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Someone As You Can Trust  by Lindelea 42 Review(s)
Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 1 on 4/19/2006
I, once again am loving Gimli as he rushes to the defense of Pippin and Merry. I also feel so very sorry for Frodo once he learns how close he came to the truth with his remarks about being "crushed to crumbs" and hears the full tale of the Orcs and their treatment of his cousins. Still enjoying this very much.

Author Reply: Yes, Gimli has really grown on me.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 1 on 4/19/2006
Frodo really wants to think they've been safe, doesn't he? Bad enough they were in the same country as a battle - he certainly doesn't want to imagine the trials that took them there. Better, I think, for him to learn sooner rather than later what actually happened to them after he and Sam disappeared off to do their duty. Although he will be angry - probably disbelieving - and then feel even more guilty.

Author Reply: *sigh* Poor Frodo.

I've had that feeling before. Don't tell me, I don't really want to know... no, not-knowing is worse than knowing... so tell me...

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 4/18/2006
Oh dear! Did Merry and Pippin *really* think they were going to keep all they had been through from Frodo? I can't think how they thought they were going to accomplish that! There they are in a campful of people who would be brimming with tales of the Ernil i Pheriannath and of the small hero who rode among the Rohirrim and helped slay the W-K. How did Frodo think they had attained their new rank? Better he hear it from them first, really...

Although I can't blame them for wanting to avoid his reaction...

Author Reply: I don't think they're thinking all that clearly. I imagine they only wanted to keep it from Frodo for a little while, so as not to tarnish the brightness of the day. And after hearing about the Tower, in the minstrel's ballad, they're not sure how Frodo would react to their being captives of Orcs...

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 1 on 4/18/2006
O, poor Pippin trying to keep Frodo from finding out that he was injured, and poor Merry -- who was more wounded by being 'left behind' more than once, than anything else that happened to him.

*hugs hobbits gently*

Author Reply: You know, I never really thought of that. Merry *was* left behind a number of times, wasn't he? And the whole Conspiracy started because of his determination *not* to be left behind.

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 4/9/2006
This is lots of fun so far. I am enjoying the teasing and the banter between the hobbits. A light moment after such dark times. I do hope that there is more posted soon. You currently have me hooked on two of your stories.

Author Reply: oo, hooked on two of my stories, music to my ears.

I wish I had some free time for reading, but it'll have to wait for summer days by the local pool while the little ones are putting in practice for swim team. Still, have ordered extra ink to print out all those lovely stories, including yours!

BodkinReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 4/8/2006
Merry and Pippin's growth spurt must have been one of the most amazing - because visible - things. And to find that they had both been exposed to battle - despite his decision to leave - must have been hard for Frodo. Although he should take comfort from the fact that he and Sam, as well as Merry and Pippin, achieved remarkable things.

Author Reply: I think he probably will take comfort, once he gets over the shock.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 4/7/2006
Oh Lin! This is *perfect*! I've always wanted to explore Frodo's finding out what his cousins had been up to for the first time after they had been separated! But it's so much more satisfying to be able to read someone else's account of it.

This is just delightful, and I love the four-way interaction between the hobbits.

And now you know what such things as "waiting rooms" are really for. I've done a lot of writing in waiting rooms, sitting in line at the drive-through at the bank, waiting for my turn at a getting my hair trimmed, or waiting in the car for someone else. It really does give you a bit of time that would otherwise be wasted on 10 year old copies of "People" magazine, LOL!

Author Reply: LOL, and now I'd like to read your take on the scene... what fun!

But I'm in agreement. I'm always looking for others' take on Beregond and Bergil, for example.

But our break is over and I must go!

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 4/7/2006
Very much thinking good thoughts for you and yours Lindelea. This is great and I am looking forward to more. I can wait but, just like Pippin, imagine what trouble I can get up to if I have to wait too long!

Author Reply: O I hope you didn't get up to too much trouble in the wait! More to come, but no time to type it in today.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 4/7/2006
Trying to understand what the rest had been through must have been overwhelming to Frodo and Sam, having been separated for so long from the rest.

Author Reply: Yes, and in the book they didn't know about the Orcs attacking at Parth Galen. They didn't know Boromir had been killed (somehow) until they met up with Faramir.

Pearl TookReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 4/7/2006
Oh what a fun beginning!!! Bless you, Lin, for trying to find the time to write :)

"At first Frodo put up a hand, refusing regretfully, but Gandalf pressed him, saying that he should take a little wine for the sake of his stomach, and that it would nicely settle the food from the feast."

Sounds like Paul's advice to Timothy! LOL

Author Reply: You're the sharp one, you are! That's exactly where I first read that little piece of advice...

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