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Light from the West  by Armariel 215 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 71 on 6/18/2007
"I can't carry It, but I can carry you!" And too often that is what we are reduced to, not that we aren't at our highest when we are carrying others as we can! And again it was little folk by whom salvation was granted--this time.

As for the Siren--enough to make anyone know regret!

Author Reply: Ah yes.......the Siren being the Ring in human form, perhaps. As you probably figured out. Or, how the Ring might look as a human. I often think it odd that all Tolkien's villains are ugly; seems to me they would be far more dangerous if some of them were beautiful. But then, that would have brought the sticky problem of sex into the story.

And yes, we are tallest when we stoop to help someone else up, and taller still when we bear him/her along at need. Thanks so much for commenting!


LarnerReviewed Chapter: 70 on 6/10/2007
I'd suspected it was Darkfin, and was pretty certain at Fairwind's reaction. But to be forced to kill her brother to protect the father she's accepted--it's a horrible thing to be forced to. And I'm proud of her for both her skill and her grief.

Author Reply: Ah, the treacherous twists and turns these tales take, the curve balls our naughty muses throw us....Yes, pretty awful thing, and I'm wondering myself how she will deal with it. And how she will manage to keep her mother from knowing. And whether or not someone will be just a bit bedazzled by her...So many possibilities.

Thanks once more Larner for everything!!


eilujReviewed Chapter: 70 on 6/9/2007
Harrowing indeed! Poor Fairwind! And I'm wondering if Anemone will somehow know....

I do love your sea-folk.

Author Reply: Thank you eiluj! I'm rather fond of them also, and can't seem to bring myself to turn them loose somehow. I do hope Anemone won't know, and will try to protect her the best I can...but sometimes stories have a trick of getting away from their authors and going differently from how we intend, which is part of the fun of writing. So, time and the muse will tell.

Thanks for commenting and please keep it up!


LarnerReviewed Chapter: 69 on 6/2/2007
To be corrupted with love and caring--an enviable corruption indeed!

Author Reply: Definitely. Those whose lives he has touched will never be the same again...hopelessly corrupted! Thanks for commenting!


LarnerReviewed Chapter: 68 on 5/31/2007
Yes, there can be much in being a dog--and more in being a lover with such another as the other party.

And another begins to find herself with Iorhael's help.

Author Reply: Yes, a dog with the right master/mistress has it made...and a lover with the right partner much more so. Pity it doesn't happen that way more often. And Iorhael is finding himself far more vital to those around him than he ever dreamed he would, and wouldn't have it any other way, I suspect!


LarnerReviewed Chapter: 67 on 5/26/2007
Oh, this one had me laughing. Dundeloth's new dog, and the other forgetting and purring! Hilarious! Now, to see how they defend the family honor! Hehehehehehehehe!

Author Reply: See what comes of watching A Midsummer Night's Dream once too often! Puts wild ideas into your head! lol And I figured it was time for a bit of comedy, and the stepsons hadn't had a chance to really show their stuff yet. And cats and dogs being such a new concept to them, I thought it entirely possible they might get them confused at times! And I guess they didn't figure on Dundeloth wanting to adopt them...ah well!

So glad it amused! Now for the next part........


BodkinReviewed Chapter: 66 on 5/23/2007
At least Frodo will be keeping some of his stepchildren! And I do like the name Squigglefoot. He could start a dynasty with that name - it's as good as Telcontar any day!

They are good at picking names - although I'm glad they avoided Dampbottom. That definitely wouldn't have gone down well.

Author Reply: I've a feeling they'll all come to visit often, that they now have "island fever" and won't be able to stay away for long at a time. The Squigglefoot clan--yeah, why not! It could catch on.

I've observed that first-time mothers are often rather sensitive where their babies are concerned, and don't take well to certain types of joking. The naughty twins are learning, however! And I think they're gonna stick around also, having no attachments back "home"....the BR will not be dull with the Squigglefoot-Bagginses around;)

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 66 on 5/20/2007
Our beloved Ada Towerstar--learning to be a father, learning to give that love and nurture and let go as parents must do.

Author Reply: And he's been at it less than a year. Quite a tall order! But all things considered, I'd say he's not doing too badly, and he's having a lovely time. And yes, the letting go...that will be the hardest part. But some will stick around at least--for a very long time!


AntaneReviewed Chapter: 66 on 5/20/2007
I still like “Squigglefoot,” however.

And Sam, you are “Easthope Sunbrother.” You are quite the hero with my family!

I think I like that name too and Sam's is just beautiful. It's good he's included even though they've never met him. But our Iorhael's wife is right too about the great effect her/our beloved has on people. His joy at waking and thinking of his beloved was cute too. Glad he has joy.

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

Author Reply: Maybe that should be "SquiggleFEET"? lol I thought Sam should be a hero with Frodo's family just as Frodo is with Sam's, and should have the most beautiful name they could think of. And yes, our Iorhael should have all the joy he can hold and then I just gotta keep piling it on! What else is a fairy godmother for?

Thanks bunches for commenting!


BodkinReviewed Chapter: 65 on 5/12/2007
Only Rosie's great trust in Sam would allow her to credit the tales he tells! And even then - some of the flights of fancy must be hard to take.

Wonderful to the kids, though.

And even better for Sam, who knows with certainty just how happy Frodo is in the Blessed Realm.

Author Reply: Well, she must have heard some big ones before...but yes, she must surely feel a twinge of skepticism from time to time, and Sam must also be tempted to embroider a bit sometimes for the amusement of the kids.

And I've just always wanted to assure Sam that Frodo is indeed happy, as much as I've enjoyed playing fairy godmother to Frodo.....


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