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Beyond The Dimrill Gate  by Jay of Lasgalen 16 Review(s)
elliskaReviewed Chapter: 3 on 5/28/2006
You and your cliffhangers! :-) Great action in this chapter, but I have to admit my favorite line was the orc's (Somethin’ like elf – but not quite. There’s somethin’ else as well.” “Elf?” the other queried. It licked its lips. “Where?” ) Everything about that was twisted, sick and funny.

Author Reply: Whoops! Sorry, I missed replying to this review.

You know, it's not often I've been described as 'twisted, sick and funny' - but thank you! It was rather the effect I was after. The new chapter's up, and look! No cliffhanger!

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 3 on 5/27/2006
Estel did well - he's been blooded now and will never be the same, but, given his future career in orc slaughter...

I'm not surprised that Elladan was livid with him - but this is not the place to have WORDS with Estel about working as a team.

And a roof-fall! On Elrohir! That poor twin does get the rough end of all sorts of things. Although I suppose it could be Estel under the rubble. But whoever - and even if they are just separated by it - it's not going to be easy to get out of an orc-filled Moria, with a new breed of orcs on the prowl and a selection of orc-corpses around for their fellows to find.

It's worrying! I hope the next chapter is flowing from your fingers - you don't want to leave Elrohir under rocks for too long.

Of course, any time you want to elaborate on Elrohir's story about Elladan... “One day, I will tell you about our first patrol. It was very nearly Elladan’s last!” Elladan might not be keen, but I'm sure Estel would like to hear it!

Author Reply:

Estel did do well - this is the first time he's killed, and while I don't think he'll agonise too much about killing a couple of orcs, it's still the first step on a new road.

Poor Elrohir. I do tend to torture him. But Estel is about to prove his credentials as a team player, and make Elladan eat his Words.

And the twins' first patrol? At the moment I have no idea what happened - but I'll work on it, and Estel will find out as soon as I do.

nessaReviewed Chapter: 3 on 5/26/2006
I felt so bad for Estel as Elladan treated him so badly. I'm sure he felt that way for now. Later he may feel like he deserved it. At least he has Elrohir to stick up for him. They do all act like brothers though.

Author Reply: You feel bad for Estel? Elladan is going to feel ten times worse. He was angry with both his brothers last night - and now the tunnels have collapsed on top of them :(

'They do all act like brothers though.' Thank you - I try hard to get characterisations and relationships realistic.

NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 3 on 5/26/2006
Nice job with the tension in this chapter. Estel did do well and likely did learn something. I think he does need to learn what Elladan did on his first patrol, LOL. Does make you wonder how the dwarves and orcs learned their way about the massive caverns, and how many got lost forever themseles.

Another nice thing about orcs being found dead is that they are known for killing each other. Hopefully that will work to the twins and Estel's advantage.

Author Reply: Estel will find out about Elladan's first patrol as soon as I do. At the moment, I haven't a clue about what happened!

That's a good point about orcs killing each other randomly. I've been thinking of ways to account for the rising bodycount without the orcs realising what's going on - but there's not really much need!

FireReviewed Chapter: 3 on 5/26/2006
It's good to see Estel stand his ground against the orcs, very good indeed.
I do however see Elladan's point as well, he must be quite worried for his youngest brother. Especially when you keep in mind what happend to the twins mother. The twins will have to learn that their little brother can handle himself. You do leave us with quite a clifhanger though, disaster did indeed strike.

Author Reply: I think after the training Estel would have had in Imladris from the twins and Glorfindel, he'd be more than capable to handling the orcs. The twins just need to remember that, and trust him.

You should know me by now - I love cliffhangers!

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 3 on 5/26/2006
As if Orcs, the darkness of Moria, and a hidden Balrog aren't enough (and btw, under the circumstances, Balrog's Balls is appropriate), the roof falls in! It never rains but it pours.

The twins must be experiencing a real mix of emotions. Estel is a warrior so he's going to be in danger and they know that and have trained him for it, but they still want to keep him safe.

Author Reply: Well, unfortunately for the twins and Estel, I can't let them find the Balrog - so there has to be other unpleasantness to occupy them ;/

Of course the twins want to keep their little brother safe, but Estel is about to prove his worth. Elladan's the one I'm sorry for - he's going to feel very guilty about his anger now the tunnels have caved in on his brothers :(

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