Author Reply: Thank you! Thank you! *bows*

demeter dReviewed Chapter: 21 on 8/22/2006
Oh, my, oh, my! No one will really know what happened, will they? Such a naughty bit of fun!

Author Reply: No, they won't. And even if they have a sneaky suspicion, they won't want to say anything about it.

It was naughty, wasn't it? *grin*

Pearl TookReviewed Chapter: 21 on 8/22/2006
Oh, what you're leaving up to our imaginations!!!! Did Hyacinth merely skidadle or . . . ?

I can well imagine her being a cause of severe indigestion ;-)

Written with Bodkin in mind, eh? Is she the troll or is she Hyacinth? Or the folks who won't be missing either one? LOL

Thie is most cleverly written, Dreamflower!!

Author Reply: I thought it would be funnier if I didn't go into detail!

Let us say that since Bodkin has been telling me ever since "A New Reckoning" that Hyacinth deserved to be eaten by a passing troll I finally decided to oblige her, LOL!

Glad you liked it!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 21 on 8/22/2006
You wicked, wicked soul, you! Certainly not a polite guest, this Troll, who chose his own meal, and one that was unlikely to agree with ANYONE! Oh, how appropriate, and how like Sam to suggest they plant ivy about the stone troll to soften its potential to frighten the natives! Oh, this is rich!

Now to find the story and read the last chapters that were posted during my absence from the Web.

Author Reply: Guilty as charged--Bodkin made me do it! *giggle*

I've always held that Hyacinth must have been pretty indigestible, so I finally decided to show it.

Ivy would do it--kudzu would probably do the job better, but even in a silly story like this, I don't think they'd have had kudzu in the Shire. Sam would never have tolerated it!

And I see that you did--how lovely to find an inbox full of reviews this morning! I will check them out soon!

AspenJulesReviewed Chapter: 21 on 8/22/2006
Oh, you actually *did* it!! ROFLOL

Poor old troll... *walks off giggling*

Author Reply: *is* AU.

Poor old troll. *grin*

Mum's the WordReviewed Chapter: 21 on 8/22/2006
*blink blink*

Poor troll.

Poor daughters, not knowing what happened to their mum.

Poor Hyacinth.

Smart Sam!

Brave Sam, Merry, and Pippin!

*tries to think of something clever to say, fails, continues blinking*

Author Reply: *grin* I just couldn't resist. Bodkin has been hinting at this for *sooooo* long, she finally wore me down, LOL!

And it *is* AU.

Queen GaladrielReviewed Chapter: 21 on 8/22/2006
Oh, Dreamflower, you didn't! Okay, she deserves it, but I still feel sorry for her. I think I feel sorrier for the troll though. :)
God bless,

Author Reply: Yes, I feel very sorry for him--I imagined him somehow roaming into the Southfarthing and having to hide up in the daytime, and not finding anything to devour at night--and then he comes across this stringy tough old creature, and thinks a little snack wouldn't be so bad...

LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 21 on 8/22/2006
Wicked! You did it! I (almost) can't believe you did it!

(Won't Bodkin be pleased?)

Author Reply: Well, I *did* say it was AU. I couldn't *really* do it, just in case I might need a nasty villainess again sometime, you know.

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